View Full Version : FASTING

5th June 2012, 07:02 PM
I have decided to fast for a week and see if clearing my body and my head helps induce an OBE. I am leaving now to go buy 5 large bottles of pineapple juice and 5 of apple juice. I plan on using all my vital energy on trying to OBE instead of digesting food....

I'll post an update later on in the week...

This is a great time to do this as my husband is out of town and I am off work until the 13th.. Perfect timing.


5th June 2012, 09:54 PM
I am back from the store and I have my stuff for the week.
4 gallons of pinapple juice, 3 gallons of apple juice, 2 gallons of cranberry juice and 1 gallon of orange juice. Plus some lemon juice.

This week is devoted to cleansing my body and my mind. I am going to find my peace.


6th June 2012, 03:18 AM
Good luck. I'm interested in your results.

6th June 2012, 04:19 AM
I'm kind of excited about it too. I've already started the juice. Right now I am listening to youtube videos.

William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 1/6
William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 2/6
William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 3/6
William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 4/6
William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 5/6
William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 6/6

it is a radio broadcast I think. Question and answers type broadcast...... Very very interesting. When I finish, I am going to meditate a little. I've read Robert Bruce all day and recapped all my old notes i had taken.... I am going to immerse myself this week in technique and ideas and thoughts and try to gain some sort of understanding. I have had three obe's but they were all very different and they do not come easy to me.


6th June 2012, 01:09 PM
Last night........no luck. I lay there and could not get in the mode to get in a trance state. I could not get my mind to let go and relax. It just wasn't happening.

I set my alarm for 3 and promptly got up, used the restroom and drank a cup of milk and lay back down nice and drowsy. I remember trancing slightly and then all of a sudden it was this morning....

I am going to town today to see my daughter and when I get home this evening, I'll try again......


6th June 2012, 01:36 PM
I think tonight I will do energy work....And not TRY to obe. Just energy work and trying to get to a point of deep physical relaxation.

As a rule of thumb, what happens to me is when I meditate, I do feel movement and as I "shift slightly" I end up NOT going with the flow and I snap back. It's like I think "Ah movement" and that causes the movment to stop... I am stopping myself and I know it.

My first OBE was a conscious one and at the time I was a unbeliever in OBE's. It spontaneously occurred while meditating. It was the one that was the mother lode of OBE's in my opinion. I was fully conscious and it had all the bells and whistles associated with it. i was pretending to be a tree that was drawing up energy from it's roots (my feet) Even though I was laying down, I could feel myself stretching upward toward the sun in my meditation. I was standing tall and upright in my minds eye. My goal was to feel grounded and draw up the earths energy. That was my goal.

During this meditation, I was in a deep trance. And suddenly I felt myself roll over in the bed but not in the physical. In fact I rolled over several times in the bed feeling amazed with each roll. I had the mind split thing that Robert Bruce talks about. i was totally aware of it and the fact that I was rolling over in the bed but not moving my physical body. Pretty amazing thing!. At around the same time I began to hear a sound, a tone, in my left ear that was a low constant tone. I remember straining to hear it better which caused it to be louder. It nearly seemed external to me and my body. I heard a pop and then it was like a black curtain pulled over my eyes and raised instantaneously and then I was immersed in a sea of blue with 360 vision. I had no body. My first thought was that my sister was correct in talking about her OBE's I had always thought she was crazy but I doing it.. I had absolute control and absolute clarity. I never stood beside my bed looked at my body. I was somewhere else entirely. It was not a dream and I was not asleep. I KNEW and even had the thought that I was still in my bed. I had no vibrations.

The odd thing was that I did think of my body several times but I did not snap back into it like so many report. What I did to come back was consciously force my physical eyes to open. That's how I came back. There was no silver cord ..... And this was not a lucid dream. When I sat up in bed, only 20 minutes had passed from the time I had began my meditation. It was the most beautiful experience of my life.

That was approx 8 years ago. I have never been able to duplicate it or anything remotely similar.

My other two obe's were strikingly similar. They both began with meditation. And in both it was as if my consciousness were stretched through a point in the back of head and out of my body. I could feel this occur. I could feel myself leaving through my head. These two obe's happened on the same day. But when I stretched out throught the rear of my head, I was somewhere that "felt" like I was in the sky. I was not by my bed. There were others there with me and we jumped up and down like crazy bouncing in some white foamy substance that at the time I thought were clouds. We could jump 50 feet in the air with ease.. That is all we did and we were very happy. Then I just sat up back in my bed. This was also not a lucid dream. I was awake, awake, awake..... This was years ago too.

I have never been able to do this again either.

I hope this week brings some results....

One or two more things real quick... In posting my history I want to be as accurate as possible. When I forced my eyes to open from the mother lode OBE, the first thing I saw when I sat up in bed was an eye in the corner of the room watching me. I felt disoriented and it was hard to connect the dots for a moment. My arms and legs did not want to cooperate. The eye startled me and it appeared to be part of the wall. It was shimmery. It was not just an eye sitting there. When my limbs were back to normal, the eye was gone. it was not scary at all....It was just part of the experience.


The other thing.... as a child at approx 10 year old I nearly had a waking experience. My entire family was in bed and I was fighting sleep as usual and I began to hear a tone. It got LOUDer and louder and louder. it was like a roaring sound I was terrified. My eyes were open and I was paralyzed. I could not move a single muscle. Then all of a sudden the sound was gone and the paralysis. I instantly jumped from the bed and ran to my parents room waking them and asking them what was that sound. They never heard it naturally. They told me I had a nightmare and to go back to bed. But I had not been asleep yet.


I also felt energy waves one time. It was a year or so after the mother lode OBE. I was still trying to OBE. I wanted to duplicate the experience. So I was laying down and getting ready to meditate and from my waist to my feet, waves of energy began flowing back and forth from my feet to my waist. Strong waves of energy. I'm not even sure how to explain this. I even sat up looked at my legs while this was occurring and it just kept on. I was not in a trance yet. I was watching this occur. The closest way to describe this sensation is that it nearly felt like ocean waves flowing across my legs back and forth. I also had the sensation of color (if that makes sense) but I couldn't see it.

I guess the last thing... During one meditation attempt, I had the tunnel effect I have read about. I don't remember the exact meditation I was doing. It would be one of the Robert Bruce methods. He is my main method. But I was moving rapidly through a colored tunnel at lightening fast speed. Never completed the journey however because it startled me so much ..

I am my own worst enemy at stopping my obe's. I am not afraid but my thoughts hinder me.


6th June 2012, 02:21 PM
Also going to order this:

It is supposed to decalcify your pineal gland...... skate oil and cod liver oil...


6th June 2012, 02:27 PM
Hi Blossom.
Your 'motherlode OBE' has many elements that are used in Robert's methods- it's interesting that you were implementing them instinctively. It sounds like you're a natural projector and the fact that your excitement stops you is only a small stumbling block- with experience this will pass and you will be projecting in no time.
The method you are adding to your routines (fasting for a weekend) may facilitate the experience or hinder it, depending how uncomfortable you may get from hunger- how obnoxious it gets.
My one recommendation is that instead of getting up in the middle of the night aim for 2 hours before normal wakeup time, so that you have slept enough and don't pass out when trying your attempt.
Good luck, you're on your way.

6th June 2012, 09:59 PM
Yes, it's true. I found Robert Bruce after my "mother lode"...... That experience started me on a quest and Robert is someone I found along the way in my search to understand what had happened. I have two of his books and his treatise from earlier years. Just have to get past that stumbling block... And I actually plan on fasting until next Wednesday minimum... .The last time I fasted I went three weeks.... This is a piece of cake...

The reason I feel fasting will help me is that a juice fast (fruit juice) cleans the entire system out. It purifies you. I am also taking cod liver oil, lemon juice and sipping on organice apple cider vinegar. I bought cod liver oil today for that pineal gland decalcification efforts.... I am hoping the effort of wanting this with a clean system -- my pure intent -- will aid me in getting me the results I need/want.


6th June 2012, 10:10 PM
One other thing that makes me very hopeful now.... In years past when I was trying and unsuccessful before I was very very sick. I am cured now and completely well and off any type of medication. The mother ode was right before I started medication. The two little obe's and the tunnel were on medication.

I am medication free now and it is time to cleanse my body of all the bad and remove all the bad cells and all the bad karma from days gone by. This also make my intent stronger. I have looked at picture of me back then and I looked like a little white fairy..... Now, I am healthy.

Off to try now.....


7th June 2012, 12:37 AM
Fasting is good for helping induce OBEs. I haven't tried it myself, but I know that fasting plays some role in nearly every spiritual belief system. Shamans often fasted before vision quests.

Good luck!

7th June 2012, 02:03 AM
Thank you....... I absolutely feel the same way about fasting. If I get through this week with no problems, I'm going to take it day by day after that. My longest was three weeks or actually 25 days.

I meditated during the day today when I got home but did not really try to OBE. Just trying to relax right now. I'm going to start slow from square one and do it right. I don't want to rush it because I want success. Fixing to go to bed and do a little energy work. I need to find my PDF of Robert's book about it. I have it somewhere on my computer. I plan on posting daily whether I have OBE results or not... Tomorrow will be my first complete day fasting.

7th June 2012, 04:05 AM
I am making progress... I reached a pretty deep state of relaxation/trace a bit ago. I could not feel my body at all... I might have felt slight vibrations on and off as well, but I'm not sure because I have never really felt them per se ... Then the cat that I'm babysitting jumped on me and startled me and so i got up to take a break. Fixing to head back to bed while I am still relaxed.

I think one thing that helped me was reading in Astral Dynamics before making my attempt. That way it is the last thing on my mind before laying down. I also think "possibly" a routine might be good this week. I burnt some sage in the room to cleanse it and also had some Nag Champa incense burning before I laid down.

7th June 2012, 07:06 AM
Well, second attempt tonight resulted in sleep. It is 2am. Fixing to try again..... Next time I wake I'll just get up...

7th June 2012, 12:08 PM
I got oup at 6:30........... What i accomplished on NIGHT 1 was obtaining a deep state of relaxation. That in itself felt good. I did feel movement as well. I am using the tree meditation because that was successfull for me in days gone past. I find myself searching for signals and signs which I need to stop. I need to just let myself be a tree. Like I did before. What happens -- just happens. That is the true point of meditation. In my case I do have an ulterior motive -- OBE, but last night I tried to just meditate, slow it down and take it easy. No rushing. I rested really really well last night.

I am heading to the lake right now. we own a little house on the lake and I plan on spending my day painting the walls.

8th June 2012, 12:39 PM
nothing new..... lots of dream activity last night but that's all....... I can't recall but I know I dreamed a lot.. Heading back to paint on the lake house (I was so tired last night that i just fell asleep) ....

9th June 2012, 09:09 AM
I have been up for about an hr. Fixing to go try again. I feel rested and refreshed. It is 4am and naturally still dark. I woke up at 3am and have been reading. ..... Gonna read for a couple more minutes to get in the mode and see what occurs.....

11th June 2012, 04:30 AM
Still no luck in a OBE but still trying. Sensation of movement, vivid dream recall, and noise have been obtained nightly so far. But no OBE.

5th July 2012, 03:52 AM
Ok, have not posted because there was nothing to report. fasting did not help, but I am still trying to OBE. Last night something occurred and so I am posting.

I have never had a lucid dream meaning having a dream that I was aware of being a dream. I have been reading about it and reading about it and reading about it. I found a copy of robert's new book online and have been reading that as well.

I have read that at times when you have a lucid dream and you wake from it, you can sometimes find yourself in the vibrational state.

Well, this morning around 5am, I had a dream. I don't remember the entire dream but I remember I was standing somewhere and I turned around and saw a younger version of my dead father. He has been dead nearly 30 years. As soon as I saw him, I realized in my dream -- that I was dreaming and even said "I am dreaming".. That statement woke me up and I felt a heavy lead like feeling covering my entire head. I lay there and though "oh boy here it comes", and the next thing I knew, it was several hours later.

This may not seem like much to a lot of people but to me , it is very exciting.

I'm fixing to go to bed and I hope ..........you know, I just hope. I am meditating nightly TRYING to get there.


5th July 2012, 05:26 PM
Something I read a long time ago, is that you can break up sleep rhythms in ninety minute intervals, the last few minutes of this is REM sleep, where it is more likely for you to naturally become lucid, so setting up an alarm a bit before your natural wake up time may be helpful in this regard, if you calculate it right. The first cycle is usually two full hours, (Because it takes longer to fall asleep and getting to deep sleep from the first cycle takes longer) so it would be, 2 hrs, 1.5 hrs, 1.5 hrs, 1.5 hrs & 1.5 hrs, ad infinitum (depending on your natural sleep needs).
For projection, I personally find it easier to wake up around two hours before 'normal wakeup time' (whatever this is for you) and sit on my recliner, and then relax enough to go into a fast trance, which allows me then to try to do whatever my aim is at the time- try an exit, a phase, or just an exercise, depending on what I'm doing.

7th July 2012, 04:06 AM
Fasting. It is the tool that fits every spiritual situation. Really, it is the key to All Power. The only thing in the entire new testament that Jesus' disciples couldn't do that Jesus could was to cast out a specific devil. These people had been raising the dead, for Christ's sake, but they couldn't do this simple thing, which understandably amazed them. When they asked why they couldn't cast it out, Jesus told them, "this kind cometh out not but by prayer and fasting." I have fasted to heal joints, have other miracles I wanted manifest, and cure my mind of chronic brain-fog, among other things. My longest fast so far has been a 24 day water fast, not counting the eucharist at day 12 (a tiny glass of juice and a tiny piece of cracker). If you want something done, ask God how many days to water fast for it. If you'll just listen, He'll give you the answer. What limit is there? There is none. I've got a list of things I want done that's two pages long, with the title of the fast and the corresponding number of days beside it that God/my Higher Self/The Holy Ghost/my Self/my Oversoul has told me are required to 'move my faith' on the same line. Some take up a few lines due to my preponderance for stipulation. :-)

8th July 2012, 01:23 AM
My longest was a 21-22 day pineapple juice fast. The main feelings that were all over me was an immense sense of freedom, clarity and cleanliness. I want to be clean again and fasting is really such a simple thing but that is so difficult to do. You have to keep your eye on the prize to succeed.

I have some things to think about now and more research to do. I really appreciate this response.

1st September 2012, 07:35 AM
I love reading your determination and hard efforts as I too feel as strongly as you - have you had any luck yet? Have a look at my threads you'll see how much I"m trying too :D