View Full Version : Searching for Experienced Projectors

5th May 2012, 12:22 AM
This idea has been synthesized from Bruno Giordano, Robert Bruce, Thomas Campbell, and Lyn Buchanan.

Put simply, this experiment needs someone preferably a group of people to project forward in time 24 hours in the future and retain an image of a random object printed out on a sheet of paper.

If you are capable of astral projection and are capable of seeing variables in the future then you are capable of this experiment. This experiment is obviously a speculative financial experiment, not in the name of greed but in the name of a serious effort that could help save lives. There are many more nay sayers than there are inquisitive minds that are willing to put an effort. Whoever jumps on board I would like to reward you for your efforts handsomely. This is an experiment I've always wanted to conduct because after literally 5 years of research it's my firm conclusion that this is a very real possibility and opportunity to help ourselves and help others.

I've never understood why I get such negative feedback for this curiosity but I would like to write out my story and show you where logic has led me. If you are curious to hear my justification please read on, if your interested please post below if not I would respectfully ask you to not comment below at all.

This all start when I began researching Bruno Giordano a murdered philospher from the 15th century who had developed a genre of mnemonics that uses visualization of images. Making it possible to memorize 200 digit numbers in a few minutes successfully. Each number for example is an image for example 4 is a whale, 9 is an axe.

These images are called figurative codes and they are very powerful. After a few days I could recall a 200 digit number. This idea of figurative codes is also seen in a "genre" of remote viewing called "Associative Remote Viewing" where numbers or abstract "man made objects" become taste for example. This explanation can be found on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObeI82f5OmI At that time and moment in my life I did not believe in neither astral projection nor remote viewing. I was scared of the idea of astral projection.

Later on I had an intense spontaneous OBE as an agnostic physicalist so to speak which changed me profoundly and decided to challenge myself so I began energy body exercises. I activated the third eye strobe effect accidentally, I didn't know that symptom was related until months later when I read MAP which became my own conviction from my own subjective experience that Chakras were definitely real.

To this day I have never read a piece of information outside of my body impossible for my physical senses to detect. However I have heard Robert Bruce personally write to me and say he has, and I do trust his subjective experience and intelect very much almost as my own because of this previous conviction. because virtue of the fact that everything I've experimented has rendered the exact effects described.

I challenged a remote viewer to view something of mine because I did not believe, and he said it's best to try it yourself. So I did, he gave me an 8 digit cue, so I felt sand, elegance, gold, bronze, and a mountain perfectly triangular, those were the words I wrote while I was RVing the cue, 3 days later without knowing the man I challenged or the target He emailed me a picture of the Giza Pyramids so subjectively I found Remote Viewing to be true and probably some primitive by product of third eye related ESP. The reason I'm describing my skepticism and self experimentation to you is to help you understand I came from a polar opposite awareness of reality and that I find this idea to be potentially valid because I have reason to believe everyone that has ever tried the experiment is doing it wrong.

The Monroe Institute had a class on Associative Remote Viewing the stock market for years. It was $1,500 to take and it "does not guarantee success". I felt sick inside that this somehow was the most unusual scam I had ever seen being sold on the internet so I ignored it until I saw Lyn Buchanan's video on youtube met with much negativity as well. If it was true why wasn't he rich? I emailed him personally and bombarded him with questions. His response was "the future is like weather it's very chaotic and full of variables you never know what your going to get, BUT you can build your accuracy to the upper 70% area which is 20% better than guessing." And "gambling is evil I only help children" which I saw as a convenient excuse seeing that he could feed a thousand children if he could do what he claims. When more minds are together on one project it becomes more powerful. I decided to stop being curious and ignore everything.

Later on I got an email from the remote viewing guy, , don't even remember his name he said "I've had success with astral projection and speculation but I have kids now though and I'm too busy to pursue it, its in your hands now." After all it takes minutes to "learn remote viewing" but months to "learn astral projection". Robert Bruce's MAP book really shows this. SO, I asked Robert Bruce personally, VERY apprehensively, but I did. Can you see the market in the future? His response was something to the effect that "it would be very chaotic if everyone could do this, anything you put your mind to is possible, I do believe it is possible yes" there were also many self proclaimed experts that said to me "you don't understand astral projection you only see emotional things" or "gambling is evil and greedy your spirit guides would say you are de-evolving and detest you" and "I want to try this out! I'll get back with you when I'm done learning (never heard from them again)" Out of all the responses I got the only people that were giving me inquisitive feed back were the same two people that profoundly made me second glance at reality.

I began to realize some deep profound truths to our global society and reality how every day 5,000 children 50,000 people starve to death and how 4 trillion dollars is made every day how it only takes .00001% to permanently end world hunger (40 billion). I saw world bankers explain to young wealthy college students how the new rise of Asia will dramatically increase the middle class and how there power will tilt on a global portion and become even more difficult for everyone -and how they should worry and adjust themselves to this new standard. There is no denying how powerful money is on our lives. I never realized that it's power comes from it's difficulty to recieve or it's scarcity and that because of the nature of fractional reserve there needs to be people suffering without it for it to become valuable. The existence of money thrives off of supply and demand which are nice words for scarcity and survival.

In summary I suggest money is neither good or evil, however it's outdated and parasitic in nature. We have technology that can build a home in 24 hours 90% cheaper, grow healthy organic food for free, move people and cargo 4,000 miles per hour for 4 cents around the world capable of ending all human suffering, clean the oceans completely and chemically render all trash into material four times stronger than steel, completely ending air pollution and ground pollution, or energy that could run a car 4 years on one charge. I would love to explain further each and everyone of these because it's my forte but all of these technologies are being stifled by ignorance, the lack of money, and outdated parasitic institutions. The very idea that someone could press a button and gain tens of thousands of life times worth of digital non existent labor in one hour is very telling of the validity of this theory. There are multi millionaires in their late 20's that did nothing but press buttons and make predictions for 3 years.

I reserve my exhaustion with the consensus of people that say money is evil or greed is evil and trying to attain it is evil. I find reality is neither black or white. For example let's take reality as serious as we possibly can. If you didn't have money, you wouldn't have money for internet or a computer, you wouldn't be reading this, you wouldn't have eaten today, or yesterday, or the week before, there would not be enough neurological chemicals in your brain to develop normal mood balancing chemicals to aid you in producing an opinion you have regardless of what it is.

In Summary I have strong feelings that predicting the value of a financial instrument is very much possible only with astral projection or Ajna "third eye trance" using blind target "figurative codes" in the short term future on a instrument that is very much "liquid" not being effected by variables easily. If this experiment proves true it will mean incalculable wealth within weeks in which this should remain very much obscure if not taken down immediately. The tools of humanitarianism can be conveniently funded if this does prove to be true.

Is this an immature illusion of grandeur? Possibly, However It has never been done in human history with expert astral projectionist under this protocol and I know that for a fact. how many people in the world do you imagine are capable of consciously projecting at will and do on a daily basis? How many of them are aware of figurative codes and have a third party monitoring it for them? How many of them are aware of the know how to trade financial instruments? I would say zero. I would say whoever has gotten this far reading out of curiosity is 1 and 7 billion. This seems to be the only active forum in the english speaking world on this subject. There are a lot of humans alive right now but I scincerely doubt ANY of them have made an attempt at this experiment under this exact protocol and I would like to invite you or whoever is reading this to join me.

5th May 2012, 01:19 AM
I have thought about the possibilities of astral projection and financial gain in the stock market for years now. The trouble is that getting to the level of actually being able to go into the future and bring back information is insanely difficult.

You are talking about finding individuals who have an insane amount of experience and ability in the area of astral projection. At this current moment in time i think its safe to say that the pool of people that are in that level scattered all over the world is probably less than 1000. Look at all the people on this site, this is one of the largest communities in the world for true spiritual growth, and just from reading the forums there are only a handful of people that can truly say they have mastered astral projection.

By the way are you a GMS student?

Its not really money that is the problem, it is people. From the top to the bottom. The Big CEO stealing a countries natural resources, to the little Asian boy scamming tourists in china. It all deals with the both the ethics of the culture and the values we have in a society. Those things are generally learned from an early age, but every once in a while you get those individuals that see past it and search for higher truths and meanings. Out of 7 billion people, there are over 3,000 people who have made their way to these forums in search of higher truths and meanings...we still have a long way to go to save the world.

In reality you can throw as much money as you want at the problem, hell give everyone 1 million dollars. That will just cause more turmoil and problems. There needs to be a new system in place that has its values in making sure humanity evolves to its highest level.

But yea if i am ever able to do anything close to what robert bruce can do in AP, then i would be more than happy to help you with your project.

5th May 2012, 06:50 AM
Thank you for your response,

"I have thought about the possibilities of astral projection and financial gain in the stock market for years now. The trouble is that getting to the level of actually being able to go into the future and bring back information is insanely difficult."

Why is it difficult? Maybe your aware of something that I am not, can you consciously project at will? How do you know this to be true? The idea is to view a sheet of paper of a random image in your room or somewhere familiar to you at the end of the day per se. Not a chart. Not a number. Not anything but a random image that means nothing to you. This image is a figurative code that means something to the monitor (me). The stock market is much slower. The foreign exchange is a thousand times quicker and more powerful for short term scalping on high leverage. If it IS possible to see a picture in the short term future I suppose it is very much possible for this to work out.

You are talking about finding individuals who have an insane amount of experience and ability in the area of astral projection.

If you know anywhere else to find a petition of people would you expect it here? This is the only OBE community with active users on the internet in the world. I am looking for individuals with an insane amount of experience and this is the only place I'm aware that that potential is actually possible.

At this current moment in time i think its safe to say that the pool of people that are in that level scattered all over the world is probably less than 1000. Look at all the people on this site, this is one of the largest communities in the world for true spiritual growth, and just from reading the forums there are only a handful of people that can truly say they have mastered astral projection.

I asked Robert Bruce where to find mastered APs, because I'm aware that it's going to be very difficult for me to pull off by myself because of the nature of the subject and because of the fact that I'm going to be the mnemonic monitor.

By the way are you a GMS student?

Yup, I was one of the first few students after the GMS course was translated to english.

Its not really money that is the problem, it is people. From the top to the bottom. The Big CEO stealing a countries natural resources, to the little Asian boy scamming tourists in china. It all deals with the both the ethics of the culture and the values we have in a society. Those things are generally learned from an early age, but every once in a while you get those individuals that see past it and search for higher truths and meanings. Out of 7 billion people, there are over 3,000 people who have made their way to these forums in search of higher truths and meanings...we still have a long way to go to save the world. In reality you can throw as much money as you want at the problem, hell give everyone 1 million dollars. That will just cause more turmoil and problems.

Yes I agree, but this is also a tangible subject as much as a spiritual. forums usually have an unfavorable view of my mind because I'm not spiritual enough or that I'm missing the point somehow, but I have a loyalty to the material objective as much as I do the spiritual subjective. The child in china scamming tourist is trying to survive - I find it true that we as humans kill to survive every day whether were aware of it or not, not talking about just diet but the concept that money by nature is a tool that thrives upon the scarcity.

The concept of scarcity is misunderstood especially by people that have it. If everyone had a million dollars the currency would hyper inflate and would not exist. The central banks can in fact do this but they don't, in fact the swiss central banking family was recently caught making billions trading forex because of grandpa's insight, in other words they could all give us a million dollars but that would devalue and reset everything. It sounds preposterous to some that refuse to spend days trying to understand it all and it's a very very complicated subject that's taken me years to fully grasp, to this day I'm only aware of a few truths in the tangible world. And I feel this idea that spirituality is more important is just as false as vice versa. I do balance that statement on a fine median though and partially agree with you. :)

There needs to be a new system in place that has its values in making sure humanity evolves to its highest level.

I'm infatuated with futurism because the technology is there right now as you read this. Spiritual evolution will occur naturally I think the investigation of OBE, consciousness, multiverse, dimensions, DMT, even extra terrestrial intelligence are all inevitable mental evolutions that will take place in the world. But I find humanities biggest problem right now is that nearly over half of us are eating mud pies or living less than $2 per day while we have people that can grow the healthiest food scientifically possible and transport it at mach 30 speed around the world. I fight for this cause and deeply yearn to convince someone capable of projection that this experiment is literally capable of ending these awful situations. I've talked to over a dozen scientist personally via email through out the years and even have them skyped asking them about what's holding them back. We have the technological apparatus and I'm in the position if there are real APs that are willing to give this an effort to put the money in the right hands.

But yea if i am ever able to do anything close to what robert bruce can do in AP, then i would be more than happy to help you with your project.

I really appreciate this, I hope you do! There is a rumored catastrophe upon us toward the end of this year around late July that I'm hoping will prove to be incorrect, Fiat digital money is being put to the test right now because India and China are dealing with Iran in gold for oil rather than dollars which has never happened in our life time. (which is really the only reason why I'm hoping someone with "what robert bruce can do" actually takes this serious enough for a test run. )

5th May 2012, 03:04 PM
A comment- Yes, there are many experienced projectors here, but most of us don't have the required expertise in finances to focus on the stock market and trading, so most of us are not interested in participating in something like this (just speaking for myself, of course)- If I decided to go back to school and study finance to know what I'm looking at if I decide to try to 'see' what I'm supposed to do next, I wouldn't be surprised if the right answer were 'do nothing', because in terms of the stock market, volatility is a bunch of hokum, and IMO the smart thing is to do nothing, the markets correct themselves and the average person doesn't even understand how it works- me included- but my intuition tells me the reactions to all the market movements are either inappropriate or just plain dishonest.

5th May 2012, 11:04 PM
Hey CFTraveler I see you everywhere nice to meet u

A comment- Yes, there are many experienced projectors here, but most of us don't have the required expertise in finances to focus on the stock market and trading

That's perfect! not looking for expertise in finances. Were dealing with nothing but looking at a sheet of paper 12-24 hours in the future. That's the experiment. This sheet of paper is going to show an object like say.... a bottle. That means nothing to you or an AP but that means a signal that is worth tens of thousands if proven to be true. The more APs see "a bottle".. the more likely according to the Remote Viewing protocols.)

, so most of us are not interested in participating in something like this (just speaking for myself, of course)- If I decided to go back to school and study finance to know what I'm looking at if I decide to try to 'see' what I'm supposed to do next, I wouldn't be surprised if the right answer were 'do nothing', because in terms of the stock market, volatility is a bunch of hokum, and IMO the smart thing is to do nothing,

Hmm, not sure I understand completely about 'do nothing', people make millions trading volatility they wouldn't make money with out it actually. However the stock market's leverage is low, is liquidity is low and because of that it CAN and IS manipulated by rich financiers often. However the currency market is 4 trillion deep in liquidity, in other words it takes about 30 billion dollars to see your actions manifest on a chart and so far the only guys doing that are the guys printing money at the Bank of Japan. Stock Markets a swimming pool, currency market is an ocean you cannot create a tidal wave doing a cannon ball in the currency market. For this reason I find it to be much less variabled.

the markets correct themselves and the average person doesn't even understand how it works- me included- but my intuition tells me the reactions to all the market movements are either inappropriate or just plain dishonest.

Yeah definitely, They are dishonest and inappropriate. My father developed a software in the 80's that caught every major corporation manipulating their book value for his doctoral graduation essay. The stock market is corrupt and so is the currency market but we still use money and many of us still work for companies. If I'm going to live in a rigged system I would prefer to cheat twice as hard to save the little guys in stealth than do nothing at all and avoid understanding it. It is more difficult to care and understand than it is to ignore and criticize for this reason I hide my angst to spread positive vibes instead but I know deep inside this affliction is put upon humanity and most of us in general is not only from ignorance on our behalf alone but also false criminal 'pretend' ignorance "the powers that be" hide behind when their confronted, not only the CEO in the stock market, but the men who print money itself at the central bank who dine $40,000 meals every day... Their not even rich their beyond that, money does not exist to them, the best word to describe this paragraph and process is "Res Ipsa Loquitur" it's thought provoking you should look it up.

I have just one thing to say to simplify all of this elaboration, if you believe it's possible to view an image in the morning of something you placed at the end of the day and you can render that information once every day during the week days without knowing anything about finance. You will have $100,000 in 8 calender weeks. and $1,000,000 in 12 and I can promise you that.

6th May 2012, 01:03 AM
The thing is that for example, I have been projecting for a very long time, and if I did the experiment, manifested the paper and then "saw" soemething in it, there's no way to really know if I saw a symbol of something that means something, if it's a symbol of something in the future, or the past, or something out of the M-Band- someone's wishful thinking, or worse- my own wishful thinking.
Let me give you an example of something that happened to me:
I had this vision of someone giving me a piece of paper with numbers. As soon as I opened my eyes I wrote the numbers on a piece of paper and for the next six or seven years tried to play the numbers as lotto numbers, manipulating them in different ways to see if this was its importance.
For years nothing happened, and I was working in a job in which I would get the daily figures for my department and I would post them on a board for the employees to know how much money our department made for the week, and one day the secretary comes in the room and hands me this little post it note- and in the note, was the numbers I had dreamed about ten years ago, the date, and figures put together showed the number. As I sat there and stared at the paper I realized what just had happened- something as inconsequential as getting the weekly figures meant something, because I had seen this moment years ago, with no clue to what it meant.
I then felt with certainty that I was at the right place at the right time in my life, and that this was the significance of the vision- that all this vision was meant to do was not necessarily tell me what to do, but to let me know that I was where I was supposed to be.
So the message for you may be different than it was for me, and I really hope that it enriches your life in some way.

6th May 2012, 02:17 AM
Hey! I appreciate your receptivity :)

The thing is that for example, I have been projecting for a very long time, and if I did the experiment, manifested the paper and then "saw" soemething in it, there's no way to really know if I saw a symbol of something that means something, if it's a symbol of something in the future, or the past, or something out of the M-Band- someone's wishful thinking, or worse- my own wishful thinking.

Hmm interesting, perhaps It's true. I have heard this one before and your experience is definitely more involved than mine. It appears there is a way to filter exactly what you just described in the ARV method this distortion has been over come. My original intention was to for example email you a picture of a figurative code or cue or symbol same thing at the end of the day. In the morning of that same day you project and "go" to the same place you print out that picture at the end of the day creating a sort of gravity or familiarity with that spot. However, if it's true that time during projection in fact distorts the physical world in the future so profoundly to the point where you cannot even "See" an image in the physical world in the future than this would prove to be impossible.

Let me give you an example of something that happened to me:
I had this vision of someone giving me a piece of paper with numbers. As soon as I opened my eyes I wrote the numbers on a piece of paper and for the next six or seven years tried to play the numbers as lotto numbers, manipulating them in different ways to see if this was its importance.
For years nothing happened, and I was working in a job in which I would get the daily figures for my department and I would post them on a board for the employees to know how much money our department made for the week, and one day the secretary comes in the room and hands me this little post it note- and in the note, was the numbers I had dreamed about ten years ago, the date, and figures put together showed the number. As I sat there and stared at the paper I realized what just had happened- something as inconsequential as getting the weekly figures meant something, because I had seen this moment years ago, with no clue to what it meant.
I then felt with certainty that I was at the right place at the right time in my life, and that this was the significance of the vision- that all this vision was meant to do was not necessarily tell me what to do, but to let me know that I was where I was supposed to be.

So the message for you may be different than it was for me, and I really hope that it enriches your life in some way.

Fascinating, it has, I get De Ja Vu every so often and I feel that sense of being where I need to be.
If you ever feel like experimenting let me know we'll start immediately :) if not, thank you for your words

16th September 2012, 11:37 PM
Im looking for experienced projectors to help me in make and AP

17th September 2012, 12:23 AM
In what way?