View Full Version : YOUR thought on reincarnation

18th May 2012, 04:07 AM
Gday Mr. Bruce.

What are your thoughts on reincarnation?

A big fear of mine is that at some point when I leave this physical world, my personality will diminish. I ALWAYS want to have my personality, and keep in touch with my loved ones the way we all are now but be able to go to different planes etc.

Do you HAVE to reincarnate? Will I always be me and keep my memories?

Robert Bruce
29th May 2012, 01:02 PM
Death is something we all have to face one day. So it is good to be comfortable with this by the time it happens.

By and large we seem to have little control, if any, over the reincarnation process. That is, until we develop to the point where we can do this deliberately, or choose other options 'the path of the masters...maybe'

However, I think families tend to stay together, life after life.

We seem to lose our memories at some point after the afterlife experience. I think that at some point we see things as they really are an then put these things, memory and personality, aside. It would be difficult if this did not happen, especially if one reincarnates into a different sex.

I do not have any personal experience concerning the popular theory of reincarnation, but I have seen enough to think that this is definitely a possible. What form reincarnation takes, and what can and cannot be done, is unknown. And that is exciting... lots of room for exploration and discovery.


30th May 2012, 02:23 AM
Thank you for the reply Mr. Bruce. I am hoping that after I pass away in this life that I can be a guide, and move on to a non physical reality system. Or some other world... I feel really lost here in this society. Like I don't fit. I am learning though... but it just doesn't feel like I belong here.