View Full Version : Affirmations done when OBE'ing

30th April 2012, 02:38 AM
Dear Sir...

NOTE: Following inquiry was done (September 29, 2011) at http://plus.google.com remaining occult from astraldynamics community done special site architecture restrictions.

If Higher Self is proactive and more easily reached when OBEing, then, ¿that's a recipe that suggest reliable affirmation effectiveness would be best reached at such state?

Then, done I'm a spirit embedded at my physical body, when OBEing an affirmation like "I'm able of to perceive my environment through astral sight and hearing, when I'm inside my physical body" ¿will be more effective than spoke such an affirmation when I'm inside my physical body?

Increased efficiency at affirmation time is sequel of the conviction arising from belief system change done OBE success and environment increased sensing capabilities. In another words, ¿how can be sure of prosecuted result unless oneself shall experience that oneself expect to obtain?

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
4th May 2012, 06:29 PM
This is a good idea.

Anything you do in the astral is more powerful.

And results will appear as soon as you allow them in your belief system and subconscious mind.
