View Full Version : Dr. Oz's episode today

24th March 2012, 04:51 AM
I was browsing through my TV channels today before going to work, and I ended up watching Dr.Oz. There was a medium on the show who was talking about the energy body, what she thinks happens after life and so on. The episode isn't online on their website yet, but I'll post it as soon as it is. Anyone else happened to watch it? I thought it was interesting that they would talk about this kind of stuff on a mainstream show.

24th March 2012, 04:44 PM
I think it's one that I had seen before (they're doing repeats now) but I can't find what I had written about it- the search engine refuses to search for 'Oz' because it's too short, and we've tried to change it, but it just wants to do what it wants to do.
IIRC they only dedicate half the segment to it and then go on to boobs. Mm, maybe I should have searched 'boobs'.
IIRC, I might be wrong.