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7th June 2012, 04:23 PM
G’day Bob!

On a recent camping excursion to the North Devon coast I swam in the sea (very cold!) for the first time this year. The same night I had a very lucid dream.

Standing by the coast, the Queen of the sea hailed me enter her domain. During my visit in the sea she gave me a hand-sized stone tablet on which there was a gold-red sigil. She told me that I could use this if ever I wanted to return, so that I wouldn’t have to wait to be called again. All I need do was stand by the sea and hold the amulet up.

I remember later that night putting it to the test, and finding the sea parting and a chariot coming of the waters. Sitting on the chariot I was taken back into the depths, as my body accustomed itself to breathing under water again.

My questions.

Do you have experience of being given items in the astral, and if so have you been able to re-use them again?

Following the theory that all physical matter has an etheric and astral counterpart, can non-physical items exist in the same way in the astral given it’s very fluidic and changing nature? Would for example a non-physical item in the astral only exist for as long as it receives energy to keep it’s energy-form together?

Thanks in advance.


Robert Bruce
25th July 2012, 10:29 AM
Objects like you describe are magical, and exist for ages because of the power vested in their creation.

To use such a 'key' you would look around yourself (in the astral) and try to find it floating nearby, or you would summon it to you. EG 'I call my ocean key' or use its name if you know it. You can also imagine it in your hand. If it is a magical device, it will just appear and you can take it from there. This will take you back to that same astral realm, regardless of where you are in the physical world.

A sigil key will usually have a word or phrase attached to it that you have to speak in order to use it.


25th July 2012, 10:54 PM
Thanks Robert.

Today my father passed away, very peacfully at home. It feels very syncronistic that today is also the day you posted a reply to my question; my father and I are both water signs, which relates to the 'gift' recieved.

I would be very interested to hear of any personal experience you may have with these kind of 'gifts' if you would like to share.

Thanks again.


Robert Bruce
27th July 2012, 09:53 AM
My condolences for your loss.

A good example of this would be my experience 'The Ceremony and the Sword' of an astral initiation where I was given a sword. This is in the 2nd edition of Astral Dynamics, which is now available as an eBook from Amazon.com

See http://www.amazon.com/Astral-Dynamics-Out---Body-ebook/dp/B008K06AOM/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343382770&sr=1-4&keywords=astral+dynamics
