View Full Version : Third OBE I saw at least 80 entities forming a line. What is this?

Prince Sucio
6th April 2012, 02:08 AM
I'll try to keep this short as shorter questions get priority... And unanswered questions do too.

Readers digest version was I gave an affirmation to be taken to a friends house. I was grabbed by a giant hand and pulled up my street. Facing down my street were around 80 entities standing in two's and three's. Some floating 8 or 5 feet in the air but still in sequence. I had never heard about anything like this and have no idea what it was. That's my question. What was that? Have you ever seen that? Its also important to mention that I had no thought formations of this prior. It was completely surprising.

they were all facing one way and didn't seem to care that I was there.

Ok thank you.

I felt I should mention several more things about the experience because it may or may not yield more information...
1. All the beings were human looking.
2. They were all facing North. On my second OBE I saw a little boy outside and he was facing north.
3. Here is an excerpt from my dream journal on February 15th 2012. "I learned that my street "Little Hollow Place" was somehow a perfect place for portals to come and go. I learned that it had been used by plenty
of visitors to travel to and from. A man was behind this knowledge/operation but I never saw him. Probably the same man who escaped the factory explosion. Might have been the same man who turned negative to positive."

I don't know if these three points are of any relevance but I felt that they should be mentioned in the case that they are. Thanks Robert and everyone helping to maintain this forum. I know I and many extremely appreciate it.

Robert Bruce
8th April 2012, 07:47 AM
There is no rhyme of reason for some of the things you might encounter during OBE. This appears to be an OBE into the 2nd or 3rd astral plane, which are heavily populated with unaware projectors.

To make progress in this area you have to let go of things that do not make sense, and trying to make sense of them will spin you right down the proverbial rabbit hole.


Prince Sucio
12th April 2012, 12:36 AM
Thank you so very much :)

Robert Bruce
27th April 2012, 08:48 AM
PS... this experience is also a version of the 'test of courage' that many experience during early OBE.

The monkey like beings is one version
The dweller on the threshold is another

What you experienced is likely another version.

This makes the experience 'highly memorable' due to fear. This is the reason for the fear inducing scenario, so you will remember it and begin developing obe. And part of this is learning how to face fear and OBE anyway...thus demonstrating courage that is required to obe effectively.
