View Full Version : Other ways of energy work besides NEW?

10th July 2012, 09:38 PM
I sat down for a bit yesterday trying this NEW. It is really hard for me, maybe because my ADD. I am definitely "feeling" not visualizing. I just have gotten no results. It's such a simple technique too I just can't nail it. I am trying though. But, I was wondering if anybody had any other ways I could work on my energy body? Still keeping the golden rule in mind etc.

Thanks :)

10th July 2012, 10:49 PM
NEW is not about visualizing, it's about feeling. That's why it's called 'tactile awareness'. So if you're 'feeling', you're doing it right.
Touch=tactile. Sensation. Not visualizing, not viewing, not imagining.

11th July 2012, 06:37 AM
Thanks CFT :) Yeah.. It just seems After I rub my hands together etc I get some tingle sensations, that's normal obviously since I just rubbed them together, but moving the energy is hard and it goes away after a while. The feeling I mean. I tried the steps in the evolution Ebook I am having a tough time. I will keep at it.

11th July 2012, 03:34 PM
I think you should take a look at the NEW section on this website, it's pretty straightforward.
I recommend that you read these in this order:



And then watch these:

And remember these tips:
-Do brushing first (outside of skin target), then sponging (energy balls/inside of body part). This is prestimulation.
-Do legs and arms first, before you do torso and head, and before chakras.
**Don't expect dramatic sensations. Any sensation counts, and the feet and hands are usually more sensitive and you will get more sensation from them. The sensations will diminish from there, and usually are only felt strongly when you get to the third eye area, which is why you want to do that last.
-Don't think in terms of 'obligation', think in terms of pleasure. This is pleasurable, like getting a massage. Only a different feeling.
Good luck.

12th July 2012, 04:46 AM
Thanks CFT! gonna give this a go :)