View Full Version : The Dream mind and the deceased.

4th May 2012, 10:00 AM
Hi Robert

Over the last few years I have been having dreams of the same deceased person (someone who I never knew when he was alive) In one of my dreams I asked him where ihe was, he said to me " I exist in the same time and space as you, but different dimension" By same "time" and "space" I gather he meant the here and now, would this be the astral plane? I would also like to know if it is indeed possible for the deceased to "visit" our dreams, considering the dream mind is situated in the physical body, and not the astral body. All these dreams I have had seem like normal regular dreams, nothing lucid about them. So either it is us who are visiting them (the deceased) in the astral plane, and these memories are getting mixed up with our normal dreams. Or these are dreams that have been created from our subcsonscious mind for some reason, and nothing to do with any astral memory?? This seems likely in my case, or why else would I dream or visit someone I never even met when he was living?

I hope my question makes sense:confused:
Thanks Tarryn

Robert Bruce
21st May 2012, 12:34 AM
The deceased can visit us, yes, and dreams are the easiest way to facilitate this. We can also visit the deceased in the same way.

This person could be in the astral planes, or elsewhere....the mental planes, etc.

I do not know why you would dream repeatedly of this person. The only thing for sure here is that you have a connection.


21st May 2012, 05:54 AM
Thanks Robert, this is one of the reasons why I am trying to learn astral travel.