View Full Version : Funny dream last night.

19th April 2012, 03:42 AM
I had a pretty funny dream last night I wanted to share.

Somehow I bumped into James ♥♥♥♥♥ (<<< Why is it making hearts?) and we talked about OBE's. He ended up getting really mad for some reason I can't quite remember. I was trying to induce an OBE and he would get mad. I can't remember much about this dream but I found it kind of funny. I also remember doing pentagram exercises in Robert Bruces Ebook Evolution in my dream.

Interesting... :lol:

Just thought I would share.

19th April 2012, 01:52 PM
The template turns certain words into hearts, and sometimes when certain words are part of other ones you get that effect. Personally, I can't write my last name in it because part of it is another word that is flagged.
Annoying, isn't it? But if you know it you can go around it, like this:
Of course, some will not be allowed, nohow noway.

19th April 2012, 11:11 PM
haha thanks CFT :D I saw the hearts and was like what is this?!

23rd April 2012, 11:12 AM
Somehow I bumped into James ♥♥♥♥♥ (<<< Why is it making hearts?) and we talked about OBE's. He ended up getting really mad for some reason I can't quite remember. I was trying to induce an OBE and he would get mad. I can't remember much about this dream but I found it kind of funny. I also remember doing pentagram exercises in Robert Bruces Ebook Evolution in my dream.

If James hmm-hmmm ;) is who I think he is, then he is a representation of a mental belief system that is sceptical and at odds with anything that does not conform to its overly "rational" doctrine. Such a belief system is a common barrier to making progress in practices like OBE, as this self aspect needs to be reconciled with your desire to experience and practice something that is at odds with the world view we are exposed to from our surroundings.