View Full Version : Red Orbs

4th June 2012, 06:29 AM
Hello Robert - I posted this in the Dreaming forum, & someone kindly suggested I should ask you directly, which I hope you don't mind my doing. . . I dreamed you & I were talking very intensely about various topics, when I asked you about "red orbs", as I had seen one once in my bedroom (which I "really" have).

You told me that they could be dangerous, & could morph into human shapes. . . I'd really appreciate your comments, is there any truth in this, in your experience?

Many thanks in advance!

Robert Bruce
22nd July 2012, 06:46 AM
red orbs are full of vitality, and seen in this way are often sexual in nature and can even be an astral projector or sexual energy feeding entity.'

If you see significant orbs of any kind, it is best to fumigate and cleanse the area. See my book 'the practical psychic self defense handbook' for instructions on how to go about this.


[Mod Note: Ongoing conversation has been copied here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?14176-Red-Orbs-%28COPY%29]