View Full Version : astral projection

23rd May 2012, 12:43 PM
Hi im gabriel and i want to know is there any dangers in astral travel that i should know about i want to try it but i really need to know that its safe.

23rd May 2012, 12:58 PM
None that I can think of, only development in AP as far as I understand. What I do know is that there is no physical dangers of AP in any way. One might be affraid of many things involved in AP but that is no real danger per se, only you beeing afraid. If you overcome the fear then that "danger" also disapears. Im not good at explaining myself, and also a super novice, but I'm sure someone more experienced can answer your question!

23rd May 2012, 02:08 PM
Hi gabriel.
This topic had various links to discussions related to fears and dangers. Please start here.

23rd May 2012, 02:23 PM
thanks for the info.

25th May 2012, 12:27 AM
There are the Dwellers. They will try to scare you. I'm am also becoming aware of entities knowing that I'm projecting more and more. Usually they appear to me in an apparant medical setting. I am wondering if this may be the so called abductions.
There seems to be a purpose. However, in spite of that, they also may be dwellers. Who knows. Maybe govt. operatives.

Anyway, don't be afraid, go ahead and project!!


25th May 2012, 05:32 AM
So theese "dwellers" are not just a product of ones own fear? Imaginative beeings that go away after we get rid of that fear? I would like to propose that most of theese entities that we are afraid of is nothing more than figments of our imagination or products of our fear, OR... benevolent beeings. I have a hard time to recognize the dangers of OBE.

It is pandora's box. Be prepared to deal with what comes out of that box!
I believe whats in that box is yourself, and all the things you believe. So when you open that box, you encounter all that which you believe and have to deal with it.

25th May 2012, 07:07 PM
A dweller is a catch-all term that can encompass a variety of causes- but it is my opinion that they are self- aspects- can be psychological, can be metaphysical, and can be mechanical energy feedback mechanisms that are shaped by self-projections.

From a purely metaphysical perspective it can be said that they are all self-creations; but the same can be said about the physical, if you follow the prevailing metaphysical outlook on reality in general.

So really, I don't see a big difference in looking for an external as opposed to internal source, because the way to surpass them is via self examination and action based on that.
But then, I think this applies to everything.

Your mileage may vary.

26th May 2012, 03:32 PM
There are Dwellers. Why would one make up these beings in a beautiful setting. There are hitch hikers also who try to attach themselve to us in order to come into our world. There are other worlds along with the beings who live in them. The hitch hikers try to travel on our "vehicle" world to world, just as bums here try to travel from place to place by jumping on trains.

Maybe we were once at a level of consciousness that they seem to have. Even in this physical world, live beings of a lower consciousness, (humans of depraved minds)


26th May 2012, 05:54 PM
Why would one make up these beings in a beautiful setting. No one said they were made up. If you are God creating as yourself, then everything is part of you, including the 'dweller'. I thought I made that clear in my post.

2nd June 2012, 03:14 AM
'Tis true. In reality all is all and in all. However, some of these/our "entities" can take on/have a "life" of their own. Internal/external; who knows? Fact remains--there are other beings. If not, then there is only one--you or me; within GOD.

Today the vibrations finally came and a Dweller, through distraction, kept me from projecting.


5th June 2012, 10:48 PM
wow....... I have never felt any danger from an OBE.

6th June 2012, 09:23 PM
I don't know what to say about this; except, our line of thinking and reasoning WILL change.
There probably is no physical danger; but, we will change, somehow, knowing that we can leave our bodies. (Maybe develope a phycosis of some sort)

Keeping out of the lower worlds is a good idea.


10th June 2012, 08:29 PM
There are hitch hikers also who try to attach themselve to us in order to come into our world. There are other worlds along with the beings who live in them. The hitch hikers try to travel on our "vehicle" world to world, just as bums here try to travel from place to place by jumping on trains.


Interesting, have made similar posts about how some entities will utilise physical/organic life in order to gain a foothold, sometimes resulting in elaborate etheric structures. Sensing such during say car journeys can be interesting exercises in observation and corroboration. When examining such entities there can also be a sense of they out of place suggesting that their natural environment is elsewhere.

"try to travel on our "vehicle" world to world" Again, this has a synergy with earlier thoughts and posts. Have the sense on occasion of entities using the physical person and their subtle bodies to move between worlds. Each personal body being a gateway to the respective world.


13th June 2012, 08:14 PM
Dangers of OBE... to my knowledge, there are none. As far as negs go, I feel the whole thing is a bit overrated (to say the least).

21st June 2012, 01:01 PM
I have also found they seem to notice you more after awhile during OBE. Not sure why that is but I never felt being in danger, sure a little scared at first when you don't expect.

I found always that if you beleive in yourself that you can manifest just about anything in that state with practice of course,
from a force shield around you that protects you to flames out of your arms. Maybe whatever they are they simply are curious and or perhaps some may be self made but I don't believe all are self made as some entites you never knew how they looked prior.

Others seem scared or shocked to see you and simply try to get help or get others to remove you from there realm in my experiances which makes sence in way, if you have enough control to manifest just about anything in their realm then you could indeed wrech havok.

Whenever I flt afraid I simply wake up yet at times kick myself in doing so, to me its such an adventure these states
and don't regret any of them, then the feeling you feel during these states also lasts with you for a little while once you wake up
while in awe and yet learning more about yourself and what it could all mean, which you learn more during these states in time than in the real world in time I found.
However at first it seems like a puzzle so write all that happens and later on may make sence down the track.
