View Full Version : Gong!

Neil Templar
2nd March 2012, 01:19 AM
I can't recall the start of this adventure, my recall begins with myself and three females in a strange land, by the sea.
One of the females seems to be a love of mine from many years ago, the other two are less prominent.
Elementals?? They would certainly fit the usual behaviour pattern of the elementals - one (mental) being more active than the other two, but i can't be sure, and certainly wasn't thinking about it during the experience.

We are by the sea, walking along a stone pier. We come to an old looking metal structure, as large as a house. It has curved walls, a kind of kidney shaped looking building, from my perspective.
It has a name, a four lettered word, which i cannot recall now, something like ALGI, or ILGU, something like that. Not a word i recognise.

A voice (in my mind) tells me it is a gong. A huge mechanised gong.
I hear sounds coming from within, the mechanism is active, moving parts click and creak together inside.
I begin to imagine the sound this massive gong could make, I tell the 3 girls to move away from the thing, and prepare for an ear shattering...

Instead, a subtle frequency of vibration comes from the bowels of this huge structure.
Then another, and another.
I can hear, and feel, each layer of frequency build upon the last, until i am aware of many frequencies and tones resonating in the air and thru my being.

All of a sudden, i am about 100ft up in the air, looking down on the scene.
I see the 3 girls, by the structure.
I realise that the vibrations have literally vibrated me out of my body into a higher frequency body.
Then, as i look down, i see another set of the 3 girls appear, in a different location around the other side of the structure. I understand that i am now seeing the girls in a different time location. That i am existing outside of time, and able to witness more than one time location at once... Then yet another set of the 3 girls appears, so now there are 3 sets of 3 girls, below me, in various time locales, going about their business.

I hover, enjoying the unusual perspective i have... :)

2nd March 2012, 03:11 AM
That's cool. :-)

Neil Templar
2nd March 2012, 12:01 PM
I wonder if meditating on the memory of this might allow me to achieve the vibrations and get OOB...