View Full Version : a spiritual flower?

23rd March 2012, 01:25 PM
my sahasrara practices are based on the lotus burgeoning into it's full bloom, the sahasrara itself is said to be a thousand petaled lotus, hard to imagine no? much less let it bloom to its fullest blossom and unfurl :-)



23rd March 2012, 01:28 PM


18th April 2013, 10:18 PM
one of the best ways to experience the lotus is to wear it like a crown , such regal repose.
Swami Satyananda tells us how to match the breath with it.

19th April 2013, 12:07 PM
Do you have a link for instructions? Are you allowed? TY.

20th April 2013, 04:02 AM
the image above is from Sir Swami Satyanda's book "Kundalini Tantra" , I came across it on tumblr while i was browsing "Kundalini Art" , which I'm happy to report is coming slowly into it's own niche.

The Meditation "Crown Of lotus" is enlisted in the book , I don't have the book with me right now , but since it is my all time favorite meditation I will describe how it's done , this might be different to how exactly it is listed there , it has been years since I first read it so the account is personalized and not verbatim.

*Who can benefit most from this meditation ?
Although this meditation does not focus on solar plexus or the cardiac plexus it still imparts a deep sense of inner peace , in that regard is particularly beneficial for those in bereavement or those undergoing the throes of loss or separation.It affords a profound effect of unison onto the practitioner and eases away the feeling of loss , hurt and separation and assuages heartache .Greater devotion to it's practice is said to have the effect of unison and proximity with divinity.
It is however by design , best suited to the effect of allowing inner best most spiritual self emerge so in that regard boosts the prospect of ascension or spiritual emergence.

*What are the core components of this meditation?
This meditation collates Grounding , Flow of Spinal Energy , Basic Coccygeal Locks , Kundalini Cultivation , Acitivation of the Crown Chakra and through core imaging unlocks deeper inner potential.
The goal of core imaging by focusing on the lotus here is to expose the our deepest inner consciousness to the archetype symbolism which is that of "ascension" and to allow our inner spiritual aspect to "burgeon" and "bloom"
The image here is not used as a point of concentration or focus but rather simply aims to assimilate it within the subconscious and have it respond to it thereafter.That way it it is not too different from exercises focusing on mandalas and yantras.

*What should the meditator stay aware of while making practice?
It is important to keep in mind that this is not an exercise of energetics , the goal here isn't too activate or clear out the chakras or to work on the energy body or to activate any circuitry in particular.This ought be a light easy and pleasurable experience and one which feels particularly palatable to the spiritual faculties.
If at any point it feels laborious , tedious or time consuming it is recommended you start anew or better yet let this flow is an easy delightful manner and come to you on it's own.

20th April 2013, 05:14 AM
Begin by going through images of the lotus flower (you can use the ones in this thread), remember that the significance of the lotus symbol is etched in our antiquity itself , from ancient Egypt to ancient India it has represented our spirituality blooming.The Sahasrara/Crown Chakra itself is depicted as Lotus blooming - that is all we are simply reminding ourselves of.
We all have filters through which we view the world (no "ifs", "buts" or "i don't think so") do away with the wariness , imbibe and assimilate the lotus and let it nestle in your mind's eye.

*Remember the unfurled lotus is your innermost spiritual self and one that's unfurled in it's radiant bloom is one representing your highest evolution.As you open each layer of the lotus you undo locks and barricades which you erase as previous limitations and impediments.

*Begin by seating yourself in a comfortable position.If you have problems keeping your spine straight or feel tired and/or uncomfortable in pose of meditation you're welcome to prop yourself against support.

*Start by making roots , these are coming from your tailbone , the area where your spine ends and the perineum meets the floor and extend outwork in a mesh work concentrically .
Make the stem as a long clear hollow tube going from the roots upwards from the spine and ending in the top of your cranium.
End with making a closed bud of the lotus on the top of your cranium.Imagine this to be the size of a closed clenched fist.

*Take sometime but be very sure to firmly visualize the entire body of the lotus form the root , stem and flower-head , clearly and definitively.This is the energy construct you will be working with , being clear ahead of time will yield in dividends.

*We will now engage in a basic root lock.Imagine a clear "Bolus of Energy" , a ball like sphere of light that forms as you squeeze your genital sphincter and the anal sphincter , in doing so "trapping" the sphere of energy in the between the locks.
This sphere of energy we will propel upwards within the stem as we open the locks.This is done by imagining the lattice work of roots as an inverted "cone" the circular base of which expands outward from the perineum to the ambient area where you sit and meditate.The tapering "spike" of the cone connects the sphere of light from the tailbone and delivers it into the stem.

*As you inhale let the sphere travel upwards from the spine into the cranium and finally into the lotus.
As you exhale expend the energy of the sphere into opening a singular concentric layer of petals from the bud.When you repeat the cycle you will open a second layer of petals around the first layer and so on.

*If you have difficulty coordinating the locks and the movement of energy flow that is in concert your breath you can break up the process till you get a handle on how to move it upwards in coordination of your breathing cycle.
If you have difficulty in connecting the tailbone , the cone and the stem , you can simply first start focusing on opening the lotus in your crown chakra and then afterwards connecting it to the lattice work of the conducting apparatus below.
inhale (the energy moves from downwards into the lotus).
exhale (the energy opens a whorl of circular petals around the bud).

*If you have difficulty in engaging in a complete root lock you can simply "clench" your lower abdominal muscles , once you release the navel lock you can use the feeling of "release" in aiding and expelling the energy upwards.

*After you feel you have opened a sufficient number of layers within the lotus , you can use the composite of energy and the bloom to expand your ajna chakra and the sahasrara chakra outwards from the cranium in a resplendent display of translucent light-like petals , for that you simply revel in the feeling of a blissful flower of light opening within yourself - what better way to end a meditation with? :-)

20th April 2013, 06:35 AM
This is a particularly good diagram of how once the lotus awakens within the center of cranium it starts to fuse with the apparatus of the ajna within the center of the forehead , the kundalini energies enfuse with it and expand the caylx as it flowers over the crown.
We can see here the lattice work of the burgeoning lotus commuting with its primary exoskeleton all the way from the back to the front.

21st April 2013, 01:59 AM

I always liked the simplicity of this video series. at the end of this youtube trailer is a nice, but short, view of the Lotus. Nice authoritative presentation/thread. Thanks Friend

Illuminated Chakras trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8RIOfKj5gE


21st April 2013, 08:39 AM
nice , i'll give it a gander once i get home.

30th November 2017, 11:10 PM
if at any point at all the sahasrara is over-manifesting and the mind in going haywire

spreading it out further does not help.

always lock the points that mark the most immediate proximal points of the circumference that allocates the expansion.

practice bindu bhedan beforehand.


30th November 2017, 11:12 PM
this is the suited merkaba ( it's a non-circular mandala) for the sahasrara , practice is most beneficial



4th December 2017, 07:34 AM
Merkaba, the shape of a photon and fractal of the universe

25th December 2017, 03:55 PM
merkaba is not a fractal of anything its a carefully built vehicle , it takes a year or more for a solid construct , AC is the expert on it.