View Full Version : is it OBE ?

2nd April 2012, 06:06 PM
I suffer from insomnia ​many years already, it happens to me with a cyclic regularity, but thanks to it about 4 years ago I discovered some amazing ability at my self. I'm so used to my insomnia now that I have stopped fighting with it long time ago. and when it begins, usually I don't go to bed, I read, watch TV or meditate. it lasts about 10 days usually and after that I feel my self totally exhausted. During my insomnia, I sleep at the day time but daytime sleep is not healthy sleep as we know and it doesn't recharge my energy body like the night sleep.

now about my experience.

it happens when I feel my self totally exhausted and in some day during my daytime sleep I lose my conscious, at least it looks like this and sometimes when I wake up I know about all things that occurred during my absence for example someone visited us when I slept or someone died in the neighborhood... but if someone decides to wake me up at this moment, the rude awakening from this state causes me very unpleasant sensations, especially to my heart which starts beating like mad and usually I find that it takes time to me to recover after that.

mr Robert, my experience, is it OBE?

Robert Bruce
3rd April 2012, 12:02 AM
Yes, this sounds to be OBE related.

btw, I suggest you use the 'Journeys out of the body' Hemi Sync CD set, as they are great for insomnia. Play them just below audible threshold and they promote sleep, and also help with spiritual and OBE development.

See http://www.glidewing.com/astraldynamics/products_home.html

These CD's are optimized for surround sound, so you can use them on speakers instead of headphones.

The above site also offers pillow speakers which are designed for this. They are the best, but you can use any set of speakers under or around the bed.
