View Full Version : Deliberate Reincarnation

2nd May 2012, 07:17 PM
1. How would you know where there is a viable fetus, location wise and gestationally wise, as a practical matter?

2. Wouldn't the timing have to be remarkably precise?

3. I assume you want to do this before death, because after death the real time double quickly loses energy and falls asleep? On the other hand if your real time double is now in a fetus, wouldn't that interfere with normal nightime projections?

Robert Bruce
21st May 2012, 12:26 AM
1. One could look for women that look pregnant...and that would be a good start.

2. This would not have to be precise. A baby can be conceived, carried to term and even born with no spirit attached.

3. If you look at the ubiquitous nature of existence and OBE, it is clear that one could project a copy of oneself and that copy could act as a placeholder, creating a strong attachment between the older person and the child. Then, when the older person dies, the rest of his her consciousness/spirit would follow.


21st May 2012, 04:09 AM
a. If the placeholder double is somewhere else, wouldn't that interfere with normal nocturnal projections?

b. How do you know if a fetus is already "occupied"?

[Mod Note: Coy of thread for wider discussion is here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?14235-Deliberate-Reincarnation-%28COPY%29]