View Full Version : Problem with tensing up during trancework

8th May 2012, 07:41 AM
I know this probably have been written about before here on the forum, but i write it anyway wanting a fresh answer.

I have hit a wall in my trance practice. Many times when in light or medium trance my body, especially my legs, tens up really bad. I have misstaken this for other symptoms I actually wanted to have and it really irritates me. I can get it to go away by thinking of my body and intentionally relaxing the muscles but it comes back again and again. I dont know if it comes back by unintentionally thinking about the problem or by some other mechanism. I keep thinking its the bodys way of checking for something, what that is I dont know so feel free to enlighten me. This tensing up comes very inapropriate, like at times when i ask for guidance to take me deeper into trance or when I get falling sensations etc. And that then makes me think "Oh, now something is happening, great lets go with this". After a while, I realize that its only my legs tensing up, sometimes shaking, and I have to relaxe them again.

What can I do about this. It stops me from getting any deeper into trance many times. is there some mindset I need to have to not get this or do I need to do more muscle relaxing techniques? Affirmations? I havent found any solutions to this in the books I have. they just say that one should beware of tensing up.


8th May 2012, 01:36 PM
Idk if my ideas are 'fresh', but I'm launching into it anyway:

I havent found any solutions to this in the books I have. they just say that one should beware of tensing up. This might be part of your problem - 'beware' sounds a lot like 'be aware' and this is bad advice for someone who is trying to relax.
I do think you need to do proper body relaxation using awareness, but when you move to mental relaxation, the body should not be focused on any more, and when you get to the point of the trance where you are having sensations that can be attributed to the body (warmth, tingling, vibrations, falling sensations) then you should find a way to engage your mind that redirects your awareness to something other than your body- such as 'trying to see' things, or trying to 'hear' your earhiss- for example. I think that at some point you just have to make the decision to ignore the tension and refocus on mental distractions, such as what I mentioned, or a rundown, if this makes any sense.
Trancework techniques (such as the 'smoke rings', 'elevator', etc.) should induce a sense of movement, but if at some point the movement causes your body to flinch or to tense up, simply continue the mental exercise as one where it's not you that is moving, but something in front of you, such as a 'leaf falling', the 'sun setting', that kind of thing.

8th May 2012, 01:47 PM
That is great advice CFT so thank you, I will try those mental exercises. I have mainly used the elevator technique up till now, perhaps that is the reason my body tense up. If anyone else have some pointers Id be glad to get them please.

8th May 2012, 01:59 PM
I just noticed I answered the wrong one, so I swapped them so Robert still has the chance to chime in. Sorry, it's my first job of the morning.

11th May 2012, 01:31 AM
I have this problem on and off, mostly with my arms. When they start to feel numb and floaty the muscles tense, as though my body is trying to physically make my arms float up. I usually deal with this problem by relaxing the tension and imagining a warm, heavy blanket being pulled over my arms. I also usually engage in a brief but vivid daydream to pull my attention away from my body.

I also have a big problem with my eyes tensing and aching when the surrounding area is anything but pitch black. I either find a way to reduce the ambient lighting or I do the daydream trick.

11th May 2012, 05:47 AM
Much appreciated dreaming90! This is what I'm looking for, concrete tips on how to make it go away. Will deffinately try this out. Thank you.

Aunt Clair
31st May 2012, 12:56 AM
Try varying asana. The asana can facilitate vibes which shake the legs when in the fetal pose. Limbs should be uncrossed to promote flow of energy and blood.Gentle stretching prior to sitting in meditation should help especially yoga floor. Also try meditating at 7:30 pm when the body is more relaxed and the evening meal is partially digested but the body is not hungry and has not fallen asleep yet.