View Full Version : follow up question for healing storage circut

28th March 2012, 11:55 PM
Hey Rob.

I've been determinded to get my aura veiwing and healing abilites going. I've noticed something strange about the healing circut storage technique. it's strange, as i pull the energy up through my feet it feels....normal? no different then it has.

but after I pull the energy into my heart center then pump it out, there is this intense heat. not uncomfortable but enough to make me sweat alittle kinda like that cream you put on and it heats up, that kind of heat.

I don't understand why it feels that why when it exits my heart center.

I do have another question as well, I don't know how much you know of telepathy, but I know a technique of creating intention inside a energy ball and projecting it. I practice of inanimate objects and I've noticed latly that when I think thoughts the poeple around me soon after do those things I think of.

any thought on that

Robert Bruce
3rd April 2012, 12:51 AM

From all you say, it sounds like you are moving fire element through your system.

This would be a natural fire element flow, natural for you that is.

You can adjust this by consciously working with the elements. See 'Initiation Into Hermetics' by Franz Bardon, or books on Qi Gong energy work, for more on this.

Using energy balls containing intention is a fairly well known occult/magical practice. You are creating thought forms and programming them with simple intentions. This tells you a lot about the nature of mind, if you think about this.


3rd April 2012, 05:19 AM

From all you say, it sounds like you are moving fire element through your system.

This would be a natural fire element flow, natural for you that is.

You can adjust this by consciously working with the elements. See 'Initiation Into Hermetics' by Franz Bardon, or books on Qi Gong energy work, for more on this.


thats strange. I'm a gemini my element should be air.

I do have the pdf iniation into hermetics as well as a bardon companion. also your Energy work book, i treat it abit like a bible =p

durind work I did do practices to abosrb fire element because I read in your book that Fire increases confidence and motivation. could that be why I feel this.

Robert Bruce
4th April 2012, 11:23 AM
This could be the case. Try dumping fire element before working with storing energy.


thats strange. I'm a gemini my element should be air.

I do have the pdf iniation into hermetics as well as a bardon companion. also your Energy work book, i treat it abit like a bible =p

durind work I did do practices to abosrb fire element because I read in your book that Fire increases confidence and motivation. could that be why I feel this.

4th April 2012, 02:23 PM
One comment to add to what Robert said:
As a Gemini, your element may be 'supposed' to be air, but life as it happens changes your predominant traits, since everything and everyone has a combo of elements that constantly take turns being predominant.
For example, I'm a fire element, always have been, but in the past two years, due to certain things my element has gone from fire to water- complete opposites.
Building a soul mirror (as practiced in Bardon's IIH) may be helpful to see what parts of your personality (positive and negative) show a predominance of element, and your elemental meditations, as taught by Robert, may help you balance that.

Robert Bruce
8th April 2012, 07:53 AM
Well said, Amiga....


10th April 2012, 06:01 PM
something occured to me, in Qigong medicine. the heart's element is fire. so maybe healing uses more fire then other elements?

would it be more effective to abosrb the opposite element, water, rather then dumping fire?

I also decided to practice absorbing the other elements Metal and wood

that reminds me, I thought I read somewhere either in energy work or in the healing with the heart section that practicing healing also awakenis other spiritual and psychic abiites did I read that right?

sorry for editing so much but, sometimes I do the healing storage circut with one hand while driving, do you recommend doing that?

10th April 2012, 06:11 PM
Yes, you did. Any kind of meditative work stimulates whatever natural abilities you may have, and energy work, well, 'works it out'. You know, like exercise with the body.

Robert Bruce
27th April 2012, 08:28 AM
It is fine to experiment with these things. This is fun and provides personal experience. I do advise a little research on the elements before diving into the deep end. Read my book 'Energy Work' and books on other systems, TCM, QiGong, etc.

It is also fine to make good use of driving time for energy work.
