View Full Version : Magnetic necklace of yours?

12th July 2012, 12:38 PM
Hi! Interested in your recommendation for magnetic necklaces or other items. I've made my own, but went off a Trion Z design and made it very strong. A little worried it's too extreme. I haven't been able to find the designs you use yourself?

Here's mine:
There are 10 magnets, 2 in each section. One is N while the other is S facing. They are 12x2mm and N35, which puts them at about 1200 Gauss each.

22nd July 2012, 05:15 AM
Anyone? Know what his are like?

Robert Bruce
22nd July 2012, 06:17 AM
healing magnetic jewelry is an artform in many ways. I use NIKKEN and they are the best. I never take the necklace off, and also use magnetic shoe inserts. These things make a difference.

I highly recommend good quality magnetic healing devices. If you have never tried them, you are in for a nice surprise.


Robert Bruce
22nd July 2012, 06:18 AM
PS, I also love experimenting and making things for myself. The secret here, with magnets, is to do good research on it so you use the right kind and strength of magnets.


22nd June 2013, 05:41 AM
What necklace did he get? I'd like to know what brand and kind it was please! There is a great Donna Eden video about magnets on youtube..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K4D0-zdryY She is great and has other ones about breathing techniques and stuff. Let me know what necklace that is though!