View Full Version : Getting out

7th April 2012, 10:34 PM
Sorry to be asking so many questions. Last night my whole body was asleep and I could move my astral toes, but I didn't leave my body. It was a perfect time, I heard voices, sounded like loud thunder and felt like an earthquake. How do you get out of your body? I tried rolling but that didn't work, I did the climbing rope and that didn't work. Would really appreciate some suggestions.



8th April 2012, 01:01 AM
I could be wrong (I seem to be the only one who thinks this) but I believe what you felt is your energy body and projection means project ting consciousness I don't believe that when you astral "project" you actually leave your body and actually you have to be in a state of mind that is similar to dreaming / Day dreaming and the voices / noise is actually a psychic attack (not trying to scare. I reccommend it be treated as illusion and ignored as the Buddha said illusion)

8th April 2012, 05:35 AM
I could be wrong (I seem to be the only one who thinks this) but I believe what you felt is your energy body and projection means project ting consciousness I don't believe that when you astral "project" you actually leave your body and actually you have to be in a state of mind that is similar to dreaming / Day dreaming and the voices / noise is actually a psychic attack (not trying to scare. I reccommend it be treated as illusion and ignored as the Buddha said illusion)

That's a good point! "out of body" I believe is a term just like anything else. It's all consciousness really. It's funny though I have taken on a human form many times. (My body) I even felt like I had a body but there was no pain etc. Perhaps it was more comfortable for me to have a body in my first experiences. After that I really have always just been a "point of consciousness."

8th April 2012, 06:32 AM
So when you get to the point when you can "leave your body", what's the best way? I actually start to hurt if I don't move after awhile, I mean after an hour or so. My body is numb after 20 minutes and vibrates, but I've yet to leave my body.


I do try to "roll out" and float up or down, but that has not worked thus far.

8th April 2012, 07:54 AM
Hey Tracie.

I know what you mean after you starting to hurt after a while. Have you experienced your body starting to move on it's own? Sometimes I think the reason behind people not being able to leave their body are because they try to hard. I still have that problem sometimes... The good news is it sounds like you are experiencing astral noise and such. You sound just like me when I first started this. I only had about 5 successful OBE's this far in. Almost a year now. As far as the best way to exit the body, or the best time... I can tell you what I do, and I hope it helps! I really don't have a technique that I apply. The trick I do is when I start to get a falling sensation or enter sleep paralysis I hold that feeling, and I simply will myself out. The "intent" to get out. Don't get to excited or scared because it will terminate the OBE almost instantly. When you get out... You will know. Just like I did. Then you can jump up and down for joy all you want. I literally did barrel rolls through my hallway.

I find the best times for me are when I am extremely tired, or at night before bed, or in the morning most of the time about 4am to 6am. Technically though anytime would be fine I think. Early morning hours seem to be most effective for some reason.

Also, if you start to see a bunch of white light and your ears start to ring, etc... I hold the feeling and just observe. The best time for ME to "get out" is when I start to get the falling sensation. That is the most amazing feeling in the world. "Can be scary at first." When you feel this... Just hold it out. It might be a crazy ride for about 30 seconds. But after a while it shortens. Usually for me now I can separate within 10 seconds or less. It's a powerful feeling.

PS: You can have OBE's that are very sluggish and tend to make no sense. Or can even feel like a dream. This is normal, but keep at it. Because my last OBE I had my awareness was so high that it felt just like right now. Only 10x more real and peaceful. It's all about how aware you are. I find the OBEs I have when I wake up all of a sudden at night tend to be very weird and short. Others I have had are so real it will amaze you. I have had several verification's now. It's changed my life that is forsure.

If you have any questions you can shoot me a PM. I wish you the best. :)

8th April 2012, 03:51 PM
Sorry to be asking so many questions. Last night my whole body was asleep and I could move my astral toes, but I didn't leave my body. It was a perfect time, I heard voices, sounded like loud thunder and felt like an earthquake. How do you get out of your body? I tried rolling but that didn't work, I did the climbing rope and that didn't work. Would really appreciate some suggestions.


Tracie Regardless of whether you 'actually' leave your body or not, the perception is that you do, therefore I will speak to that.
Sometimes just doing an exit technique is not enough, that is why the program features an energy body loosening exercise before the exit technique. Also, if the trance you're in isn't deep enough, you may get stuck in transit and experience a partial exteriorization.
Many people who project believe they need 'vibrations' to exit, and when they pass they think they've lost their apparent window, and this is a fairly common problem.
So, if you are feeling projection symptoms (whichever ones you get) and the exit technique isn't doing it for you, move back to trance technique, go on to an energy body loosening technique, do a bit of passive observation, and if you are getting clear signals that your focus has shifted, then do the exit technique.

8th April 2012, 03:54 PM
I know what you mean after you starting to hurt after a while. Have you experienced your body starting to move on it's own? Sometimes I think the reason behind people not being able to leave their body are because they try to hard I agree with this. Sometimes when people try very hard, they focus their intent in their body (looking for physical symptoms like vibes or tingling or numbness) and what happens is that they cement themselves in the physical, instead of moving away, which is the opposite of what they're trying to do.

9th April 2012, 02:29 AM
CFT- Yeah! I just had an experience about twenty minutes ago. I just laid down for a nap, not trying to project. I got sleep paralysis 3 times throughout my nap.

The last one I was so close to getting out but I was stuck it seemed. I saw two visions and heard a girls voice say something to me. It seems this happens to me when not trying to astral project. Because, most of the time I do end up focusing on my physical self to much. I just lay there knowing what to expect and try and have positive vibes. Works like a charm everytime. I think it's what I been missing.

17th April 2012, 02:09 AM
I would agree with the point made by thedevil about Astral Projection being more INNER experience, but I wouldn't see any reasoning behind seeing noises as psychic attack. Noises accompanying sleep paralysis is a scientifically explained phenomena and it always accompanies sleep paralysis - no need to have any fear associated with those states. The more we are afraid of them, the more likely we are to see something scary produced by our imagination.

17th April 2012, 05:57 AM
I would agree with the point made by thedevil about Astral Projection being more INNER experience, but I wouldn't see any reasoning behind seeing noises as psychic attack. Noises accompanying sleep paralysis is a scientifically explained phenomena and it always accompanies sleep paralysis - no need to have any fear associated with those states. The more we are afraid of them, the more likely we are to see something scary produced by our imagination.

This is good! I atotally aggree. Fear is often the greatest obstacle and one should just treat these sympthoms as natural and ignore them when trying to exit.

17th April 2012, 01:53 PM
A long time ago, before the mechanism or an OBE separation and bilocation and/or other phenomena were properly understood and catalogued, some mystics believed that certain transition phenomena were attacks. For example, Dion Fortune, a doctor from the last century (or last two centuries, at the end) believed that the hag/paralysis phenomenon was physical, (as in a brain-induced) except for when you feel the weight on you- that she interpreted as an attack. Nowadays, we know about sense memories and neurotransmitters, so a lot of opinions have changed on the matter, and a lot of symptoms can now be attributed to energy body feedback and physical phenomena.
But because the fact is that a good part of these experiences have a nonlocal aspect (even though paralysis is brain caused, vibrations may be a perceptual phenomenon that may be explainable various ways, etc,) there is always interpretation- some may see more of it as externally caused, some may see more things as internally caused.
I for one don't see any of that as externally caused either.