View Full Version : 5 years of Chronic headache after seeing a Shadow Person - Help

9th May 2012, 10:06 PM
First off a physiologist, Roy Rummel (before his passing 2 years ago) gave me your book Physic Self Defense which I read. I was seeing Roy to help me deal with a chronic nonstop headache that has lasted almost 5 years. Not a waking second in the past 5 years has been pain free. That in and of itself is a mystery for my doctors but the question for you is that the headache started after visiting the Queen Mary Hotel in Long Beach where I saw a Shadow Person hovering above my wife one night. I woke up feeling a constant cold blast of air and I looked up and saw this dark mist shaped like a cloaked person looking down on my wife. I jumped up and yelled to my wife to wake up. The Shadow turned its head and look directly at me then evaporated. This happened in June, the following August my headache started and its been almost 5 years, over 110 medications, being hospitalized 6 times from Michigan, Chicago and Tennessee. The doctors all give me a different diagnosis. I am on full disability as the pain is constant and the more I focus on a task the more intense the pain gets. I'm always in pain

I have also been able to project since I was a kid, just one of the things i learned and made sure I didn't forget how to do as I grew up. I don't think I had project anytime in the months before this happened.

My question for you, could this Shadow Person have anything to do with this pain?
I have seen shadow people from a young age but this was the first time since I was in my 20s. This particular event was different as it wasn't the normal type of shadow I have seen before and the way to turned and looked at me still unnerves me. Did I bring something back?

If so how do I get rid of it?


Robert Bruce
27th July 2012, 09:42 AM
It is possible that a spirit attachment is causing pain. Maybe the spirit passed away with head injuries and this is passing to you.

Get a copy of my 2nd edition 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook' which has a lot more information than the first.

In particular, the Core Affirmation will help, and other countermeasures.

I also recommend electrical earthing. See the book by Dr. Sinatra 'Earthing'


I also suggest you seek out healers in your local area. They can be a great help.
