View Full Version : My book wishlist

1st June 2012, 07:31 PM
Greetings everyone,

I'm thinking of purchasing the following books:



Anyone thinks I should definitely add a specific book or would it be sufficient at this point to fully start my AP/OBE experience/journey ? I don't want to 'overdo' it by soaking up too much information at once.

Cheers !

1st June 2012, 07:56 PM
After you've read all three, I recommend you add Otherwhere by Kurt Leland to the list. Then, if you still want more to read, I have two more titles.

1st June 2012, 08:23 PM
Thanks for your quick reply ! I'll start with those, and order Otherwere in a later point of my life. At that time I'll hopefully be able to perform some AP :) .

Yes, please post the titles you recommend, so I can check them out later on as well.

1st June 2012, 11:36 PM
Explorations in Consciousness by Fred Aardema and
The History and Science of the OBE by Anthony Peake.

And, if you get into energy work, I also recommend Energy Work by Robert Bruce.

2nd June 2012, 02:17 PM
At the risk of derailing this thread somewhat--

CFT, do you recommend Explorations in Consciousness? I've read the free excerpts and found them well-written and interesting. However, I'm low on money and the price is a little steep. In particular I'm curious as to how Fred's "cosmology" differs from Monroe et al.

Barry, I have a copy of Secret of the Soul if you are interested in borrowing it. I really enjoyed it. It's an even mix of mystical and contemporary, so I feel that both mystic and scientific folks could equally enjoy it.

2nd June 2012, 03:52 PM
Dreaming, I do recommend it. However, if you find the price too steep wait a little longer, I'd lend you mine but I'm still attached to it. I would say he integrates Monroe's terminology with Campbell's worldview- he also describes things from a technical standpoint but giving all the terminology its place. It's very easy to 'get'.
He also shows some experimental data from his investigations. It is interesting. When you're ready to spend money, pick that one next.

2nd June 2012, 06:25 PM
At the risk of derailing this thread somewhat--

No worries, it's still about books that interest us ;) . Fire away !

Barry, I have a copy of Secret of the Soul if you are interested in borrowing it. I really enjoyed it. It's an even mix of mystical and contemporary, so I feel that both mystic and scientific folks could equally enjoy it.

Thanks ! I live in Europe though, so I think it's a bit far. Besides, I have ordered Secret of the Soul together with AD and MAP on Amazon. They should arrive the 2nd of July. I can't wait ;) .

I also read in a topic someone recommending "The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection". The title sure sounds interesting. Any of you read this book as well ? Thoughts ?

2nd June 2012, 08:57 PM
Yes, I have it and it's very very good. I recommend it after you read AD and MAP, because it's about what you do (and develop) when you're proejcting.

3rd June 2012, 12:49 AM
Dreaming, I do recommend it. However, if you find the price too steep wait a little longer, I'd lend you mine but I'm still attached to it. I would say he integrates Monroe's terminology with Campbell's worldview- he also describes things from a technical standpoint but giving all the terminology its place. It's very easy to 'get'.
He also shows some experimental data from his investigations. It is interesting. When you're ready to spend money, pick that one next.
I found Campbell's work interesting but a few of his "observations" didn't sit well with me. That's for another thread though...

3rd June 2012, 04:03 PM
I'd love it if you started a thread like that in the Psychic and Spiritual (or the Science subforum?), I find the subject fascinating.

3rd June 2012, 07:35 PM
I had a small question in regards to the books I ordered. Which one do you recommend I'd read first ?

Of course I'll read AD before MAP, but should I read Secrets of the Soul before or after Bruce's books ? What do you recommend ?

3rd June 2012, 07:41 PM
I read one of Buhlman's books (don't know if it was that one) and it was great, but it didn't offer techniques. So I would start with MAP, and in the part where you are encouraged to read OBE related books (it's part of the program), I'd then read that one.

3rd June 2012, 08:00 PM
Thanks :D !

13th June 2012, 09:31 PM
Didn't want to bump this topic, but my books arrived ! A few weeks earlier than expected !

Do you recommend reading MAP before Astral Dynamics ?


14th June 2012, 12:01 AM
Depends. If you're going to do the program, start with MAP and then supplement with AD (MAP gives you reading assignments, you can use AD for it)- but if you're just looking for information, then read AD first.

14th June 2012, 06:41 AM
After you have read what you'r already considering (which are exelent choises) I strongly recommend the following:

Ultimate Journey - Robert Monroe (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385472080/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00). Its just such an inspiring book. Great respect to Robert Monroe. More casual reading and inspiration and not filled with exercises.
The Multidimensional Human - Kurt Leland (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0983024707/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00). A very good bok which complements for instance MAP perfectly, especially for beginners in AP. Leland approaches the training to have OBE's differently from other writers.

I have currently ordered a book about lucid dreaming and also the famous Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity Of The Soul.
I have read so much praise of the Seth book that I had to have it.

Other than this, Astral Dynamics is probably one of the best books I'v read since my interest in all of this took of 2 years ago. You will have much use of it and its perfect to begin with.

PS. I read Astral Dynamics before MAP as I wanted to deepen my knowledge before I tried out some exercises. You can do it in any way you want I guess, but I think CFT is right as she has WAAAY more experience than me :)

14th June 2012, 11:24 PM
I read one of Buhlman's books (don't know if it was that one) and it was great, but it didn't offer techniques. So I would start with MAP, and in the part where you are encouraged to read OBE related books (it's part of the program), I'd then read that one.
Quick clarification... "The Secret of the Soul" has about 40 OBE techniques. :)

I think Buhlman's books are good introductory books to AP. Especially "Secret of the Soul." But honestly you can read your books in any order, IMO.

15th June 2012, 03:03 AM
I'm sure- I don't remember which one I read, but he said stuff like "go inward now" and things like that, but I don't remember any techs. Maybe I should dig it up and read it again, I think it was the second book I had ever read about OBE when I was starting to learn it.

15th June 2012, 08:41 AM
Quick clarification... "The Secret of the Soul" has about 40 OBE techniques. :)

I think Buhlman's books are good introductory books to AP. Especially "Secret of the Soul." But honestly you can read your books in any order, IMO.

Yes, it says so on the back as well. I agree, I can read it in any order but still I'd like to know what the "highest success rate" is, or how you may call it. Thanks dreaming90 !

Thanks CFT for the suggestion, and SiriusTraveler for the other recommended books ! I'll be sure to add these to my reading list after I finished the first three :) .

22nd August 2012, 11:58 AM
I'm halfway through Buhlman's book and I already feel like I learned a lot. The statements from the survey are pretty awesome to read. There's one specific statement which I could relate to from my own experience.

I'm not certain if I can post a small excerpt from it, (copyright and all) but it's just very appropriate for the experience I had.

There are techniques in the book, but I'm not there yet. In about 2 chapters I'll reach it. (starting Chapter 9 soon, almost finished the chapter with new perspectives on death and dying, VERY interesting!)

Cheers :) !

22nd August 2012, 12:01 PM
I need to take back what I said about techniques- The book I read was Adventures Beyond the Body, not the secret of the soul, hence my misquote about techs. I've said it somewhere else too, so when I find it I'll take it back.

22nd August 2012, 12:32 PM
"Adventures Beyond The Body" was the first OBE book I read, and it was the only one needed to get my first intentional OBE (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=96617#post96617) after a few weeks (or days?) only after finishing it. I did not read any online forums or other OBE-sites back then about AP, so it really was my only source 'technique-wise' in Nov 2009. And it really did it for me.

That's why I always recommend it and I will always be grateful to W. Buhlman for the rest of my life. Who knows what would have happened if I had read another book and became discouraged by it because it wasn't the right techniques for me? So it was a lucky shot, but maybe I was guided to this book by my Higher Self or helpers, knowing it was the best for me at that time.

24th August 2012, 11:04 AM
Well, I'm starting on that chapter soon, who knows it might work out for the first time for me as well :)!