View Full Version : A few questios for you...

24th June 2012, 05:06 PM
Hi, i want to ask a question about a few things, i'll list them here.1.What shuold i expect while meditating, i have tried to meditate today and all i felt was only a trance state,while i was focusing on my breathing,at later stages because of the monkey mind, i forgot to breathe in the rythm (count 4 for in, and 4 for out- i don't hold my breath inside, because when i try to hold my breath in for 2 counts, i automatically hold it out for another 2 counts after the breathing out for 4 counts)2. When i try to initiate an OBE(i have never succeeded so far, at least there are none that i can remember)all my muscles get tense and at that state,my body itself could look as if there was a rope attached to a belt on my stomach and i'm hanging on it, or at least it could be exactly like that if there wasn't a bed under me, my physical body goes up a little because of the contraction of the muscles on my leg and my body while i feel some feeling comes from deep within and pushes me up(because i visualize that for the obe, and because i couldn't get any tactile sense while i tried that rope technique, maybe i didn't understand that completely, maybe something else preventsme from feelig that way i don't know).When i realize this i immediately return to my original position, and sometimes i can go on with obe for a bit, inceasing thepower of that feeling i have, but while that happens all things start happening again, and at a point, relaxing my body results in the loss of that feeling, so i have to start again if i want to try again. Why does this happen?see ya for now....

26th June 2012, 04:40 PM
Before you reply, please read this thread because the questions have changed (My thanks goes to CFTraveler about helping me in the thread she copied of that)


Robert Bruce
22nd July 2012, 06:37 AM
First, I recommend that you stop the counting breathwork and focus instead on just feeling the rise and fall in your abdomen as you breathe. This is simpler and may work better for you.

What you need is regular practice. Do some daily meditation and relaxation exercises until you are fully comfortable with being in an altered state and deep physical relaxation and energy work. Then you will find OBE exit practice will work better, and you[ll be able to overcome the physical tensing that is stopping your OBE exit.
