View Full Version : A rare and unnatural problem (In DESPERATE need of help)

18th May 2012, 12:44 PM

I have been trying and practicing Astral Projection for about a year now without any success. I've read many books and tried many different methods but I don't know why, no matter what I do, I can't induce an Out of Body experience and neither me nor any member of my family (close relatives or far) had ANY experience even similar to OBEs.

Along the way I've conquered many different problems to get here but still I can't project. To be clear, I've never had any kind of fear and any trouble clearing my mind. In fact if I try I can completely focus my mind in a matter of seconds and I can achieve trance state quite fast and easily.

At first (before I read your perfect book) I didn't know what "Physical Relaxation" means and I usually ignored it, thinking it's only for those people who have problem with trance state or staying awake while body is asleep...But even after I learned and practiced Relaxation carefully from your book nothing changed. First I stretch my whole body then tense and relax each muscle independently from feat to head.

The problem I have is while I'm in trance state. I never encounter any projection symptoms documented in ANY book EXCEPT the buzzing sound which I'm almost hearing all the time. But beside that which is quite natural for me to hear, at best I feel VERY mild vibration for less than 5 seconds! And the ONLY time I've felt my heartbeat racing during practice was when I got quite excited because of external things and nothing special happened after that except feeling like crap.

Instead of encountering symptoms recorded in different media and books, I experience a set of quite different things. One of these things is the feeling of EXTREME itching (NOT tingling) all over my body that is VERY hard to tolerate. Sometimes even my leg jumps up automatically because of this feeling. The only times I get this feeling is when I'm trying to have an OBE (not even when generally relaxing or meditating).

Another unnatural feeling that I never feel is CRIPPLING pain! When I'm in deep trance (ONLY when I try to have an OBE) I feel crippling pain in my arms. It's almost like they've been shot by a pistol! I usually try to ignore the pain thinking it's just because of the altered state of mind but the problem is that it isn't! Even after I end the practice session, the pain goes one for minutes after that!!!

I'm 100% sure that's not because of any health problems and I'm pretty sure it's not even physical! Nothing even SIMILAR to this pain happens when I'm doing anything excepts trying to have OBE. Thank god it only happens to my arm.

The last feeling that I never heard of (read) is quite hard to describe in words. It's like the feeling you get when you shake your legs after they have gone to sleep.

I'm quite sure none of them are related to OBE symptoms and I NEVER experience them out of OBE practice time! I'm not worried and terrified AT ALL because of them. I'm just VERY frustrated and angry because I'm trying for almost a YEAR without ANY success or even any change!:(

I really don't know what I should do and I'm really in desperate need of help. And I'd really appreciate if you could provide me with ANY help or suggestion.

Best Regards.

Robert Bruce
29th May 2012, 01:10 PM
This condition is rare. I have encountered only a handful of people with this over the years.

Some people, rather than pain, can also experience orgasm at the moment when they start to exit the physical body.

I do not know precisely what causes this oversensitivity to energy and OBE.

The cure for this is to focus on meditation, energy work, and Lucid Dreaming...including Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming.

Then I suggest you come back to OBE once or twice a year and make an OBE exit attempt. At some point these frustrating symptoms will ease and you will be off.


Robert Bruce
29th May 2012, 05:32 PM
A ps to this....

Given that your main problem is pain in your arms, and the arms are the main conduit of energy into your higher centers, and that the higher centers are most active and need energy during obe exit, some extra work on your hands and arms, including the fine work on the hands, should help alleviate this problem.


2nd June 2012, 01:25 PM
Thank you so much for your answer but actually, my main problem is itching. It's just SO strong and intensive that my legs automatically jump up thus ending the paralysis! I've tried drawing my attention away from itches but I couldn't succeed. It's nothing like itches in real life, it's like a laser going through my body.