View Full Version : The Kiss, 'Unknown' Friends & Cinema Dreams

30th April 2012, 11:50 AM

I was in a kind of movie theater complex. First I somehow 'sneaked' into a cinema that was empty. I remember I was somehow in the men's room and put on a kind of festive jacket there. But otherwise I wore jeans and casual attire. I got out again into the great main lobby. There were long queuing barrier system posts with the attached red ribbons or cords between them. Here's a picture if you don't know what I mean:


I remember no people queuing in this hall. This empty lobby also resembled the main auditorium of my university a little. The only person there was an elderly lady with glasses who seemed to occupy the ticket booth. She saw me coming out of the empty theater room and seemed not to approve of my having been there in the first place giving me some serious glances. I don't remember if I spoke to her.

Then I walked (fast, to avoid or 'escape' her) into the opposite cinema where a show, film or theatrical performance was going on. The room was crowded and next I found myself sitting there. I do not remember the content of what was taking place at the screen (if a movie) or stage (if a play).

Suddenly however, in the row before me, the people turned around and greeted me. One woman, a brunette, said something to me shortly. And then she approached my face and gave me a kiss on the mouth. Wow, it felt absolutely 'real'! I felt it on my lips in all its softness.

She then somehow retracted again to my left side (in the row before me) before I could talk to her more. I looked one more at her (still in surpised and astonished state) and saw her with her lips somehow protuding or over-sized like in a caricature, but maybe that was my own perceptional distortion as it was the part of her that had touched my own lips before.

Then some of her company who were all sitting in the row before me turned around (maybe the movie was over) and greeted me. We conversed a bit but mostly it was about that they know me and if/why I don't remember them. There were some males and another blonde female. I tried hard to remember and came up with the possibilty that I knew them from my time as a student. Still I could not say for sure. They were persistent to state that they know me well. I felt some kind of bond or friendship to them, but it in a vague and unspecifiable way.

I wanted to join them but then they were almost all disappeared into the lobby again. I then talked to two of the guys who remained in the theater with me. A more sturdy one who was nice and waiting for me. I tried to put on a kind of shirt pulling it over my head (I have this often in dreams lately: Somehow I do not get ready fast enough for sth because I have to get 'my things / belongings' together in a hurry.)

He and another one wait for me to go with me outside. I still don't really remember them although I feel that they are right somehow and we know each other. The other guy then asks me if I can take him with my car to a city. He is farther from the north (he mentions the city, so I know). I say I can try this but it might be a bit difficult in organisational/logistical terms as I am from his south and my usual direction (probably we were talking about commuting to our workplaces) is even further down south, so he would not be on my way.

Then the dream ended.


My remembering these people from my university times is consistent with the lobby also matching the main auditorium / lecture hall of this university. But still they were no actual people from my life.

Maybe the 'educational' aspect hints to soul education in dream-state, since I am in school / university situations a lot in dreams anyway.

The sturdy guy looks similar to a helper who was in a group of helpers who once helped me out of the bed from my portal, not too sure about it though.

Was the movie theater the one Bob Monroe talked about? It's where dreamers mostly watch and experience their simulations. Does becoming aware of the theater signify some kind of 'waking up' then? I had a few cinema dreams of this kind before.

It is intriguing that in dreams I meet so many people who claim to know me. In another recent amazing dream which had to do with a kind of 'encouragement' from my HS, I met another woman who made this claim. It was a dwarf woman again (what do dwarf people in dreams mean anyway?) but another one as this one (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=110305#post110305). This also (!!) happened at my old university in a recreational area (a café). She asked me if I had seen a certain person giving an unfamiliar name. I said that I don't even know this person. When she took a seat at another table with some of her friends I was still watching her and asked myself if I had come across her before. She then glanced back at me again and said: "Yes, you know me!".

So who are these people? Soul mates, soul family friends? Incarnations, aspects of the higher self? Guides, helpers? And why did "she" kiss me by surprise? Who is she? Was she a soulmate? My higher self? A 'pushy' helper? (Well, not too new for me ... I had already found myself 'in bed' with another one or two in projections, here (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=99996#post99996)and here (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=100388#post100388), and it wasn't the same one this time, as far as I can tell...).

Questions, questions, questions, I get more new questions from dreams and projections than answers. It disturbs me somehow that I always end up like this: :shrug:.

30th April 2012, 07:06 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

This also sounds like the astral dream theater area Kurt describes. It is indeed an educational area as it replays dream scenarios of archetypal area over and over for those who are ready to learn from them.

The kiss was probably your interpretation/translation of the picture of what Kurt terms "vibrational touch" - an initial stage of learning to have deeper (= more "intimate") exchanges with nonphysical beings. You may note the similarity with Monroe: He reported astral sex experiences primarily early on and meaningful exchanges with others later.

The height of beings can denote the level of spiritual growth of that being - from dwarf to giant. Sometimes oneself can be the reference point (smaller than oneself, bigger than oneself), sometimes the reference is in comparison to others present (smaller than other entities, bigger than other entities). Also possible are signs of rank (as in my dreams: coworker, line manager, department manager).

This shows your astral 4th chakra is present (noting comparison of function in other beings) and the 5th is developing (levels of interaction with others and meaningfulness of the exchanges).

The car is a vehicle of consciousness, the direction north is towards Source, south is back into the lower astral plane, and southmost is your home base in physical reality (where your work is). So, he basically invited you to attempt to get a little closer than Source than you are used to in your adventures and you didn't feel up to it that night.

30th April 2012, 07:22 PM
“Because dreams at the fourth level involve fourth chakra sensitivity to the presence of others, you’ll experience dream characters as largely benign. Your relationships with them will involve interest, affection, and mutual support. In other words, you won’t attempt to murder them when they cross you.


“What you call the Passive Learning Zone is present at this level for those who are unable to recognize Personal Trainers. They witness dreams that are growth-motivated solutions to archetypal human problems, using images and people from daily life. From outside, they seem to be attending a movie theater with others, though themselves unaware of the presence of others. No two people see exactly the same dream, though the theme is identical.”(from: The Lowest Four Subplanes of the Astral Plane (http://kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2010/199-the-lowest-four-subplanes-of-the-astral-plane))

30th April 2012, 08:43 PM
Thanks Korpo, a lot to think on again. Will reserve a fraction of tomorrow's May Day for reading this part (I had read the other one on the upper planes before as you know).

Indeed! When I was rethinking the contents of this dream a few hours ago, I had this same idea about the meaning of North and South (South meaning lower planes). So it seems he was kind of 'inviting' me to try 'ascending' a bit more to higher planes with him. Cool.

Still, I am not so certain about the dwarfs. I don't know if I really had the impression that this little woman was somehow 'inferior' to me in development (spiritual). Also, wouldn't this logically imply that I see - as metaphoric analogy - my guides / helpers as giants? So far my dreamscape is not necessarily flooded with giants, nor did I see my guides as giants in projections or dream. In projections, I see them either as 'normal' persons, as 'blue monks' or just in what I called humorously as this kind of blurry almost-invisible 'Predator combat mode'. In dreams they seem almost always come to me as friends I have in this life.

I wonder couldn't there be another meaning to the dwarfs I meet? Like fairy beings or such (just speculating)?

1st May 2012, 08:40 AM
I saw some giants (even dug one's bones up in one experience), though a being may shield its full "size" from you to make you more comfortable. Usually it's more subtle than that and within the range of what we expect of the human range - from small to tall. A bit taller than you might be enough of a hint, really.

About fairy beings - don't know. The context would need to indicate that, size alone is not enough of a clue I'd say.

Almost invisible being could mean that they operate from a higher body than the one you're experiencing from.

Coming as friends is your translation - I see them as friends, but even more often as coworkers - because we do so much work together.