View Full Version : heat in the coccyx

27th March 2012, 10:23 PM
Hello mr. Robert.

A few days ago I woke up at midnight because of the intense heat in my coccyx, it was strange sensation but it wasn't painful, just may be unusual..... it is almost two months now since I have been practicing your technique N.E.W. but I've never done any exercise before for this specific area (coccyx), additionally I am doing sitting meditation about every evening from 30 minute to one hour. During my meditation I am usually doing abdominal breathing concentrating my attention on the subnavel area. I also recently started to read your book Astral Dynamics and today during my meditation I remembered about the exercise where you recommend to transfer energy with mental hands from the base chakra into the heart chakra, so I decided to try it just for fun but at the same moment I felt a heat in my coccyx the same way as it happened a few days ago. Do you have any idea about it mr. Robert? Thank you!

P.S I followed your advice and did as you told me, now I feel my dyann tyann area quite good now. thanx again mr. Robert.​

Robert Bruce
2nd April 2012, 11:48 PM

This sensation 'head in coccyx' indicates that your energy body and its chakras are awakening and evolving. This particular sensation can be said to be Kundalini related.

Remember to apply the Golden Rule if energy body sensations become too intense, and take a break if this happens until you feel normal again, before returning to your practices.

All in all, everything looks good here.


12th November 2014, 09:00 PM
That's incredible but about two and half years later since I began to practice NEW I still have that strong pressure on my forehead and on the top of my head, some tingling sensations and cool breeze on my forehead on a daily basis which I got as a "side effect" from practicing NEW. I didn't practice abut a year energy work as you advised me mr. Robert but it didn't change anything. It seems I am unique)) For the past two and half years I overcame a lot of obstacles and fears, I learned astral projection, there were strong side effect from practising meditation when in the middle of the night I have been seeing enormous black spiders in my bedroom and that's why I couldn't sleep without light and it was really terrible coz it was a real phobia but I overcame it too and my next gol now is KUNDALINI)))) woohoo:)

Mr Robert Bruce I am thankful to my destiny for the fact that it brought me with you. :wave:

sorry for my English8)

Robert Bruce
24th November 2014, 07:58 AM
Given what you have said, I recommend you read my book 'the practical psychic self defense handbook' ...invaluable. Anyone undertaking serious spiritual and metaphysical development and training should read this first. This book should be taught in grade five to everyone.

I would not recommend kundalini raising attempts until you are totally stable and at peace. It is, however, fine to learn the skills involved.


24th November 2014, 11:00 PM
I Have been seeing spiders mostly last year, this year several times I have seen black lines which were moving very fast, first they have scared me but later I understood that they aren't attacking me and usually they disappear within a few seconds in front of my eyes. It looks like watching cartoon with open eyes. I think it is somehow connected with my astral vision and it seems in sleep I am going into a very deep altered state of mind... I think it may be connected with my third eye too, I have strong sensations of opening third eye third year already, since I began to practice NEW. I constantly feel energy, tingling sensations, cool breeze and pressure on my forehead and on my crown chakra, sometimes, when I wake up in the morning I know for sure that someone will visit me or someone will call me or some other things...
I have an old version of your self defense book mr Robert and I am definitely going to purchase the new one too.

26th November 2014, 09:26 PM
Since recently I began to feel the same strong pressure on the back of my head as in the sixth chakra directly from the back side of the forehead ... and the pressure on the seventh chakra sometimes is so strong that sometimes I think just a bit more and my skull will break inwards... I don't know what to think but I am sure that it is not because of overstimulation, because when I began to feel this pressure two and half years ago I didn't even stimulate my chakras, I was just storing energy into the sub navel area. Mr Robert, what do you think about it, is it third eye?

27th November 2014, 04:28 PM
Hi Leon. I know you asked Robert but I wanted to mention that in some literatures once you've activated the 'front' part of your chakras (it's how people visualize them) you may be becoming aware of the 'back' part of them.

29th November 2014, 12:58 AM
Thank you very much for your response CFTraveler, I appreciate your opinion. I also heard about what you mean but I meant something different, I just didn't explain it clearly because of my poor english. Robert always says about overstimulation of energy body especially of primary centers when someone asks such kind of questions and advises to follow golden rule and take a brake but I think that the reasons of such kind of symptoms can be different. It's not a joke to have a daily strong pressure on your forehead and on the top of your head and another sensations especially if you have never stimulated this areas directly, there must be some other explanations of it, for example in internet in many places I read that it can be signs of opening the third eye, that's what I meant. I am sure That Robert aware of it, I just wanted to know the professional's opinion, that's why I asked Robert, is it third eye? Because personally I don't believe that overstimulation can be the only reason of such kind of symptoms which lasts by years...:confused:

Robert Bruce
1st December 2014, 01:22 AM
The pressures you describe are likely relating to the third eye and crown chakra.

This can happen even without direct stimulation. Working on your hands, for example, can cause brow and crown activations.

This type of persistent pressure is quite common. It usually eases after a week or two, but in some cases can last for several months or longer. To have this last for years is unusual.

It would be worth seeing a chiropractor or acupuncturist as this may help. The physical body plays its part in such things.

One other thing you can try is to tape a small disk magnet to the middle of your brow. Do a little research on magnets to make sure you use the correct pole. Or use one that does not have a pole. And if this causes problems after a few hours, reverse it.

Note, I recommend that you do not sleep with the magnet attached, or it could make the pressure much worse. I did this many years ago and woke at 3am with a bad pressure headache that lasted weeks.

peace, robert

6th December 2014, 02:07 PM

I think it might be interesting to you mr Robert .

Robert Bruce
11th December 2014, 02:27 AM
This use of body awareness, in the video, to relax and allow the energy to move would be worth exploring.


30th December 2014, 11:29 AM
I followed the instructions from the video and it helped me a lot, it seems the painful sensation of pressure has gone though I am still feeling the energy on my 6th and 7th chakras as if I am wearing a cool energy hat...