View Full Version : Would you speak more towards E.T.s?

2nd May 2012, 07:13 PM
There is a huge base of people, including myself, interested in E.T.'s

Would you speak more towards E.T.s?

Robert Bruce
21st May 2012, 12:17 AM
I have had some interactions with ETs, since the age of 4, and occasionally see them in the astral, and in real life. But I do not know a lot about them. What I do know is that there are many different factions, with different agendas. Some are good and some are not so good. I do not get involved in ET activities and generally mind my own business in this respect. This, I have learned, is wisdom.


21st May 2012, 04:30 PM
Dear Sir...

¿Is reliable info from "The Hermit" (book by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa)?

¿Are "Gardeners of the Earth" (a concept from The Hermit) extraterrestrial beings with external appearance like our, but taller than?

¿Greyish type aliens are humans coming from future like some arguments?

And ¿what criteria do you follows in order to clasify them as "good" or "not so good"? By example, human surgeon activity (outside clean room, although deeply interested in to save life of someone) may seem criminal for another individual, wich familiar with surgery reglament, doesn't knows real intentions of surgeon, or urgency of such surgical activity. Although infection is sure result from ongoing surgery under unsure safety conditions, that's trivial taking into account death risk induced by disease under surgical treatment at that moment. Infection could be treated after with suitable antibiotics.

Done your connection with Higher Self, ¿can you download, from Him, info related the matter you are focused on (e.g.: alien purposes)?

My best regards,