View Full Version : Was this Kundalini or just Chakra Piercing?

2nd May 2012, 12:25 AM
Hi all,
I have a question for any of you well versed in chakras and kundalini. About 8 years ago I opened my 6th chakra- didn't even know about it prior, was just focusing within the mind while in a trance like state. I then did research into what happened to me and came across knowledge of the chakras. After practice with this center, I decided I wanted to progress further and open the 7th.

You'll have to forgive the lack of detail, as it was years ago- but I opened the 6th chakra and deflected the energy up to the 7th. When the energy hit the 7th, I experianced what Robert Bruce described in his kundalini experiance- as in the cracking egg shell feeling, the medusa effect, and geometric shapes popping out of my forhead.

However, I didn't feel any energy from the base chakras on up. No coiling snake up the spine. So, would this just be a piercing of the 7th center, or could this be kundalini?

My guess is it's not, as when we open the 6th center we are recieving all this energy, and the energy that I expelled up to the 7th was energy I absorbed through the 6th center. But then I read some of Robert's account and it is very similar. So I'm not sure if the experiance is similar due to a first time piercing or if it was kundalini. Any insight would be great, thank you.

2nd May 2012, 01:46 AM
I think you had a very intense third eye strobe due to stimulation of it. Not necessarily a Kundalini phenomenon (I've had all of those as a result of energy work and trancework, including the 'mandala' type visions, and I don't think it was Kundalini). I'm certainly not 'wise' or 'enlightened', and don't know much either.
Something to note is that most of these symptoms (including the medusa-type effect) once felt, can be felt again and again, and I think it has to do with awareness also- once you know you can see or feel certain things you become more open to them.
As to 'opening' and 'piercing' of chakras, I don't subscribe to what I consider a literalization of a concept that is to me at least, a little more abstract- I think in terms of stimulating or energizing a chakra, not in terms of 'opening' or 'closing' them, except as metaphors. But that's me, I understand that different ideas abound.

7th May 2012, 11:06 PM
Are there specific exercises to stimulate the medusa like effect?

16th May 2012, 03:41 PM
I think you had a very intense third eye strobe due to stimulation of it. Not necessarily a Kundalini phenomenon (I've had all of those as a result of energy work and trancework, including the 'mandala' type visions, and I don't think it was Kundalini).

In my experience everyone seems to have a different idea or impression of kundalini (and everything else for that matter) but there are some noticeable similarities. One similarity I think is the spontaneous "wriggling" that is experience I think that is usually emanating from the root/muladhara chakra at the very end of the tail bone/coccyx. I would be more inclined to agree with what CF says as it sounds more like your third eye which I am very impressed that you were having these 'visions'! I personally havn't experienced any geometric shapes to my memory but I have had some circular wave like patterns recently among other 'visions' after working on third eye/ajna. generally the ajna is thought to be the 6th chakra and the root/muladhara/kundalini chakra is thought to be either the 1st or 2nd.

I'm certainly not 'wise' or 'enlightened', and don't know much either.

how modest of you :)

"I am only wise insofar as what I don't know, I don't think I know"


also in my experience the root/muladhara/kundalini, saccral/sex, heart/anahatta, and third eye chakras all are very important in terms of the energy body and are part of a kind of strong energy channel that mainly runs up the spine and is what is called the shushumna and the two lesser channels on each side of shushumna ida and pingala (also sometimes called shakti, kundalini, shiva, male and female, light and dark, etc...)