View Full Version : A bit of a silly question about psychic development

9th May 2012, 09:24 PM
I know this is a strange question I have that started me wondering.

I only figured out recently how manifesting/attracting health and the like. things that seem rather 'impossible' manifest at first.

I was wondering is manifestation of psychic abilites possible? Reason I ask this is, I always thought things like health and physical talent were something that had to be 'worked' for in the traditional sense.

I have a really good book called "The Inner Game of Tennis" The Author uses Tennis as a medium for learning spiritual development. He states that he has shown students how they do not need to 'improve' but use non-judgemental concious awarness to develop there connection with their spirit/higher self, which in turn does all the 'work' for them, as opposed to the 'traditional' way of learning by repeatative drills, practice and such. It's a form of sports Psycology.

I realized that this is a form of 'manifestation' the creates physical prowless. The Author also wrote about how his spirit managed to 'manifest' his own salvation, having to travel in the dead of winter after his car wracked. His spirit gave him the energy to runn for 15 miles to town. where as before, the cold was sapping his strength until he let go and surrdendered to his possible on coming death.

Sorry for the long disscution, anyway to you think that the 'manifestation' process can develop or bring about psychic abilites as well?

10th May 2012, 04:20 AM
I was wondering is manifestation of psychic abilites possible?
I don't see why not. I manifested wisdom (note that I'm not claiming I'm "wise", but I am a hell of a lot wiser than I was when I was younger), and tact (though I don't always use it ;)). These are not qualities I had. I decided I wanted to have them, and circumstances unfolded in ways that these things were developed. I didn't "do" anything, really. It just happened on its own.

I always thought things like health and physical talent were something that had to be 'worked' for in the traditional sense.
Talent is inborn, a gift. You can develop skill in your area of natural talent, of course, but you don't have to "work for" a talent. I don't know about manifesting a talent, but there are people who "discover" they have some previously unknown natural ability, so it's probably possible.

anyway to you think that the 'manifestation' process can develop or bring about psychic abilites as well?
I can't imagine why not. But I'll also note that it's a common side effect of spiritual awakening that various phenomena that might be called "psychic abilities" develop naturally.

And, while it's fun and entertaining and possibly useful to experience these things, it's still just an experience, like anything else. It might be somewhat more unusual as experiences go, but it's still just experience. If that's what you want to experience, there's no reason why you can't, other than your own belief-filter-worldview getting in the way. ;)

Robert Bruce
29th May 2012, 12:19 PM

Yes, psychic abilities can be manifested. This is a powerful method of psychic development.

See my books (the new editions) of Energy Work and Astral Dynamics

I teach how to do this in these books.

Basically, you use the same methods of manifestation as you would to manifest anything. Affirmations and etc.

EG, 'I see auras, I see energy, I am clairvoyant, I see spirits' etc....


Robert Bruce
29th May 2012, 12:20 PM
I also teach this in my video-based course 'Manifestation and Self-Healing'

see www.AstralDynamics.com for more information on this.
