View Full Version : Question about affirmations for child with autism/adhd

1st March 2012, 08:53 PM
I have a few questions regarding an affirmation for my daughter of 7 who has austism/adhd symptoms and developmental problems, e.g. she can't make phrases of more than 2 words and is at the level of a 3 year old.

(It has been a long journey of detoxifying vaccines, diets, natural supplements, chiropractors, an atlas correction and finally realizing I needed to work on myself too to get her to improve. She sees auras all the time and knows exactly when you're trying to trick her and -as kids do- of course she learns by imitation. You could say she is the result of my wrong thought patterns. I had a rather rough childhood and I'm working on letting all the anger, sorrow and wrong attitudes go as we speak.)

Then I stumbled upon the works of Edgar Cayce and I found an affirmation:


It sort of sounded like this affirmation would 'cover it all'. The problems in her gut, her central nervous system and her brain.


1. I have to do the affirmations when she's already asleep, because she won't fall asleep when I'm still talking to her. I'm not entirely sure if this is ok because Cayce speaks of 'suggestive therapeutics', making it sound like my daughter would really have to hear the affirmation? Which is a bit weird because her conscious self wouldn't really understand the words anyway. Is it ok to do this when she's already asleep and I just change the phrase into 'while you are sleeping'?

2. Now, I'm sure it doesn't matter to the Higher Self what tongue I speak, but it's simply easier for myself to put stronger intent into the affirmation when it's in my native tongue (Dutch). Is that ok?

3. Can I also do these affirmations when she's at school and I'm at home looking at a picture of her or will this have less effect?

Grateful greetings

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 10:01 AM

1. I have to do the affirmations when she's already asleep, because she won't fall asleep when I'm still talking to her. I'm not entirely sure if this is ok because Cayce speaks of 'suggestive therapeutics', making it sound like my daughter would really have to hear the affirmation? Which is a bit weird because her conscious self wouldn't really understand the words anyway. Is it ok to do this when she's already asleep and I just change the phrase into 'while you are sleeping'?

Yes, the subconscious is more receptive during sleep and deep relaxation. You can also record the affirmation and play it on repeat just below the threshold of normal hearing - the subconscious will still hear this.

You can also combine this with Hemi Sync frequencies.

2. Now, I'm sure it doesn't matter to the Higher Self what tongue I speak, but it's simply easier for myself to put stronger intent into the affirmation when it's in my native tongue (Dutch). Is that ok?

I suggest you use your native tongue for this. But you could use English if you record them.

3. Can I also do these affirmations when she's at school and I'm at home looking at a picture of her or will this have less effect?

Yes. This is a form of distance healing. You can combine energy healing with this (see my book 'Energy Work')


18th March 2012, 08:02 PM
Thank you for your reply, it is much appreciated.

1. It was suggested to me that I update the affirmation to more modern speak and to leave out the 'normal' part. Like this:

"You are a perfect child of God. Your body and mind work perfectly, you understand and feel and communicate with ease. You are happy and healthy."

2. I had thought about recording it as well, but as far as the hemi-sync goes, wouldn't that mean she would have to be wearing earphones at night? There is no way I can get her to wear those while asleep unless simply playing it from a tapeplayer next to her pillow also works? I could get her to listen to some hemi-sync songs during the day though, as she does like listening to music with headphones then.

3. Yes. This is a form of distance healing. You can combine energy healing with this (see my book 'Energy Work')

Thanks, I've just started reading the book and doing the hand-feet exercises. Visualisation did nothing for me and this is the first time I actually felt the energy work I did! This is super!

4. I also feel attracted to Tibetan mantras. I stumbled upon one that was particularly recommended for remote healing (the "Om apadamapa hataram dataram sarva sampadam, loka bi ramam shri ramam buyo buyo namam yaham") Despite that it's a very long one, I don't find it all too difficult. I do not fully understand the dynamics yet though. Does it send healing energy/intention or is it like a prayer to some astral deity asking for help?

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 11:37 PM
Thank you for your reply, it is much appreciated.

1. It was suggested to me that I update the affirmation to more modern speak and to leave out the 'normal' part. Like this:

"You are a perfect child of God. Your body and mind work perfectly, you understand and feel and communicate with ease. You are happy and healthy."

Yes, the shorter and more succinct an affirmation the better it will work. Simple and direct is best.

2. I had thought about recording it as well, but as far as the hemi-sync goes, wouldn't that mean she would have to be wearing earphones at night? There is no way I can get her to wear those while asleep unless simply playing it from a tapeplayer next to her pillow also works? I could get her to listen to some hemi-sync songs during the day though, as she does like listening to music with headphones then.

If you use the 'Journeys Out of Body' CD's, they will work on speakers, as they are optimized for surround sound. And they can be set to play at just below the normal threshold of hearing so they will not disturb sleep. They also help to promote sleep. If you do this, alternate the CD's, B, C, and D every few days, as if you use the same one all the time it will lose its effectiveness.

3. Yes. This is a form of distance healing. You can combine energy healing with this (see my book 'Energy Work')

Thanks, I've just started reading the book and doing the hand-feet exercises. Visualisation did nothing for me and this is the first time I actually felt the energy work I did! This is super!


4. I also feel attracted to Tibetan mantras. I stumbled upon one that was particularly recommended for remote healing (the "Om apadamapa hataram dataram sarva sampadam, loka bi ramam shri ramam buyo buyo namam yaham") Despite that it's a very long one, I don't find it all too difficult. I do not fully understand the dynamics yet though. Does it send healing energy/intention or is it like a prayer to some astral deity asking for help?

Mantras can be said to generate particular states of consciousness, like music generates particular emotional states, as well as connecting to beneficial sources of consciousness.


31st March 2012, 06:28 PM
Wonderful, thank you. I purchased the digital download of Journeys out of the Body, transferred it to my Ipod and bought a set of minispeakers only then to find out there is also something called pillowspeakers. I ordered me a pair of those too, but it seems even with the speakers set up under her bed, she's already sleeping sounder. :)

Robert Bruce
2nd April 2012, 11:43 PM

You should try this yourself.

Remember to alternate the CD's and change what you are using every few days. B, C, and D, do not have any words and so are most suitable for this, set on repeat. If they are not alternated, the mind builds a resistance to them and they will stop working at some point if this is not done.


Wonderful, thank you. I purchased the digital download of Journeys out of the Body, transferred it to my Ipod and bought a set of minispeakers only then to find out there is also something called pillowspeakers. I ordered me a pair of those too, but it seems even with the speakers set up under her bed, she's already sleeping sounder. :)