View Full Version : the static rain phenomenon

8th March 2012, 01:54 AM
hello sir!

inspired by your manifestation and healin videos i started doing affirmations on seeing the energy. a week later something happened.

when i relax and gaze at the sky, i can see a multitude of tiny sperm-like particles. they move fast and chaoticaly and sometimes they are slower with pulse-like rhythm added to their collective movement.

it is also somewhere in front of me but i can't tell how far.

also it's easier to spot during the day and nearly impossible after sunset.

EA Koetting named something like this static rain, but my shaman friend who actually sees auras regularly says that this is some eye trick and not really the energy. my other friend thinks it is energy from the sun, while i kinda think it has something to do with rendering engine of the matrix which we experience.

what is this? can you please explain or tell me if this has been discussed before.

EDIT: these particles are different from standard floaters in the lens of of eyes. theye are fat and lazy and react to the eye movement. on the other hand, particles which i speak of act completely differently.
thank you

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 10:08 AM
I see these too.

I think this is prana or chi.

At times you may also be seeing air elemental beings, sylphs.
