View Full Version : Enlightment

31st May 2012, 11:02 AM
Greetings Robert and anyone else who reads this post.

I wanted to ask you about an event that occured to me some years ago (June 2007). I had exams, so I was studying at my desk.

I wanted to take a break, so I went ahead and lied down on my bed (with my back supported). I don't think I was doing something special, just closing my eyes for a second - or maybe reading some school stuff, perhaps even reading something completely else- without looking much at the latter (I don't remember exactly). Either way, I was relaxing.

All of a sudden, I felt a bright, warm light coming over me. I didn't see it with my eyes, I actually felt this light and I saw it with my 'astral vision' (unsure that's correct, but I didn't see it with my normal eyesight, I saw it with my 'inner eyes', I saw this light going in my body, starting from the top of my head).

Then I knew everything. I knew why we lived, why we had to die, I knew everything that needed to be known and people have wondered since the dawn of time. In those few seconds, I knew it all. To me it seemed like minutes, but I know that this feeling was only for a few seconds.

The feeling was still there when I realised I had to write it all down ! I stood up from my bed, grabbed a piece of paper and ... Poof, it was all gone.

This was the first and last time I had this feeling, and it was awesome, breathtaking and maybe even a bit scary.

Now my questions are:
- Was I really 'enlightened' ?
- How was this possible ? I was for sure in a relaxed state and thinking about nothing specific, but I surely didn't see that one coming.
- Why was the feeling abruptly gone when I wanted to write it down ? Is it because maybe I 'broke' the trance by standing up ? Maybe humanity (including myself) is not ready yet to know the answers on these questions ?
- Any other additonial information is welcomed.

I myself may be able to answer the 2nd question, or at least who or what influenced me at that point. I'd rather not post this on the forum publicly. If someone replies, I'll send it over by PM.


[Moderation Note: that there's a copy of this thread if anyone wants to discuss the matter further: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13967-Enlightenment-%28copied-from-Ask-Robert%29]