View Full Version : Art? Attack

Neil Templar
10th March 2012, 05:01 PM
Ok, so this one was a lot of fun this morning.

I am in a large building. It's like a mixture of a school, and a hotel. The hotel part i've been in a few times before.
I'm in a room, with a few guys i went to school with when we were young, primary school, and secondary school.
We are older, adults. Iain has grey hair, which i remark on in a joking way.
I'm not sure if we are actually older than my present age, or not. He certainly looks older than he did the last time i saw a picture of him.

He has a plan... the four of us, are gonna become a human avante-garde work of art.
We're gonna go out into the hotel, and stick up painted squares of paper on the walls. He paints a few right there, and gives us them in small bundles. We are also gonna be the art ourselves. We put on long orange waterproof overcoats, which make us look rather unusual. Then we put on another layer, this time black plastic cloaks with masks built into the hoods. I have a little difficulty when putting mine on. The eye and mouth holes seem to be closed. I take it off and then upon inspection, find that there are zippers and buttons to open, to allow me to breathe and see. It's a bit like a gimp mask, lol.
I put on the cloak, and he hands me a long orange staff, which has a kind of funnel shaped piece at the top end.

We head out, into the corridors of the hotel... each of us in our bizzarre outfits, black and orange plastic freaks, on a mission to confuse the unsuspecting folk out there.
I'm excited, it's fun. We look so weird, and what we're going to do is, on the surface, absolutely pointless. We're not trying to make any kind of statement.
We're simply amusing ourselves, and hoping to leave some people questioning what it is they've been witness to.

In the corridors, we split up, some go downstairs, i go up... I'm now in the top corridor at my high school, where the art dept was... the thru the double doors and on to geography and history depts... i have my bundle of paintings rolled up under one arm. I take one and slap it onto the wall, and another, onto the window in a classroom door. The remaining two, i slap on the wall just past the door. There is no order to the arrangement. Totally random. 4 squares of badly painted brown-orange paper.

I head off down the corridor, and down the stairs at the end, and out the door at the bottom, into the daylight. I run along the grass by the building, then round the corner, where i find the 3 other guys, all standing on the top of a grassy hill, looking down over the countryside. A line of trees runs along the bottom of the hillside. Looking to my right, along the hillside, i see pupils sitting on the grass, some sunbathing, some reading. Looking directly down the hillside, we see a figure looking up at us. He seems to be an authority figure, but seems to be in on our little game. He smiles encouragingly at us, and i receive a telepathic communication from him... i know what i have to do.

Let's really give these people something to remember..

I hold the long staff horizontally, like i am about to joust. Then i launch myself along the hillside, floating about 3ft from the ground...i head directly towards the groups of pupils...
I weave in and out between them, flying within inches of their heads, laughing as i go.
They look at me in shock and disbelief. How can a person be flying?!
The others guys are laughing and applauding behind me.
I continue thru the crowd, following the slope of the ground, until i land in a small hollow, surrounded by trees.
In front of me, is a steeper incline, and a path thru the trees. I level my staff again, and this time, thrust my leg out in front of me, in a kung-fu style kicking posture, and fly on up the hill, passing some more folks at the top.

Up here, i see the grand entrance to the hotel, which i recognise. I've definitely been here a few times before. As i head inside thru the spacious lobby area, i can see a swimming pool outside and below, to my left. A man approaches me, the hotel manager, or someone equally as "important".
He tells me i can't be in here looking like this, covered in paint and wearing an orange and black plastic suit.
I laugh at him and then run thru the hotel. He gives chase. Perfect!
The simple childish pleasure of being chased by a figure of authority, laughing as i go, what fun!
I bound up some stairs, round a corner, and find a door. It is extremely tall, just tall enough for my long staff to fit vertically.
I go inside, into a pitch black space. I close the door. All is dark, all is silent...

I woke up laughing. :D

11th March 2012, 01:11 AM