View Full Version : How often do you dream?

24th April 2012, 04:50 AM
I dream every night.

It is always usually just one dream and it continues throughout the night and changes very often.

One minute I am talking to people I know, the next minute I am being chased. You just never know with me. Maybe I have a wild imagination. But, some of the dreams I have make me go. :whatthe:

How often do you dream?

her crow
24th April 2012, 06:06 AM
I dream very rarely, and my dreams are usually very short and condensed. Usually dreams occur when I have had a very vivid and emotional experience during the day. Also, I have noticed that I tend to have dreams when someone new is sleeping next to me during the night, in which case the theme of these dreams are about the person next to me. I believe the latter is an extension to my hyper-empathy, however no real and usable info can be obtained from these dreams, therefore I am not pursuing it.

24th April 2012, 06:44 AM
I dream every time I go to sleep for 90 minutes or more, including naps.

There are lots of studies on dreaming and REM sleep. Everyone dreams, including animals. Generally, we only remember dreams if they occur before waking (whether it's in the middle of the night or in the morning or during a nap, etc.).

In fact, if human beings don't get adequate REM sleep, they show signs of sleep deprivation, no matter how much deep sleep they get, so it's clear that dreaming serves a purpose (other than mystical, I mean).

I haven't have any significant or important dreams in months. I guess my subconscious doesn't need to tell me anything. ;)

24th April 2012, 08:14 AM
I dream every night, as most people do. But not everyone remember them. I remember my dreams almost every night.

24th April 2012, 10:59 AM
I do dream every night...but...I do not remember all dream´s.
My intent and wish is to get help through my dream´s to help me solve my everyday problem...and to make me more clear about the subconsiuss and the supressed memories so I can relese the stuck energy in them to get back my whole energy...most of my energy is holdin in place fear, agony, sorrow, shame, guilt and so on......

Harry Shirton
24th April 2012, 02:59 PM
Studies show we all dream every night...3rd week of MAP, and my concern is my lack of recall...I wake up reaching for pen/paper to jot keywords, and the dream dissolves on a scale of seconds...no recollection once pen is in hand!

24th April 2012, 03:19 PM
Dont sweat, it took me a few weeks to get my memory up and running. It gets easier with practice.

Harry Shirton
24th April 2012, 06:42 PM
Thanks Sirius...taking dream recall quite serious (sorry...couldn't resist;))

25th April 2012, 03:10 PM
People usually only remember what they dream just before waking up (one or two times a night, depending on how deeply they sleep) but studies have shown that we dream every night, at least most of the night.
The old paradigm was that we don't dream in delta sleep, but recent (or not so recent) studies have shown that we also dream in deep sleep, we just don't remember. Unless of course, there is a brain injury or are on medicines that mess with this faculty-then all bets are off.