View Full Version : Base jumping, a meeting with a guide, and beings in a higher dimension

Neil Templar
28th March 2012, 12:14 PM
I was dreaming about a post-apocalypse futuristic city. Massive skyscrapers had remnants of some kind of transport system running along their tops. What seemed like a kind of track, almost like the one in that game Wipeout, some kind of electromagnetic-field based technology involved. (I'm not sure how i knew this, it just made sense to my mind at the time) Anyway, the bridges between the buildings had disappeared, all that was left was the track on the buildings. I could see how it would have been used to travel the length of the city very quickly...

I had been observing this all from high up above the buildings, as if i was flying. I came down to rest on one of them, and for the first time began to feel like i was in a body of some kind. Then i became more lucid.
"Ok, i'm dreaming here. Right, i'm dreaming."
I said it a few times, and could feel my lucidity solidifying. With every repetition of the words, i became more present within the dreamworld. When i was fully present, able to feel the building as a solid thing beneath my feet, i decided to have some fun. I looked down at the city far below.
There was a large tree-filled park, or perhaps it was an old neighbourhood overgrown with trees? I couldn't make up my mind. I stepped towards the edge of the skyscraper, challenging my fear of heights with the knowledge that i am safe within a dream construct. I stood at the edge, with my back facing out, as if i was about to abseil down the side of the building. Then i let myself fall backwards. :)
What a feeling, freefalling backwards, watching the building shoot up in front of me, knowing the ground is approaching fast, but having no fear of it. I spun around, and took control, flying over the treetops below. I could see some lights beneath the tree cover, and considered going down to check it out, then thought, "no, i wanna go visit someone.." I was about to make a command to try to visit someone i know, but i stopped myself, and said "I wanna visit a higher vibration!"

The dreamworld blurred, like an oil painting that suddenly melted and all the colours ran into each other until all went black, and a new reality materialised before me...

I saw an open door, so i walked thru it into a room. As i walked in, i saw a figure i recognised behind the door. A man i've only glimpsed one time before - a guide i was briefly introduced to in a healing session a few months ago. He was disappearing as i walked thru.
"Hey! I saw you, i know you're there. Show yourself, i wanna talk to you!"
He reappeared where he had been before, grinning at me.
I was very excited. I've been hoping for an opportunity to meet a guide like this, face to face, for a while.
A thousand questions came to mind, and a telepathic exchange began.
I asked question after question, but all were replied with the same answer - "you know the answer to that."
And i did, i felt stupid for asking such foolish questions. I felt like a child, unprepared, flustered.
He simply stood there, with that knowing grin on his face, and told me not to worry about it..
Then i had a thought, not a question, but something i wanted to see.
"Show me a world that actually exists, in a higher dimension."

Again, everything blurred in that oil-painting way, and went black, then we were in a place that is hard to describe.
We were in a world of colour, and geometric shapes. There were beings before me, who were constantly changing shape. They held a particular geometric shape for a second, then shifted to another. I could see faces on them, and could feel their consciousness, but they were unlike any lifeform i could have imagined.
They seemed to exist in a state of constant flux. Pure potential. Their world did too. Nothing had solid form, everything was in flux, shape, colour, size, none of it was unchanging.
I realised i couldn't communicate with these beings, or perhaps i simply believed that i couldn't. They seemed to have an essence that was so unhuman, almost like they were very simple beings, and yet, at the same time, way beyond my comprehension. I was very grateful for having been there tho. I sent a warm expression of love and gratitude to them all, and with that, the experience blurred again, and i woke.

28th March 2012, 01:08 PM
Cool. 8)