View Full Version : Is this normal for a first OBE?

21st April 2012, 11:06 PM
G'day Robert!

It's an honor to be messaging you, I'm a huge fan of your work. Lately I have been working towards attempting an OBE. I do NEW as often as possible and have been learning to go into a trance but hadn't seriously attempted an exit yet. I have had spontaneous projections a few different times when I was growing up, always attempting immediately after I returned to my body (usually after 10-20 seconds, but up to a minute once) to get back up to floating up in the top corner by the ceiling in my room watching myself, but I was never able to produce a conscious projection in these moments. Needless to say, when I found your book Astral Dynamics I was ecstatic to find practical instructions on how to get there! I just hadn't tried yet because I wanted to make sure my energy body was built up enough, and I still do not think I am there.

However, today for some reason I just got a kind of premonition that the somewhat drowsed state I was in was probably producing theta waves, so that very instant (thinking the thought may have come from my higher self) I relaxed completely and went into as deep of a trance as I could right there on my chair outside. After a couple minutes I could feel boundless energy and light making my energy body overflow and burst with a warm sensation.

At this point I began doing the rope technique, and within ten to twenty seconds I felt the vibration state for the first time in my life. I almost got too excited here and lost it but am so glad I was able to hang on and keep doing the technique because what happened next blew my mind. I believe I had four actual exits/projections (and very quick re-entries) within the span of about thirty seconds. Is this possible, being my first conscious attempt at projection? I'll tell you how it went down so you can hopefully shed some light for me on what exactly might have occurred (I think you are the only person on this planet or in this particular dimension that could).

First, my awareness lifted out of my body through my chest it felt like and I proceeded to bounce back and forth from one side of my body to the other: up and down over both ears then back down to the ground, which I don't think I was trying to do necessarily. When this happened, I had stopped feeling the vibrations. Within a few seconds, though, I bounced right back up into my brain and was again in my body, feeling the vibrations as strongly as I was before I first left. I immediately went back to doing the rope technique and quickly projected again.

This second time, however, my awareness sort of "fell" out of the right side of my head (I don't know any other way to describe the feeling). I couldn't do anything but sort of float to the ground slower and softer than a feather, only continually move my gaze upwards to watch my body as I fell. As I was softly landing on the ground, as quickly as I had just exited, I was pulled up quickly back into my body again and again felt the vibrations. The third exit was almost exactly like the first, just a little bit longer I believe.

The fourth time found me exiting out of the back of my head and slowly backing up while looking at the back of my head. Then, all of a sudden, I had a similar "fall" to the second exit, watching my shoulders turn into the chair as I did not think about turning my gaze upward this time, and landing softly in the rocks behind the chair I was sitting in. Then, again like the second time, I was fairly quickly pulled back into my body. It was only after finishing this fourth projection that all of what had just occurred downloaded and became available to my earthly memory. Once I realized what had happened, I got very excited and fixated on it, which caused the vibrations I was still having to fade away. However, I was left with the same warm, overflowing sensations that I started with for a few minutes, and I felt like a lock on my chest had been opened.

Sorry for the somewhat long exposition, I was not sure how to ask my question in any shorter form (I was worried I might leave something out). My question to you is: do you think it's possible that I really had four projections on my first true attempt? If so, do you think my higher self caused that premonition that told me to get on it right then and there? Finally, do you think my inability to really control my awareness once I exited stems from not building up my energy body sufficiently? Any suggestions you can give me on where to go from here would be immeasurably appreciated. I'm terribly confused as to what happened and would love your insight so much. Thank you greatly for your time and help, Robert! Keep up the great work, we've got to keep building the spiritual movement, and you are the true guru! Many thanks again.
:thumbsup: :clap: :mrgreen: :rolling: :mrgreen: :clap: :thumbsup:

Warm regards,
Josh in Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

*---I am not my body...---*

Robert Bruce
26th April 2012, 04:27 PM
G'day Josh,

My question to you is: do you think it's possible that I really had four projections on my first true attempt? If so, do you think my higher self caused that premonition that told me to get on it right then and there? Finally, do you think my inability to really control my awareness once I exited stems from not building up my energy body sufficiently? Any suggestions you can give me on where to go from here would be immeasurably appreciated

This is an excellent experience, and is typical of OBE success. Your analogy of opening a lock on your chest is very apt. You have quite literally broken the ice here.

4 obe's or more in one session is quite normal. This makes me smile, remembering similar experience i had many years ago. You should be able to repeat this experience and you'll get better with practice.

It is not a matter of building up your energy body that is needed, but all your NEW practice would have contributed to your current breakthrough. Control will come with further practice OBE's. You may have a string of short low powered OBEs, but there will come a time when they will grow to become more meaningful and fun...with more freedom and control.

Yes, your higher self influenced you here, giving you the 'knowing' that you would succeed.

Just keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to progress. This first conscious deliberate OBE is the most important hurdle. Now, like learning to ride a bike, you'll be a bit wobbly for a while, and then you'll be off.

I hope you have read the 2nd edition of my Astral Dynamics. This will be a big help. Its quite different from the first edition. Make commands when you are weak to improve your mobility. Also try to project elsewhere with commands 'Take me to the beach, or etc?"

enjoy the journey....robert