View Full Version : Chelsea Hanlder

30th April 2012, 10:48 PM
Chlesea is the leading late time comedic who happens to be an alpha female (imo).

this was my facebook status "Never in my life i thought i'd see a black-rapper-driveby-shooter-ghetteo-gangster-whatever being actually OWNED on tv - Chelsea Handler plays hardcore hardball ; the man was PAWNED (had to rewatch like 6 times ,still not satiated )

Puff daddy came an hour late for his appearence on "Chelsea Lately" ; this is what happens if you keep Chelsea waiting for an hour :arrow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYblhro44HE&feature=share

30th April 2012, 11:00 PM
I have always liked how she can just say absolutely anything at all, no problem.

6th May 2012, 01:57 PM
i just dropped into write a quick note that i've decided that Chelsea Handler is to be taken under study by yours truly.I will be reading all of her books and published material available and ofcourse write synoptic reviews here in the books/media section.
Her triad sequenced as 1 , 2 , 3 consecutively on the NewYork Best Seller list (i have no idea how they rate books i must mention).
I cant wear contacts for the next 2 months (optic abrasion , my sclera is over worn) when im settled in with my glasses , hopefully the reviews will be posted here for those interested very soon ; as im already reading doing a book now.

14th May 2012, 08:41 PM

14th May 2012, 09:13 PM

I've read Chelsea Handler's Book called : "The Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me" (by friends , family and co-workers ; its a compendium she didn't write it herself just dropped her comments on each "tale")

Here's what I think : Chelsea Handler get's paid in amazing figures by placing herself in "devil may care ; this is the chelsea zone now /starts pranking on people" , She's independant successful and financially sound with clout only alpha-female looks can get.
She's so amazingly genuinely wry (border line sarcastic mentality and that's being just herself speaking out without a filter).

My thoughts on the book are just this : how amazing does a person have to be to get paid to be just yourself ; then make it just as much an equally successful hobby out of it?.

13th July 2012, 12:41 PM
I've just finished reading "Are you there Vodka ; It's me Chelsea"

I'll pen ther review after i get back to my folks place.

13th July 2012, 12:47 PM



11th November 2012, 10:40 PM

chelsea is just the right amount of saucy & tart.

11th November 2012, 10:53 PM

so i just finished reading chelsea handler's "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang" (the book is literally laugh a line)
a lot of people pick down on the writing as being very upfront or borderline vulgar so much so that the risque tone of her writing is always a hot topic (which is really funny since i'm assuming most of the people haven't seen her show), while the feminists hold laurels to her bold sassy tones and the fans argue that her straight-forwardness and brutal honesty contribute to the book's appeal , fact is if Chelsea Handler is a little too ahead of her times (a fact I find incredibly refreshing).

what is amazing is the fact chelsea handler has the miraculous gift of saying absolutely gosh darned anything and not only just getting away with it but making you love her as she does!

The book consists of humorous essays written by Chelsea about her various life experience , if your'e looking for a quick easy book to unwind with this is probably it.

11th November 2012, 10:57 PM
I love what her caption reads ha ha! (http://www.stud-center.com/wallpaper/chelsea-handler/5226.html)

14th February 2014, 12:49 AM
chelsea is always on top of her shoe game , her shoes every damn day it's DANG WHOA NELLY :shock:

20th February 2015, 10:57 AM
it's like Chelsea Handler had no filter at all , her comedy was totally just herself thinking out loud.

a lot of late night live comedy met the dust this year , but chelsea lately was hands down , just the very best.

14th May 2016, 06:43 AM
Chelsea Handler is BACK! now on netflix , if you liked "Chelsea Lately" then switch to netflix late night for "Chelsea"

god does exist , Chelsea is back! :D

14th May 2016, 05:03 PM
Have you watched the show? I put it on my 'to watch' list, but haven't yet.

14th May 2016, 05:23 PM
You simply must!

it's more educational , more news and current events and more "knowledge knowing" then "Chelsea Lately"

same type of humor though , same 30-minute format.

14th July 2016, 01:51 AM
not really liking it so far , Chelsea Handler , the woman whose most amazing thing was the fact as if she could say anything at all - (no problem)

On Chelsea Lately she had that acerbic sharp humor and was very gutsy shooting down the A-listers without any fear at all - that was her thing and it was entertaining.Sharp questions and no fluff.
We all just loved seeing the bigwigs lose it on Chelsea or better come up with no answers at all.

The new show is too watered down , but since Netflix is letting her call all the shots , she can absolutely totally do whatever she wants , I say that's a huge win for a woman in media.

One thing we can all be glad for is that she no longer works for E! (the source of the plague known as the Kardashians).Trust that is evolution for her in any term of the meaning.

Thing about Chelsea is that , she's the only woman on late night , and holding that fort good and strong , the rest are all start to end men.
Stephen Colbert , Conan , Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and whomever you have there , fact is she is out and still being all woman about it.
