View Full Version : a brainless practice?

25th April 2012, 09:09 PM
would love to throw this out there, cause as of now apparently meditation is a "worthless" practice in the way we all see it.
this is from that lovely news letter, and not a skeptic or a troll.
"Meditation is the activity of clearing
and keeping thoughts from your mind

It’s a state of thoughtlessness.

That’s right. Having zero thoughts.

Now, I don’t know about you, but where I
come from, being “thoughtless” is a bad thing.

"It boggles my mind that there are yogis
who sit next to rivers and literally are
THOUGHTLESS for 20 years of their life.

Can you believe that?

Then of course, since they are thoughtless,
they also are HOMELESS and BROKE and need to
go around bothering people by begging for food
when they are PERFECTLY CAPABLE of making a

Thoughtlessness and self-inflicted poverty

My friend, surely that is funny to you, too?

Because it makes me belly laugh!

If a Buddhist monk came to me and asked
for advice, I’d tell him to grow up and get a job!"

nice and so clever too Rob.
So when did making fun of other peoples beliefs become one of your spiritual practices?

Robert Bruce
26th April 2012, 12:17 AM
My apologies....

Please ignore this newsletter.

It was written by one of my associates and was sent out before I could check it.

This person is currently strapped to a spit and being slowly roasted over a fire.


26th April 2012, 02:37 PM
I am elated that those were not your thoughts Mr. Bruce.

This particular newsletter was upsetting, and the only way
I could justify those viewpoints is that energy body work
is more potent than void meditation.

Even then every practice has its place, and void meditation
has probably produced more realized masters on this planet
than any other practice.

The practice of asking for alms and surviving every day by
the grace of God, effectively the practice of surrender, is
also a very potent way to overcome ego and grow spiritually.

Realized Yogi's rarely have a need to go and beg for food,
either having no need for it or being able to manifest sustenance
at will. Having no earthly possessions or home, they are
infinitely richer than most men with both.

Robert Bruce
26th April 2012, 04:14 PM
Thank you for your patience...
