View Full Version : former humans/deceased

2nd July 2012, 08:05 PM
Would it be possible for the sake of gaining knowledge of the afterlife process to communicate with the recently deceased and ask them specifics of exactly what they went through from start to finish from the time they were dying to there current circumstances? Also to communicate with many, as in hundreds of them to get an overview of information to draw parrellels ect. Kind of like Raymond Moody and his work with NDE subjects except ones who fully crossed over and either are integrating into their new surrounding and or have been there for some time and are willing to work with humans.

2nd July 2012, 10:06 PM
Would it be possible for the sake of gaining knowledge of the afterlife process to communicate with the recently deceased and ask them specifics of exactly what they went through from start to finish from the time they were dying to there current circumstances? It is possible but not easy. Most of the time you have to get through your own grieving process, develop either projection or clairvoyant skills, and then project to a place where you can have contact- and then you have to content with the mode of communication, which is not verbal most of the time.
You see, most of the time the part of your brain that communicates with those on the 'other side' may not be the verbal part, if the communication is happening in dreamstate. If communication is happening in projection, it may be a more direct type of communication, but in ROTE form (look it up in the AD Pedia) which will not yield verbal-type results, depending on who you meet and what they want to or are able to tell you.

Also to communicate with many, as in hundreds of them to get an overview of information to draw parrellels ect. Kind of like Raymond Moody and his work with NDE subjects except ones who fully crossed over and either are integrating into their new surrounding and or have been there for some time and are willing to work with humans. I think this is difficult, as the experience of the communicator is very subjective and it's possible to be influenced by the subconscious.
So, even though it's not theoretically impossible, I think it is a very difficult target to try to achieve.

3rd July 2012, 01:54 AM
Thanks, thats very interesting. I guess along with being competent in projection there are many other barriers in place that make it difficult to find these truths. Well I best get at it, havnt been out in a while;)

3rd July 2012, 01:56 PM
If one can get clear enough in the astral body to pursue such a project, in all likelihood one could contact the spirits working with the deceased and get information from them, like Kurt Leland or Bruce Moen do.

The problem with the deceased themselves seem to be that most of them are not quite aware of what is going on. They seem to go through a process that helps them to come to terms with their death, with the realities of the afterlife and their own beliefs about it. I remember meeting my own deceased uncle. He seemed to be accompanied by his wife and kids, though they were more like transparent copies of the real people (and much younger). This setup seemed to provide him comfort, back from a time in his life when he was in charge and perhaps most happy. (It was as if they were going on a vacation in his car together, and he really loved doing that.)

My uncle suffered a fair deal during the last months of his life, and when I met him he gave me a hug and told me that "The first time was the hardest." It's not clear whether he would have known what happened to him, also his experience of the process might have been highly subjective at this point, and not a clear perception of the afterlife realities as such.

3rd July 2012, 03:41 PM
I believe Bruce Moen has basically done this, and he's written a book on how to contact the deceased (without AP, that is).

3rd July 2012, 10:00 PM
I have read bruce moens work and he does give quite a bit of detail, it would be nice for many other people to confirm his findings and maybe they already have. The more people that become interested in obe the more evolved the knowlege and overview will be and the way things are going our knowledge should increase substanstially in the next 50 years. Korpo, I wonder what your uncle meant when he said The first times the hardest. That statement almost sounds like an initiation of sorts if its relative to the afterlife but may also be a personal message for your.

3rd July 2012, 10:04 PM
I'm pretty sure he referenced his time in the afterlife.