View Full Version : How real is OOB perceptics.

6th April 2012, 09:45 AM
This might be construed as a frivolous question. Please be kind --- it's the only way of finding out by someone who's spent a lifetime failing at this ability and who can't do it.
There's a TV show called 'Visions of Italy'. A helicopter cruises the west coast of Italy a few hundred feet up and a hundred feet off the cliffs. The scenery is UNBELIEVABLE. Castles hanging on the edge of cliffs, rocks, caves..... BEAUTIFUL !!
I have seen beautiful scenery. I have good visio of the experience (visual memory). But it's a pale shadow of the real thing. If I want to really SEE it, I have to go back in my body to view it again.
I see astral travel in the Real Time Zone as being like a combination of Harry Potter and Superman. If you want to get the same visio effect as if your body was floating a hundred feet off the cliffs, you can. Just astral travel there.
Am I expecting or hoping too much --- is it like just imagining a scene, or is it REAL? Please tell me. I am 73 and getting tired of trying. I hate wasting your time but I don't know anyone else who could answer that.

8th April 2012, 01:53 AM
This might be construed as a frivolous question. Please be kind --- it's the only way of finding out by someone who's spent a lifetime failing at this ability and who can't do it.
There's a TV show called 'Visions of Italy'. A helicopter cruises the west coast of Italy a few hundred feet up and a hundred feet off the cliffs. The scenery is UNBELIEVABLE. Castles hanging on the edge of cliffs, rocks, caves..... BEAUTIFUL !!
I have seen beautiful scenery. I have good visio of the experience (visual memory). But it's a pale shadow of the real thing. If I want to really SEE it, I have to go back in my body to view it again.
I see astral travel in the Real Time Zone as being like a combination of Harry Potter and Superman. If you want to get the same visio effect as if your body was floating a hundred feet off the cliffs, you can. Just astral travel there.
Am I expecting or hoping too much --- is it like just imagining a scene, or is it REAL? Please tell me. I am 73 and getting tired of trying. I hate wasting your time but I don't know anyone else who could answer that.

This is mercury1. I just re-read my post, and it sounds as if I doubt the existence of OOB. I DON'T! I've never had an OOB experience in my life, but I have a logical mind and people tell me I'm smart, and I think someone who rejects out-of-hand the idea of a non-physical component to man is wearing blinkers. It's just logic --- I have reasoned with sceptics and given them pause for thought (faraway look, wrinkled forehead etc.etc.). But I want to know, for someone skilled in the art, how vivid it is. People have told me, because I can imagine somewhere else, I have exteriorized to that spot, but it's vague and patchy and I don't think I have. I know there's a gradient to any learning curve, and OOB might range from a certainty that one is separate from one's body, to a separate viewpoint as real and maybe even more vivid than body sight. If the latter is obtainable, it is an ability more valuable than gold and diamonds --- it is without price, and worth any effort. I have maybe 5 or 10 years left, so I have to invest it wisely. I don't know if I'm allowed to amplify my post and I'm too lazy to check. I won't do it again. That's all.

Robert Bruce
8th April 2012, 08:04 AM
As you suggest, OBE perception is variable, from cloudy and indistinct and unreal, to breathtakingly vivid and sharp and real.

The amount of energy body chakra stimulation involved with an OBE tends to denote its vividness and 'memorability'.

Age does not affect OBE ability.

Keep your OBE's very short, 15 seconds out and then dive back in passionately, savagely, shouting success keywords 'I did it' or etc. Then verbalize as you grab a pen to write down key words.

Program yourself to do the above and you'll make better headway.

Also use spoken affirmations to help achieve this, and commands during experiences. Spoken affirmations are the most powerful tool you have to realize this.


16th April 2012, 09:13 AM
Can I reply? Don't know if its permitted --- when it comes to busy you must be up there!! [Yes, you're allowed to reply. Thank you for asking. Robert can lock the thread or just stop replying if he's busy or feels the topic has been sufficiently dealt with. -Mod] Thanks heaps for advice -- I'll concentrate on those points.
I'm retired, so apart from a 1 to 2 hour walk a day I have loads of time. & could spend maybe 6 - 8 hours meditation & energy work. Thing is, like any training, can one overdo it? I've studied all your books & I know the pitfalls (like don't concentrate on upper chakras etc.) I suppose I'll find out the hard way. Byproduct should be I'd be better at healing!
All the best...

16th April 2012, 01:16 PM

17th April 2012, 09:01 AM
Got it --- basically, there are phenomena attendant to 'overcooking' it. So one knows if one is going as fast as is safe. Thanks for the reply,
Regards, mercury1

Robert Bruce
4th May 2012, 06:26 PM
Yes, you can overdo things and become disconnected from reality. We all need to stay grounded in real life.

A few hours meditation and energy work per day is great. I do this. But its best to build up to this as you go.


Can I reply? Don't know if its permitted --- when it comes to busy you must be up there!! [Yes, you're allowed to reply. Thank you for asking. Robert can lock the thread or just stop replying if he's busy or feels the topic has been sufficiently dealt with. -Mod] Thanks heaps for advice -- I'll concentrate on those points.
I'm retired, so apart from a 1 to 2 hour walk a day I have loads of time. & could spend maybe 6 - 8 hours meditation & energy work. Thing is, like any training, can one overdo it? I've studied all your books & I know the pitfalls (like don't concentrate on upper chakras etc.) I suppose I'll find out the hard way. Byproduct should be I'd be better at healing!
All the best...

7th May 2012, 01:43 PM
Hi, thanks for your time.
I don't care about reality. I've spent my life looking for magic. Life is pretty easy for me, and the bad thing is I put more and more of it on automatic, and live a pastel colored life. If nothing else, these practices give me little glimpses of rich color, like little flashes of what a child might see with its wide-open inputs, and being moved with emotions that feel like electricity. I might not get to astral travel this time round, but coming alive like that is worth striving for. I'm not frightened of work or risk or death, but I know the secret of getting somewhere difficult is to keep undercutting the gradient to where one wins, and going on from there. Where I'm at is no great shakes, but it's better that where I was. People who've inspired me are a woman called Joan Grant, and you, and someone else I've felt but never met. Thanks. I am really glad you're there. It must feel really nice to do some good.

Robert Bruce
21st May 2012, 12:43 AM
Everything you wish to realize is inside of you. Be still and make good use of your time. Go within and realize the great I AM within you. Your life is truly blessed with the time and means to do this.
