View Full Version : Finally Mastered Projection!! But still need a littlel help

3rd April 2012, 07:52 PM
Ok its been about 5 years since I started this and I think I can finally say I can project at will within about 15 minutes. This is usually a 95% chance for me. I am stil having some problems though. I can only do this during the day while taking a nap for some reason, but thats fine for me.

Ok so usually I lay down to take a nap and in about 10 mins i can feel body going to sleep, 5 to 10 mins after that I can induce vibrations. After I feel myself lift up, and i usually get stuck against my wall right above my body. I pretty much have lil control from here and float about above my body for around 5 mins (i think) before returning. So i seem to have a problem controlling myself which I think comes from my next problem. I don't know what exactly I am seeing. Theres been time where I think I'm looking around my room but most of the time I am seeing my eyes closed (from myself laying down). Kind of hard to explain... Basically I feel like I need to shift my vision from my body to my projection. Any ideas?

Two other things also. When I do project, I usually hear people talking but I am completely alone when I do this. Also I sometimes feel wind being blown on me. is this astral noise and wind?

Thanks for the help!

3rd April 2012, 09:01 PM
Ok its been about 5 years since I started this and I think I can finally say I can project at will within about 15 minutes. This is usually a 95% chance for me. I am stil having some problems though. I can only do this during the day while taking a nap for some reason, but thats fine for me. Hi J. Nice to see that you're projecting now.

Ok so usually I lay down to take a nap and in about 10 mins i can feel body going to sleep, 5 to 10 mins after that I can induce vibrations. After I feel myself lift up, and i usually get stuck against my wall right above my body. I pretty much have lil control from here and float about above my body for around 5 mins (i think) before returning. Try to direct yourself to a window or a door, even if you have to feel your way out.

So i seem to have a problem controlling myself which I think comes from my next problem. I don't know what exactly I am seeing. Theres been time where I think I'm looking around my room but most of the time I am seeing my eyes closed (from myself laying down). Kind of hard to explain... Basically I feel like I need to shift my vision from my body to my projection. Any ideas? Forget about seeing, when you get far enough away you will automatically get your sight back. Instead try to get outside of your room ASAP.

Two other things also. When I do project, I usually hear people talking but I am completely alone when I do this. Also I sometimes feel wind being blown on me. is this astral noise and wind?
Sounds like it. If you are hearing the wind, this may be separation symptoms, and the voices happen while you're still in-body, but when you dislocate they'll go away.

3rd April 2012, 09:01 PM
Two other things also. When I do project, I usually hear people talking but I am completely alone when I do this. Also I sometimes feel wind being blown on me. is this astral noise and wind?

Hello, JoSac.

I'd say it is astral noise. On my first projection I heard somebody talk and laugh close by - I realised only in hindsight it must have been inside my room, spatially, else my recalled sense impressions would not make sense. No one to be found on that one.

Every time I've entered trance in my first apartment I would heard noises like the neighbours shifting furniture around. I wouldn't make the connection until at some point I realised that neither would the neighbours always do that nor always precisely when I was doing trance exercises...

5th April 2012, 12:00 AM

I should probably start by being honest and saying that for a long time I wa scared to project due to fear of the unknown. But I finally overcame that and am now able to project, but thats about it. Once I do I feel as thought I have no control over myself and cant seem to move, I just float around it feels like. Next time I will try harder to move out of my room. As for the noises, I am almost 100% sure that I was OOB when I herd these. It sounded like 2 guys talking, but like I said, I was completely alone in complete silence. One last thing is that it seems like once I project, within 5 mins I am back in my body. I have never really kept track of the time. I feel like if I was out longer, I would have more time to try and move around and what not. Should I do energy work to increase the length of my projections?

5th April 2012, 02:01 AM
Sure, energy work is always helpful.