View Full Version : Questions concerning OBE/AP

16th June 2012, 01:02 PM
So I've received my books a few days ago. I already read a bit in Secrets of the Soul and I like the testimonials, they encourage me even more to start with OBE.

The following weeks I'll be reading MAP and following the exercices (I'll be on holiday in a few weeks though so I'll temporarily won't be able to read in it but I suppose I can just continue where I left off ? I guess we'll see by then) .

I just have a few more (stupid) questions before I dive in :) :

- How many hours a day should I study the book to be ideal ? 1 to 2 hours ?
- How easily can you be influenced from external events once in OBE ? (for example; a car's tires screeching, you have the urge to pee suddenly, ....)
- Is the time in the astral and physical world the same ? 1h = 1h for example ?
- This is the stupid question:
I wear glasses, but when I'm asleep I take them of obviously. I'm not sure if I'll keep them on when I do the exercises. Here's the question: does it matter in the astral world to see clearly ?

Last but not least question I will send via PM if anyone's interested. Thanks all !

16th June 2012, 01:45 PM
I wear glasses, but when I'm asleep I take them of obviously. I'm not sure if I'll keep them on when I do the exercises. Here's the question: does it matter in the astral world to see clearly ?
You do not see with your physical eyes in the Astral or in your dreams. Do you 'see' clear in your dreams? I think you do unless you carry over a kind of 'belief' that you have to wear glasses in dreams, too.

Btw, even blind people are reported to 'see' in OBEs too (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mindsight-Near-Death-Out---Body-Experiences/dp/0595434975/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1339854055&sr=8-7). They do not so in dreams though, which is interesting, imv. It shows that dreams mostly reflect our current life 'views' (literally), beliefs and experiences. Sidenote: The seeing in OBEs for blind people might though not be the same as normal seeing, still it is 'vision' in some way. Some researchers called it "mindsight" (see link above).

16th June 2012, 02:11 PM
You do not see with your physical eyes in the Astral or in your dreams. Do you 'see' clear in your dreams? I think you do unless you carry over a kind of 'belief' that you have to wear glasses in dreams, too.

You are right, I do see clear in my dreams. Never actually thought about it ... Thanks !

16th June 2012, 04:37 PM
Hi Barry,

Try studying right before your OBE attempts. An hour is pretty good, you can get a lot done in an hour :)

You will be influenced by external events just as much as you would if you were dreaming. The main difference regarding being influenced by external events between dreams and OBEs is that in an OBE you can recognize something as an outside influence and choose to ignore it.

Time is definitely not the same. 20 minutes can seem like hours.

You can kind of "see" around by feeling but i think your vision will be clearer while OBE. You should be able to adjust your vision, i've had some problems with that in the past so if you run into any issues please let me know.

16th June 2012, 08:00 PM
Thanks for your reply heliac !

I have another question to add to the list if you don't mind:
My native tongue is not English. I know there are chants for example "I want to see clearly now" etc. Should I say it in English or in my native tongue ? I mean, sometimes it's not easy to translate and even more often words lose their meaning when being translated ....

Thanks !

16th June 2012, 09:10 PM
- How many hours a day should I study the book to be ideal ? 1 to 2 hours ?
I'd say one to two hours is fine. The trick is to make it a daily practice. Ten minutes a day for one week is better than one three-hour session only once a week.

- How easily can you be influenced from external events once in OBE ? (for example; a car's tires screeching, you have the urge to pee suddenly, ....)
Well, if you get a loud noise or the urge to pee, your protective sense of awareness will happily drag you back to your physical body whether you like it or not. But minor things like itches usually don't bug me. With practice, you can take care of any physical need and hop back into the OBE state within minutes, so it isn't too much of a problem. But it can be frustrating at first.

- Is the time in the astral and physical world the same ? 1h = 1h for example ?
Depends on "where" you are. In the RTZ, time moves a little faster than the physical, but it's not too out of sync. In the astral itself, though, time becomes meaningless. I remember Buhlman talking about some experiences he had, where he spent an entire lifetime in the astral, only to find that about five minutes have passed on the physical.

- This is the stupid question:
I wear glasses, but when I'm asleep I take them of obviously. I'm not sure if I'll keep them on when I do the exercises. Here's the question: does it matter in the astral world to see clearly ?
You don't have eyes in the astral. They are back in your physical body. You are basically interpreting pure Consciousness, which your brain is turning into something memorable, like images. So the quality of your physical vision doesn't matter much.

Last but not least question I will send via PM if anyone's interested. Thanks all !
I'm not the most experienced projector on the block but I will give my best shot. :)

I have another question to add to the list if you don't mind:
My native tongue is not English. I know there are chants for example "I want to see clearly now" etc. Should I say it in English or in my native tongue ? I mean, sometimes it's not easy to translate and even more often words lose their meaning when being translated ....

I think you should use whichever tongue you are more comfortable with, which I'm assuming is your native tongue.

16th June 2012, 10:02 PM
I did not read everyone else's post, so sorry if I repeat or contradict anything someone has said.

- How many hours a day should I study the book to be ideal ? 1 to 2 hours ? MAP tells you how long to do the exercises and how long you should stay in each chapter. Each chapter has it's own 'explanations' section and the exercises tell you what to do further. So follow what it says, as long as it says, within reason.

- How easily can you be influenced from external events once in OBE ? (for example; a car's tires screeching, you have the urge to pee suddenly, ....) Sensory stimulation (such as sounds, etc.) almost never affect me, because when I move my consciousness physical senses take a back seat; however, in-body sensations, such as having to pee or being sexually stimulated will affect your projection- so pee before you get comfy. But in the beginning of the program you won't spend much time in trance, so it's not a problem.

- Is the time in the astral and physical world the same ? 1h = 1h for example ? Totally different. You can have an adventure that seems to last for hours, and then wake to find it had only been a few minutes. Depending on 'where' you go, time may be imperceptible.

- This is the stupid question:
I wear glasses, but when I'm asleep I take them of obviously. I'm not sure if I'll keep them on when I do the exercises. Here's the question: does it matter in the astral world to see clearly ? In the nonphysical you do not see with your eyes, so it's irrelevant. Belief and habits may be a problem, but I wear glasses and take them off before I go off into my practice, and I don't have vision problems.

17th June 2012, 05:21 AM
Hey Barry good questions! All these replies I think are dead on.
Keep it up, and good luck.:-)

17th June 2012, 08:54 PM
Thanks Cody :) ! I started reading in MAP today and will start my "day 1" tomorrow. This is all exciting and the road seems long, but I'll get there.

Thanks everyone for their answers ! It has already clarified a lot. I'll probably have more questions along the road but I'll be sure to post them here.

About the language 'barrier': I personally think certain words lose their meaning when being translated. Some words just can't be easily translated. I think I'm going to stick with English as it's (almost) my second language, we'll see how that works out.

dreaming90: I'll send you a PM concerning this

cheers !

18th June 2012, 02:58 AM
Barry: My experience with affirmations and self-programming is that it works better in the language you think in- even though my first language is spanish, I think in english, and I find english easier to use than spanish- and find that some words don't translate well (or 'as' well). But if you think in another language then I do recommend you use that one, if you can make it make sense.

18th June 2012, 12:05 PM
In my latest experience my sight was more clear than I ever imagined possible, as clear as a flawless picture on a super TV screen. I have glasses IRL.

20th June 2012, 12:52 PM
Barry: My experience with affirmations and self-programming is that it works better in the language you think in- even though my first language is spanish, I think in english, and I find english easier to use than spanish- and find that some words don't translate well (or 'as' well). But if you think in another language then I do recommend you use that one, if you can make it make sense.

Exactly. I think I'm going to stick with English, until I can figure out a proper translation.

In my latest experience my sight was more clear than I ever imagined possible, as clear as a flawless picture on a super TV screen. I have glasses IRL.

I know what you mean, suddenly everything is a hundred times clearer and colorful.

Anyways, I think I will pick up MAP after my holidays (beginning of July), since I can't perform the exercises then. I think it's better to start fresh after my holiday instead of beginning now, pausing it and starting all over again.

I will continue reading 'secrets of the soul' as I find it an inspiring book, and after that is done I'll read AD, if I have yet the time before holidays.

Cheers all :) !