View Full Version : Astral projection to learn elementalism from Akashic records.

21st June 2012, 07:24 PM
I have a book on meditation that speaks of a man who used the akashic records to learn how to cure diseases, even his own inabilty to talk. It occured to me that I could learn things from the Akasic records as well.

I was wanting to learn fighting, martial art techniques. But I also have taken up and interest in Elementalism as well, I like the fact that Elementalism is more based on spiritual science rather then a system of believes.

I'm wondering is there anything that can not be learned from the akachic records, and how much can you learn is based on truth?

22nd June 2012, 12:25 AM
I looked up what elementalism is supposed to be, and got various versions of the possible theory. Is it the one that comes from comic books (intuiting the archetypal symbols from comic books and cartoons), or the one that comes from poetry and has to do with the worship of nature itself which inspires art?
Or is it something else, like the study of hermetic elements (which is simply hermetic alchemy) or an eastern alchemy such as taught by certain taoist schools?

22nd June 2012, 03:42 AM
it will be the last one.

23rd June 2012, 01:40 AM
The akashic records are all "true" of course, but there's the problem of reality fluctuations.

23rd June 2012, 03:10 AM
Korpo knows more about Taoist energy work, as far as I know, he would be the person to ask, and excuse me if anyone else knows about this too.

23rd June 2012, 08:07 AM
"Elementalism?" Sorry, not my cup of tea. No idea.

26th June 2012, 05:17 PM
is it something else, like the study of hermetic elements (which is simply hermetic alchemy) or an eastern alchemy such as taught by certain taoist schools?

it's technically both of those

26th June 2012, 09:48 PM
Well, since I'm a student of Hermetics, I'll say that astral projection is very helpful in doing the work, and some practitioners project to get their lessons when they're in that part of their development.
So yes, I think it's beneficial to get extralocal information in your studies.

27th June 2012, 09:41 PM
What is Hermetics?

28th June 2012, 12:54 AM
Basically, it's an esoteric mystery school...


Also, check out The Kybalion (http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php)

28th June 2012, 09:58 PM
I Googled it; but, there seems to be a lot of tangents as to what it really is about. Is there a specific area of its study that relates to AP? It seems to be of interest to me; but, I've never heard anyone talk about it.


28th June 2012, 10:00 PM
Would " The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth" be included as one of its area of study? Just asking; since, it is of great importance to me.

28th June 2012, 10:07 PM
Yes, the tablets are a foundational work for Hermetics- We have a thread here about Hermetics, if you're interested in studying it.
Here's the thread about it:

28th June 2012, 10:09 PM
I Googled it; but, there seems to be a lot of tangents as to what it really is about. Is there a specific area of its study that relates to AP? It seems to be of interest to me; but, I've never heard anyone talk about it.

Grant There are many other things you learn first, but eventually you do learn elements that are helpful for projection.

28th June 2012, 10:10 PM
Thank you. I will look at it.

28th June 2012, 10:33 PM
There are many other things you learn first, but eventually you do learn elements that are helpful for projection.

Is the thread a good place to start? Is magik also a part of it?


28th June 2012, 11:12 PM
IIH is the best place to start, and it is about becoming a Hermetic Magician.
Both Aunt Clair and I keep an eye on this thread, so you should always find help here.

30th June 2012, 05:59 PM
Initiation into Hermetics--Ok a dumb question--is this a book in our site or library item

30th June 2012, 06:00 PM
It's a book, not sure if Robert has a link to it, although he himself is a hermetic magician.... However, it can be gotten on pdf, I got mine through Amazon.

30th June 2012, 06:07 PM
Thank you. I will get one and read it. Then, I may need guidance after I read it.

2nd July 2012, 10:10 PM
I ordered the book, so I guess logically, is to just start reading. If it is like MAP, I suppose it will be "self" teaching.

Had a great projection last night and the colors were so vivid and electric. I wonder if the type of colors are an indication of where you are in the plane/planes. There were many people there.


3rd July 2012, 01:22 AM
In my experience, dark and dim colors indicate lower planes, whereas bright colors indicate higher planes. This is a bit of a generalization though. Lack of color or light can also symbolize a lack of understanding on the part of the projector, especially if the plane you are visiting isn't very "earth-like" and you have nothing in your knowledge bank with which you can understand what is happening.

On the subject of the akashic records, I've had some success with meditating and just requesting information... no need for a full blown OBE. Anyone else done this?

3rd July 2012, 02:51 AM
Yes, I get more information in the liminal state than I do when out, but of course the experience is different.

3rd July 2012, 01:45 PM
Lack of color or light can also symbolize a lack of understanding on the part of the projector, especially if the plane you are visiting isn't very "earth-like" and you have nothing in your knowledge bank with which you can understand what is happening.

Yes, definitely. I remember experiences where I saw darkness filled with "electric waves." So I came to the conclusion this meant "energy" (electricity being one possible way one might portray energy). Whenever I came upon this it was like the energy was there, but no image could come close enough to portray it even remotely, and since I had no way to portray it, it stayed "a dark, energetic nothing."

Especially since in some of these experiences I could see fine, my surroundings up to a point were clear, but beyond that - what I just described. Like I would sit in a car, I would drive, I could see the interior and a passenger, but outside of the car was just this. Or several portals with landscapes beyond them but one that only portrayed this.

3rd July 2012, 04:12 PM
Well, I know it wasn't the Mental Plane, because I've seen that and could probably get back to it. I know it was a higher plane though, because the colors don't exist in our realm. I also saw what happens to "Old Thoughts", I guess the ones which drop out of a thought pool. They actually get old and weather away, just as a sand dune gets wind blown away over time. I guess if no thought energy is given to a subject anymore, it just weathers away.

Well, I guess this isn't the thread for this type of stuff, I'll limit myself to the Elementalism of topic. I have been to the "Hall" many times. Sometimes realizing it after I return.


3rd July 2012, 09:52 PM
Thoughts as discrete objects usually point to the mental plane. One way one can observe thoughts there is as concrete things. When a thought form loses the basic energy holding it together it will dissolve back into the "matter" of the plane it originated from.

4th July 2012, 03:55 PM
Maybe that's what happens to "yesterday". If no more energy is given to the things that happened "yesterday", those thoughts dissolve away; hence, yesterday is gone. I actually interpreted the dissolution as weathering, as if by a wind-----maybe it was the Astral Wind: spoken about by Robert in his "Treatsie".


5th July 2012, 07:26 AM
Decomposition is a basic natural force, physically as well as nonphysically. It's important so that change can exist at all.

I don't think yesterday is gone, however. The past to me is the choices we've made. Without the existence of past choices a defined - as in discernible - present might not exist at all.

5th July 2012, 09:20 PM
Yesterday is not really gone; because we remember and think about its experiences; thereby keeping it alive. I chose the word "yesterday" to mean: parts of or things of, the past not thought about anymore.

However, old writings are found that causes a resurrection of those old thoughs via the writings; giving them a link to the original thoughts, and thus they live as new again.


Aunt Clair
7th August 2012, 09:48 AM
Forgive me coming late to this thread with my reply, please.

Hermetic Magick is an ancient pathworking and it is broad and not so easy to define due to the diverse definitions across time and cultures and across belief systems.

So, if one were to ask an agnostic, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Hindi, a Sufi, a Jew or a Christian about Hermetic Magick they might get entirely different perspectives.

Each major religion of this world has a Hermetic Sect although this has been elevated as the work of mystics, prophets and saints throughout history, it has also been disparaged and persecuted as heresy and outlawed.

Hermeticism is essentially an initiation path of meditation, dream analysis, mystic projection and shamynic service to ascend the vibration of the human spirit to become the angel eternally through the control and use of specific elemental subtle energies. Hermetic Magick is eclectic and includes but is not limited to;

Study of specific texts;
Emerald Tablet ~ the recipe for Hermetic Ascension Alchemy
Corpus Hermeticum ~ the main body of Hermetic Texts
Kylbalion by the Three Initiates
Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon

Example of Jewish Hermetic Pathworking;
Merkabah Mysticism
Study of the Zohar and Sephir Yetzirah, and the Torah

Example of Christian Hermeticism;
Tarot Divination
Christian Kaballah
Ascension Alchemy
Gnostic Mysticism

Non Denominational Hermeticism;
D. any or all of the above

You would be aware of the great Sphinx in Egypt which is a Hermetic archetype;

Amber Hips Small of Back Draco/Serpens NEGATIVE FIRE SERPENT LOWER SELF
The tail of the sphinx is a serpent. It is in the rear and it represents the ascending or descending power of Kundalini which is a connection to the Godhead and to source within.
Kundalini is an anciently known subtle energy power transformer which steps up or steps down the energy body vibration quotient. When a magician builds up their vibration sufficiently a reciprocal energy rushes into the body through the spine. Draco the constellation is the dragon who guarded the golden apples of wisdom. In the more ancient myth of Gilgamesh, the hero foolishly slays the dragon which guards the Tree of Life and the Birds of Paradise. Serpens is the snake a more ancient Babylonian constellation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpens_constellation

Kundalini is the Vedic or Hindu representation of that dragon. The Tree is the spine. The energy transformation magnifes the magician further affording siddhi powers especially clairient ones;clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience and projection to a greater range of the realms. Or it might do the opposite in the case of descension wherein powers are diminished. The result of Kundalini is a temporary charge and a residual increase or decrease which is cumulative over subsequent events. As Led Zeppelin espoused "Yes there are two paths you can go back but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on~ Stairway to Heaven. The serpent is the image of the Lower Self which resides in the amber coloured fire of the StarStone at the small of the back. From here the Lower Self projects as the serpent or as a totemic aspect until it is transmuted by the Mother and Father selves in unconditional love. Then it is ripened and may walk through the HS and become equal and neutral in vibration , for a time. Until it is time to ascend, again.

Golden Chest Heart Leo FIRE LION HIGHER SELF
The torso and front paws of the sphinx is the lion representing the Babylonian and later Greek constellation of the Lion which has been called Leo a fixed fire Zodiac sign ruled by the Sun. The lion represents victory over demons , which are of a lower negative fire energy of the Hels . When purified this fire becomes one with the Divine light of the Sun. Fire manifests in the chest of the magician which is called Hermetically the SunStone. From the centre of the chest through the subtle energy heart, the Higher Self projects as a yellow lion maned subtle energy aspect. The cured and ripened fire of the Sunstone is a golden Shen which is both a Jewish Alchemist and Taoist perspective. This Shen rises from the heart of the mystic to the brow where it affords clairvoyance. Without Shen the mystic is blind. It is the internal sun and the light of the soul.

Sapphire Head Third Eye Aquarius WATER EAGLE GUARDIAN ANGEL
The wings of the sphinx are from the Eagle and represent the fixed water Zodiac sign of Scorpio. The "wisdom of the serpent lies in Scorpio". As the eagle has dominion over the river and the fish within it the sphinx is the eagle. This sign has varied since ancient times and is the only one that is dual. And the constellation of Aquila the Eagle is nearby . The Eagle resides in the watery head which is called the MoonStone. Through the Third Eye the blue eagle winged Guardian Angel projects. It will walk through the GD and heal it sacrificing its higher vibration to transmute the soul of the magician. It will wear the face of the highest life of that magician or no face at all if that human has never connected with their angelic consciousness in ascension pathworking. Aquila is also Zeus in the form of the eagle who kidnapped Ganymede/Aquarius to force him to become the cup bearer for the Godhead. Ganymede means taking pleasure in the mind. His predecessor was the female Hebe who granted immortality and had two children with the greatest hero, Hercules. These myths tell how the hero might become immortal being born to the Heavens by the Gods. The human becomes the magician through being received in the Higher Planes by the Mahatma and getting attunements and initiations there. An ancient Akkadian seal depicts the hero-king Etana riding heavenwards on an eagle. In the Tarot this constellation is symbolised by the Angel bearing the cup also associated with the Arch Angel Michael pouring out the poison into the waters as described in the NT apocalypse. The subtle energy of water removes the toxins of the energy body and cleanses the GA in preparation to heal the GD. The GA from the head must merge with the HS of the heart to become the HS/GA and ascend as the Arch Angel. Predating the Greco-Roman mythology , this constellation originated as the water bearer who began the floods which brang life to the valley in the Hindu and earlier Babylonian constellation. But in ancient China this constellation was known as "feathers and forests."

The hips and the rear hooves of the sphinx are the bull of Taurus. The bull resides in the belly of the beast. The magician projects from the belly button as a red minotaur demon which is the Guardian Demon within. Like Aquila the eagle who Zeus became, Taurus is the bull Zeus became to rape a beautiful princess he lusted after. This represents the basal conflict between the human's heroic nature versus the bestial appetites.

The face of the sphinx is the angel. The face of the magician will become eternally seen upon the arch angel they manifest. In a clairvoyant reading;
appearance and projection from; interpretation;
faceless from the LS like a wisp never communicated with the Guardian genus within
demonic from the belly descended in past or current incarnation
a past life face from the chest ascended in a past life but not in this one yet...
the face of this life from the crown an ascension alchemist
.................................................. ...who has knowledge and communication with the HS/GA

A basic foundation of Hermetic Magick is the control and use of specific elemental energies . Here is a method to separate from the body to attain the Higher Teaching Planes of Shamballah which comes from the Emerald Tablet;

Enter a dimly lit prepared Sacred Chamber to stimulate the Third Eye and afford clairvoyance

Sit in Throne asana limbs uncrossed

Draw energy down;
from the crown with the inhalation
Bring the energy with the breath to the heart
inhale again and draw energy down to the belly
Inhale again and bring the energy down the legs

Raise energy up;
from the the soles of the feet to the perineum
from the perineum up to the heart
from the heart up to the brow

Dwell there in the window of the soul in trance
Sit in the now to receive
Record visions and lessons in a journal.

As above BUT as you Deep Breath Cleanse down
purge earth energy out of the body ;
as red warm dark heavy damp heavy male earth energy
dump it out the mouth, heart,hands, perineum, feet

Deep Breath Cleanse Down again
this time rinse remaining earth with water;
as blue cold dark heavy wet female water energy
drain it from mouth, heart , hands, perineum, feet

Draw Energy Inward
with each inhalation
draw in air;
as green cool dim light damp female air energy

Draw Up Energy
draw up fire ;
as orange hot bright light dry male fire energy
this heats remaining air

and the mystic may separate from the crown
to attain the higher realms

7th August 2012, 10:48 PM
Thank you so much for your time spent writing this post. I just began reading "The Introduction To Hermetics". I will try your meditation technique. I often visit other realms, but have no "teacher" to keep me off tangents; which there are so many of.
