View Full Version : Snakes and Spiders

Neil Templar
19th April 2012, 08:23 PM
I am deep in a forest. Very deep. It's rather dark cos the growth in the low canopy above is so thick.
I am with a guide. She is a very competent explorer, kinda Crocodile-Hunter-esque, and is leading me somewhere, ever deeper into the forest.

I see a large fallen tree trunk, twisted and dead. I jump up onto it and am walking along it, looking down at it's form. The way it's grown in many twists and turns, more like many trees that've grown together and wrapped around each other to become one organism. I see cavities like little caves in the bark, some small, some large enough for me to go inside, if i wanted to, but i am aware that snakes might also enjoy such dark holes to rest in, and that i should be careful where i tread.
Now i see that some of these cavities have flames licking out of their entrances.
A thought (telepathic, from the guide?) tells me that these have been where snakes have sheltered, or made nests (do snakes make nests?).
I don't make a mental connection between the fire and the snakes, but it seems to make perfect sense to me at the time.

Jumping down again onto the ground, i follow the guide deeper into the forest.
We come to a particularly overgrown part, which then opens out into a clearing, where the trees have grown taller, and a little light gets thru to the ground. There is tangled grass covering the ground.
In front of us, is a huge glass wall. It is as tall as the trees, and thru it i see more tangled trees, very thick, so thick i can't see much further than a metre thru the glass.

A thought in my mind tells me, "This is where the spiders are. It would be dangerous to go inside."
I look at the glass wall, and see that the bottom of it doesn't actually extend down to the ground. The glass stops a small way above the ground, and i start to think about the possibility of spiders escaping their enclosure.
Then i look around, and see that in fact there are spiders everywhere, in the grass by my feet, and in the low hanging branches of the trees around me. I have a moment of concern, which quickly passes as i see that none of them are moving.
Upon closer inspection, i see that they are all in fact dead. Dried up husks of spiders, yellowed and transparent in the light. I stand on one to be sure, it crumbles in a flaky crispy pile on the ground.

I feel a little relieved, and glad i'm on the outside of the glass enclosure.

I wake.

19th April 2012, 10:02 PM
Yuck about the crunchy spiders.

(do snakes make nests?).
Some, like cobras, do.

I don't make a mental connection between the fire and the snakes, but it seems to make perfect sense to me at the time.

I've always thought Asian dragons look like snakes enveloped in fire.

23rd April 2012, 10:57 AM
A glass wall is an obstacle that blocks you from something you can already see but not reach. The obstacle here seems to be a fear. It turns out to be a fear residue as you only find shells with no life in them. This marks them as feeling-thought forms that no longer hold you back. Feeling forms are often perceived as astral critters if they are of a negative nature, hence the association both with spiders and fear. They are also transparent to the light - this means your changes in your relationship to the Source (the light from above) have resulted in draining the essence from those fears.

Interesting are the many references to uncultivated growth - tangles, knots, jungle, twists and turns. Maybe this experience is in part about "clearing" this a bit up? The clearing is where the light gets through, and the tall trees represent strong growth. Maybe you also need more processing of the growth you've been going through.

Did the holes in the tree remind you of something? Were they arranged in any pattern? It could represent which energetic centers are active (flaming snakes = active kundalini, also often associated with heat) and which are not. Such energetic readouts are quite common in dreams. It can also happen that energetic centers activate according to another order than a sequence. This would be more like activating some and then "filling in the blanks" (black holes).

Neil Templar
23rd April 2012, 02:51 PM
A glass wall is an obstacle that blocks you from something you can already see but not reach. The obstacle here seems to be a fear. It turns out to be a fear residue as you only find shells with no life in them. This marks them as feeling-thought forms that no longer hold you back. Feeling forms are often perceived as astral critters if they are of a negative nature, hence the association both with spiders and fear. They are also transparent to the light - this means your changes in your relationship to the Source (the light from above) have resulted in draining the essence from those fears.

Interesting are the many references to uncultivated growth - tangles, knots, jungle, twists and turns. Maybe this experience is in part about "clearing" this a bit up? The clearing is where the light gets through, and the tall trees represent strong growth. Maybe you also need more processing of the growth you've been going through.

Thanks Oliver. A few insights there that i hadn't reached, and a reminder that every detail is interpretable, and i'm often overlooking things that might have meaning when looking at my dreams..

Did the holes in the tree remind you of something? Were they arranged in any pattern? It could represent which energetic centers are active (flaming snakes = active kundalini, also often associated with heat) and which are not. Such energetic readouts are quite common in dreams. It can also happen that energetic centers activate according to another order than a sequence. This would be more like activating some and then "filling in the blanks" (black holes).

Hmm, not that i am aware of. There was a cluster of three small flaming holes together in a line, then a bit of space before another very large one a little up ahead... i cannot recall how the non-flaming holes were arranged.

I had already made the connection with kundalini and flaming snakes, so am now wondering if there is some kundalini related experience waiting for me in the near future... especially as the following night i had another snake-focused dream.

9th July 2012, 04:18 AM
I don't make a mental connection between the fire and the snakes, but it seems to make perfect sense to me at the time.

"Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent." - Isaiah 14:29; "The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent..." - Isaiah 30:6