View Full Version : Astral Hitchhiker

23rd May 2012, 10:13 PM
Hello Bruce, hello all!

I have discovered an astral hitchhiker on my back. It started some years ago while switching to my astral body I noticed some weird noises behind me suddenly. It sounded like a smacking. Another night I was flying around and sensed the astral hitchhiker on my back again and I asked him what he wants and he answered, that he likes to watch my interesting life. When I asked for his name he answered his name's Mr. Wesselmann. The months went by and I must confess, while the astral hitchhiker was around I had more contact to my astral body. My attention was stronger to my astral body then before. I experienced more astral events and we have had some little adventures. So I wasn't mad about the astral hitchhiker.

It took a long time until I have read in Astral Dynamics about the hitchhiker! So I realised that it was an astral hitchhiker and that he's really on my back while being in my astral body. Then I searched a thick wall and went through it. In this act he fell off of my back and he disappeared...

I must say, that I did like him. Okay, he looked like Gollum form Lord of the Rings and had three long fingers (like an alien grey) with that he was always holding my shoulders, but he was somehow sweet I'd say, maybe like a pet. :-) And it was kind of funny to fly around with him like showing a kid the world around. Now after a half year (last week) I got lucid within a dream and switched immediately to my astral body. In the moment I switched to my astral body I sensed a curios feeling behind me. Someone massaged my neck, exactly at this point where my astral chord is. Now I believe, the astral hitchhiker is back. It seems for me, that he was massaging my neck to stimulate my astral body.

Now I'm asking myself - and these are also my questions to you:

Would you say I should give it a try to work with the astral hitchhiker to become more perfect in astral traveling? Maybe I could win him as a friend and can get more informations about his life an reality... What are you thinking about it? Or is it better to get rid off him (what's not too easy I think when he can come back as soon as I keep the thought he's somehow nice)? Maybe it acts like an invitation or I have a kind of opening in my aura in which the astral hitchhiker can enter?

It would also be great if someone's here who has some more experiences with the astral hitchhiker and got some more informations maybe or a help. :-)

Best wishes from Germany

Robert Bruce
25th July 2012, 11:01 AM
The being you describe is most likely a demon of some kind.

Demons are not what most people think they are, and they can be great teachers. You just have to get past the instinctive fear.

Your thoughts on this could have called it back. Or such thoughts could have been implanted by it.

A test would help. Ask it to go away for say, one year, and then to come back and talk with you. If it obeys, then it has respect and it could be worth exploring further. If it ignores your request, banish it (learn how to do a pentagram banishment - see my book 'the practical psychic self defense handbook')
