View Full Version : Asking guides for help.
16th May 2012, 07:27 AM
Sometimes I will ask my guides for help. I guess you can say I get in a prayer like position... Not all the time. Usually I just lay down and speak aloud for their guidance. I will lay there and ask if they could help me get out of body, or have more clarity during my OBE's. I thank them... because I know they help me as well. One night I asked and I become lucid during the night and my astral leg was pulled and I was out for about five seconds, but then was sucked back in my body.
I really wish I could meet my guides. I bet I already have and I just haven't realized it. Maybe in a dream? I ask them, or it, (I don't know) if I could speak with them during my OBE's. Alot of my OBE's or AP's I have had I have asked for them, or if they are around and I get nothing. It's always usually just me. Are they doing this for a reason? I did have an entity sit on my bed one night when I was in sleep paralysis and he was looking right at me. Was this a guide? I have not a clue. I am trying to seek answers but it's difficult.
I ask guides for assistance quite often... I tell them I realize I have to put effort on my part as well. Some nights when I do this strange things happen. Other nights nothing. (That I can recall at least.)
Is there any good ways I can ask my guides for help? I don't Pray to them... I just lay down before bed and out loud talk to them. One time I wrote a note... hoping maybe they would read it while I was sleeping or something.
I am in a point in my life where I am trying to find answers and really want to meet my guides.
So I came here to ask if any of you had any advice on how to do so.
Like I said, it seems everytime I am out of body I call to my guides and I get nothing. I wonder why this is?
I once read that guides are there to help and to use their help as often as you want to. (I always thought to myself I didn't want to annoy them.:wacky1:)
Do I even have any guides? If not... Then that night I asked if I could be pulled out of body or assisted if I tried on my part... and it happened... what was that? Something most definitely yanked me out of my body with alot of force.
You know I look at times, numbers, etc and I always see 11:11. I don't know if that is my guides reminding me of things... Or helping me... but I am usually really lost in the astral and it would mean so much to me if my guide (s) could show me the ropes. I am just quite not sure how to go about it...
Thanks folks. I hope everyone is well. Happy travels. :-)
16th May 2012, 10:52 PM
Is there any good ways I can ask my guides for help? I don't Pray to them... I just lay down before bed and out loud talk to them. One time I wrote a note... hoping maybe they would read it while I was sleeping or something.
I think the form (speaking out loud, writing notes, etc.) doesn’t really matter… As long as you enjoy what you do and find it meaningful and positive, then it’s likely to be a good mean to reach your support team.
That being said, just yesterday I was browsing a book and fell on a passage I wrote down for myself as a reminder, and it may also answer your question… It was saying that we simply need to ask gratefully and joyfully as if it was already granted. You may for instance simply say within your heart something like``thanks for helping me with/to…`` and as you do so, try to visualise it and feel how happy it makes you, then let yourself feel the joy and love that this positive collaboration inspires you.
I also wrote notes and letters for a time, and the idea of writing one came back lately... I do believe that these letters I wrote back then reached my guides… I have read something in the Seth books mentionning that Seth was always aware of Jane’s overall state. He wasn’t following her around all the time or monitoring what she had for breakfast, but they were always connected, and so he was aware of any change of state or strong response from her part. I only wrote this from recall so I hope I’m not distorting it, but that’s how I like to see relationships with guides and/or higher selves. They are likely to know and monitor your thoughts closely when you address them genuine prayers, talk to them, call them, or need help, especially if deep feelings and a strong focus are involved.
I really wish I could meet my guides. I bet I already have and I just haven't realized it. Maybe in a dream?
In a dream… That’s very possible :)
You may want to pay attention to recurrent dream characters. They may be guides, helpers, teachers, and also self aspects (elementals, higher selves, etc.) and affiliations (other consciousnesses, from your soul group for instance) etc.
It may be very different from one person to another, but dream characters who feel familiar, supportive, accompanying, yet are unknown to you in the physical may be from your support team. In my dreams also, they often appear as persons I know or have known in the physical but who don’t feel like these persons. The appearance then, is only a guise that tells me about the kind of relationship we have and/or personal characteristics they have in common with the person whom they appear as : for instance, a `teacher` based on one I had in school, a `mother` and a `father` based on my parents in this life, `classmates`, a `sibling` an `old flame`, etc. I have noticed that the guise is not always perfect, and that it may even be off, yet in the dream I still think of them as `my mother`, `my father`, and so on…
I ask them, or it, (I don't know) if I could speak with them during my OBE's. Alot of my OBE's or AP's I have had I have asked for them, or if they are around and I get nothing. It's always usually just me. Are they doing this for a reason?
There may be all kinds of reasons, but it may be because they see it best for you at the moment. For instance, they may see it fit to give you space to explore and learn out of your own curiosity and free will. Sometimes I also wish I could have a clear chat or be taken somewhere, but it may not be what I really need then, so in these cases, I also get no answer, or if I do, I am instead given a clue or a sign. I trust their judgment and feel that if they choose not to answer, it is because I don't need what I asked for, or that it is not the time and place, or some other good reason… Still, one may always ask ;)
I hope you’ll find out more about your support team...and maybe meet with them!
Good luck, Cody :)
17th May 2012, 11:58 AM
Meeting my guide(s) was a gradual process. I couldn't even project at the time-- I was giving psychic readings and would get random flashes of a red-headed woman/angel standing behind me and helping me. I finally ended up confronting her. I believe she is what Jung would call my anima-- the female aspect of myself.
I also communicate with my Higher Self/Oversoul fairly often. And another guide that turned out to be a past-life aspect of myself. It's a little ironic that all my guides are just aspects of myself...
Have you tried Buhlman's technique for meeting your higher self out of body? Go a few feet away and demand "Higher self now!" Be firm and expect results.
With all that said, sometimes guides purposefully don't show themselves until you are "ready."
18th May 2012, 10:13 AM
You know I look at times, numbers, etc and I always see 11:11. I don't know if that is my guides reminding me of things...
oops ... just when I read this now I looked at my pc watch, and it was 12:12 :-)
18th May 2012, 10:27 AM
Guides come when you need them. Your method of lying down and calling them loud or in your thoughts or even wrriting it down is all good. I do these things too.
And no, I don't think you don't have to 'kneel down and pray' as some religiously inclined people seem to feel compelled to do. There's no humbleness necessary if you ask me. Of course you respect them as they respect you. Maybe it is even (some kind of) love, at leasts it's a fond and intimate work relationship. Imo, praying and "just" asking guides for help by 'talking' to them might be almost the same anyway.
I have met some helpers (as I call them) in person and one even told me her name a while ago. One was a monk with blue skin, funny looking, but I like funny things happening in my lucidventures, so maybe my guides 'comply' to that.
Many of them help me out when I stretch out my astral hand to exit my body. Over time, I even discovered a mix between their invisibility and visibilty. I called it (by comparison) the 'predator combat mode'. They showed to me in a kind of blurry way, not really visible but still you could see 'the air' (quote from my log because there I described it better: "A kind of blurry distortion of the air/visuals of that room. Do you remember the Predator Movies? What I saw, was a shape (but mostly the hands!) like this combat invisible mode that these creatures used when hunting. You can still guess a shape when it moves by distortions of the visual surroundings.").
I assume this to be attributable to their operating on a higher vibratory level, but still I am slowly adapting to this level and so I sometimes see them. When I see them completely our levels match temporatily, either because they 'down-sized' their vibration rate somehow for me or I managed to raise my vibration temporarily. The blurry outlines is thus the result of a mixed situation with me being still on the lower level but being able to 'perceive' slightly the helper on their higher level.
Aunt Clair
12th June 2012, 02:57 PM
When I first met Robert Bruce it was online in 1995. There was a great spiritual chat web site by a guy name Rene, where we met. He convinced me to meet my guides through automatic writing and it worked. I was amazed. But I was confused by this later because he feels he has no guides and has always gone 'straight to the source'. As for me, I have had a lot of help. My closest guide was George Beauvert a French Canadian and a past life spouse of mine. He flashes on my left eye for an "I am here" sign so I can tune in to see him and hear him and he also gives me a confirmation sign which is goosebumps on the right arm from the elbow to the wrist. He has taught me ever so much but I don't see him a lot anymore and I am not sure why. I also have had guides for different subject material whom stay with me for a time and then move on. One was a healing guide. Another taught me about exorcism. And so forth... I find that daily meditation is the best way to meet guides but if this is something you are not ready for then try scrying with a pendalum, reading Tarot cards and automatic writing after protection ,of course.
12th June 2012, 03:15 PM
he feels he has no guides and has always gone 'straight to the source'.
I identify with that. I have certainly encountered apparent beings who seemed to serve as guides or companions (or both), but that was only when I actively started looking for something like that. Prior to that it was always straight to the Source, and it still is, most of the time (guides may or may not be hanging around; I sometimes enjoy that interaction, so I seek it out).
14th June 2012, 06:04 AM
Myself I ocasionally ask for a sign from my guides while meditating and sometimes I think I hear something, but I tend to blow it of as something else. Yesterday when I asked if my guide/guides were with me I heard a female voice that said "", in a unfinshed sentence kind of way. I agree with what dreaming90 says here, as these sounds have come to me gradually, whatever they are.
I do want to think they/he/she/it are guides though, but I guess I'm a guy who wants more proof and sometimes that bothers me.
8th July 2012, 12:27 AM
I ask guides for assistance quite often... I tell them I realize I have to put effort on my part as well. Some nights when I do this strange things happen. Other nights nothing. (That I can recall at least.)
Is there any good ways I can ask my guides for help? I don't Pray to them... I just lay down before bed and out loud talk to them. One time I wrote a note... hoping maybe they would read it while I was sleeping or something.
I am in a point in my life where I am trying to find answers and really want to meet my guides.
So I came here to ask if any of you had any advice on how to do so.
Like I said, it seems everytime I am out of body I call to my guides and I get nothing. I wonder why this is?
I think all people have guides. Moen once asked why he didn't get
any answers from his guides, and they eventually responded that
if he knew everything in advance (and didn't have to find out himself)
he wouldn't get the same emotional impact of life's events.
But some guidance comes and some answers come. Perhaps answers
comes different, different times? Sometimes as knowings, sometimes
as a fellow human, sometimes as a writing on the wall.
I put my Retrieval method ( on this forum as it can be used for
more than retrievals, it can be used to get help from guides.
Monroe once said that if we have problems, the guides want us to find the
answer for ourselves. The guides (Monroe's I-There) don't show up on the
first time or the third, but perhaps on the tenth, when we really have problems.
And as DeMarco's "Guys Upstairs" said, the better the question, the better the
answer will be. I take it as specific questions are good. And also ask, then leave
the question for some time, then I wait and expect very little.
Perhaps I should add that I haven't managed to ask any questions myself in OBE,
but I do it by other methods.
8th July 2012, 03:25 AM
If you want to be guided, ask God for the BEST guide, and you'll get the Holy Spirit, the Ruler of all spirits. Then you will succeed at anything as you can ask Him anything, and He will answer you lovingly, in whatever way that suits you best, that you can handle. All you have to do is ask: "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" - Luke 11:13
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