View Full Version : Strange and painfull experience while trying to astral project could this be dangerous?

10th June 2012, 04:47 PM
This happened a few years ago, i was sit in a chair, and i was trying to astral project. Ok, after some minutes, i was able to almost not feel my body in contact with the chair, and then i tried to pretend how it would feel my body (and chair) rotating horizontally clock-wise and also visualizing how the change of perspective would be, (for example like those rotating office-chair with wheels in which we can rotate). For my big surprise, for the first time since i have been trying this, that time i actually suceeded and i REALLY felt myself rotating just like if my physical body was really rotating along with the chair. I think i was able to "fool" my subconcious into thinking i was actually totally still in the chair, and was able to convince it that i was indeed rotating like a spinning top. The problem is that this time, i didn't had any control over this, i was unable to stop rotating even after stopping the pretending, it's almost like it had it's own momentum and i was unable to stop. But then it became worse, i started to noticed that my head started to be like it was about to "explode" and feeling a strong dizzy/sick feeling on it (it was becoming painfull), so i actually got afraid that i would cause some kind of brain/nerve damage or pass out, so i just opened my eyes (physically of course) but the rest of my body i let it completly still.

Another huge surprise, i could notice that my physical vision was kinda shaking left-right (and yes i was full awake, it was not a dream and it was indeed my physical eyes and i am not sure if it was my physical eyes shaking or just the vision, but i am almost sure it was the vision itself and not my physical eyes "shaking"), just like if internally my body was still trying to continue rotating clock-wise, but being with the eyes opened seemed to act as a temporary brake, much like when we try to stop a small fan with our fingers, it kinda shakes a little because we are forcing it to not move. Also as soon as the eyes were open, the dizzyness and dizzy feeling got a lot better and almost dissapeared.

So, since i was feeling ok again, i tried to close my eyes again to see what would happen, but to my surprise EVEN after my mind has seen with my physical eyes my real position, the internal rotating feeling resumed almost immediatly (always closewise) again!! This is very strange, i tought that by opening eyes this thing would "reset" but no the rotation continued like if it was done by a engine without any control, and of course the dizzyness and the feeling of head seemly about to explode came back very soon, and i tried to withstand as much time as i could, but the dizzyness/sick feeling would just become really unbearable and i was afraid to have some kind of serious problem or some kind of permanent damage, so i just opened my eyes again, and slowly move my body and everything was ok again and i ended the experience. There was absolutly no side-effects later for what i recall. Also i never felt any energy related sensations and no vibrations ever during this experience.

Of course i tryed this technique a few times later but it never happened again, even tough sometimes i was able to have that rotating feeling again in a controlled way for a few seconds, which is a lot harder, because my mind seems to be resisting to this idea and trying to make me always remember the real position of my body, which hinders a lot what i am trying to do, so i am only able to "rotate" a few seconds since my mind keeps switching back and forth to the pretendend position and the remembered real body position.

Just in case that dizzyness or head exploding feeling cames back next time i try this, is it safe to let it continue and it's just a matter of practising this until it doesn't happen anymore OR there is something wrong i am doing and this CAN be dangerous? Maybe this rotation as a spinning top toy isn't such a good idea?

I have read astral dynamics recently and i found a very similar technique, i think it's called "Spin Loosening", only that instead of circling the room, it was more like a spinning top toy, since i am using myself as the vertical axis of spinning, and i was also visualizing the changing of visual perspective as well just like it's said on the technique. But i never heared about this strange experience i had, what you think of this?

Robert Bruce
25th July 2012, 10:25 AM
This kind of thing happens - head pain, etc - when you activate dormant chakras, and as a result of psychic development. It usually does not last long and is a good sign.

When anything 'big' like this happens, apply The Golden Rule, which is, to take a break until you feel completely normal again, then go back to what you were doing. The break can be an hour, a day, or a year...whatever is needed.
