View Full Version : Going places instantly without knowing how to get there

20th April 2012, 07:23 AM
G'day Mr Bruce.

I'll keep this short and simple. A few times when I have been out of body I wanted to go visit a friend who lives in a different part of the US. (Stopped recently though because I am keeping my OBE's short and sweet) I never have seen her in person. It seems when I think about going there nothing happens. I seem to just stay in the RTZ.

Is my intent not strong enough to go there? How am I going to get there if I don't know "exactly" where it is she is at? I figure it might be quite possible that my awareness level isn't high enough. What do you think?

PS: Bought and downloaded your evolution Ebook and am loving every bit of it.

Take Care Robert.


Robert Bruce
27th April 2012, 04:40 PM
I suggest you try making commands in the real time zone when you are out 'Take me to ?" and etc. Repeat as necessary.

Also set your intention with affirmations every day, and especially before an OBE.

You can also try to summon her to you when you get out of body, by making commands 'Bring ? to me"

If you have her address you can use Google Earth to familiarize yourself with the area and this might help.


28th April 2012, 01:51 AM
Much appreciated Robert.
Will give this a shot.


29th April 2012, 03:13 AM
¡Hi, AstralCody!

Similar inquiry to your I've done at:


My best regards,