View Full Version : Twice

23rd March 2012, 08:39 PM
I'm on my 43rd day of MAP and have not projected yet. :( My question is, can you do everything twice a day or can you only do them in the afternoon like it says?


23rd March 2012, 08:46 PM
You can change things around to fit your schedule- I prefer to project in the morning, for example, but will do my energy work in the afternoons.
But, doing everything twice a day may burn you out, and it's not something I recommend.
Even though I projected in 30 days when I started (but I redid the first two weeks, due to- you guessed it- exhaustion)- the program is designed to get you out in 90, so don't think you're going too slow or anything.

23rd March 2012, 08:54 PM
Thanks! I'm just getting impatient. The other day everything was buzzing, I heard a voice say 'bump' (I'm the only one in the house that time of day), and then my alarm went off because the 15 minutes were over. Any advice on keeping your spirits up?

24th March 2012, 02:07 AM
The fact that you heard a voice is a good thing, it means that you're reaching that 'sweet spot'. Keep it up, you're doing well.