View Full Version : Incarnation Do we loose EVERYTHING?

28th June 2012, 08:49 PM
HI Robert,
A lot is happening to me at the moment on the spiritual side and I have a lot of questions I need to find answers for.
Am reading THE UNANSWERED QUESTION which is illuminating.
Don't know if you can answer this question.
Woke up the other morning to a female voice saying
" Unsuccessful foetus are EMANATED.
I,ve never heard this word before , didn't know the meaning so decided to remember the word EMIRATES for waking up and writing down.( excuse my ignorance as many may know the meaning)
Later in morning went to an old Oxford English Dictionary which described the meaning as
Originate ( from source, person) Emanation- thing proceeding from a source, Divine Essence.
I think we can all conclude the message in this but my question is

If we do re-incarnate ( as I strongly believe we do and you have suggested it could be possible ) Do we have to be taught OVER AND OVER AGAIN after each incarnation the same information .
Do we loose every bit of knowledge prior to incarnation?
As this subject is not an issue in my life I cannot see it as a message that is important for me .
( microchip attached to the soul would be much easier)
But seriously DO we loose EVERY bit of prior Knowledge???

Robert Bruce
27th July 2012, 09:26 AM
Yes, and No.

We obviously do not have full access to our memories of past lives.

Those people who have some memories only have snippets, not full memories. Usually only very strong memories from past lives can 'bleed through' into our current state of being....often of the death drama or major traumatic events.

The memories of a past life are wiped upon reincarnation....but something remains...some residue.

A 'residue' of experience remains and builds life after life. This is most clearly seen with the 'savant' phenomena, where often very young children exhibit profound skills.

And, all knowledge resides in each of us. We can access this if we work with our higher self and allow more integration.

There is an intelligence behind the substance of the dream state, and the OBE state. There is also intelligence behind real life and our shared physical reality. We can connect with that intelligence, or at least work with it at times. Intuition is one manifestation of this. Signs and omens, and psychic abilities, are other manifestations of this intelligence.

All living beings exist in a state of interconnected oneness.

We are separate, but all a part of the one.

There is wisdom in life. If we remembered everything from past lives, we would cease to be human.

In truth, the meaning of life is in the living of life. The value of a journey is in the journey itself and not the destination.
